Montana Farm to School Month
Celebrate Farm to School Month

National Farm to School Month is a great time to offer up meals featuring Montana-grown foods or take a field trip to visit a nearby farm! In October 2013, Superintendent of Education Denise Juneau declared October as Farm to School Month in Montana! Read the Proclamation here. There are many great ways to celebrate Farm to School Month whether you are a student, teacher, parent, food service director, farmer, or community member. Consider the following ways to celebrate:
- Put Montana foods on the tray - Consider serving up these Montana foods from each section of MyPlate: apples (fruit), squash (vegetable), wheat (grain), beef or lentils (protein) and milk (dairy). Learn about why these Montana foods are great for building healthy bodies and minds with these facts. Try out the following standardized recipes:

- Embark on food and agricultural explorations! - Go on a farm field trip or bring a food producer or chef into the classroom to talk about what they do. There are many other fun in-class activities that connect perfectly with Montana standards.
- Connect with your community - Consider hosting a harvest dinner at the school cafeteria or other community location.
- Participate in Montana Crunch Time - Each October, a date is set for all Montanans to crunch into locally grown or raised food in celebration of National Farm to School Month and Montana’s agricultural bounty. Learn more about Montana Crunch Time.
Additional Resources
Download the Farm to School Month 2017 Fact Sheet
Download the Farm to Preschool During Farm to School Month Fact Sheet
Download Farm to School Month Posters: 11"x17" | 11"x8.5"
National Farm to School Month
This site has numerous resources from activity and menu ideas to posters to a communications
toolkit to help you promote your activity.
Webinar: Montana Farm to School Month—Ideas and Resources – October 2012
Get ideas of ways to celebrate Farm to School Month from around Montana. Also, find
resources that are available nationally and in Montana. Hosted by Montana Rural Health
Farm to School Month Teacher Toolkit
Created by Gallatin Valley Farm to School, this toolkit provides activity ideas and
helpful tips for conducting farm field trips.
National Farm to School Month Celebration Toolkit
This Celebration Toolkit includes background information, activity ideas, communications tools, and a list of resources for implementing Farm to School Month celebrations in your community.
Share how you are celebrating at our Share Your Story page.