April 2022 Edition

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April 2022

“Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.”

-- Doug Larson


Let’s Talk Drop-in Consultation Hours


(various times and locations)

Counseling and Psychological Services is hosting Let's Talk Drop in hours! No appointment needed, first come, first-served. "Drop in" and consult with a CPS counselor for help with a specific concern or to learn more about counseling and other services on campus.


Friday, April 15: University Day (no classes); offices open.

Friday, April 29: Last day for master’s and doctoral comprehensive examination or thesis/dissertation defense if student plans to graduate Spring 2022.

Friday, May 6: Last day for approval of thesis, dissertation, or professional paper (if the professional paper is submitted to the library) by the Formatting Advisor. Recommended submission 1-2 weeks earlier.

Thursday, May 12: Last day of classes. Spring Semester ends. Last day to withdraw Graduation Application and file for One-credit Extension

Friday, May 13: Spring Commencement 2021

Monday, May 16: First six-week and 12-week sessions, classes begin. One-credit Extension deadline.


"Invite the Dean"

Craig would like to get out and meet groups of graduate students in your labs, research, or study spaces. If you would like to host the dean for a ~30min. informal chat, please contact craig.ogilvie@montana.edu

Resources to Help with the Transition from Box to OneDrive

The MSU Community is just a few days away from the completion of our data migration to Microsoft OneDrive.

Important reminders: 

  • Do not move or delete the BoxMigratedData folder in your OneDrive. 
  • Continue working in Box until April 1 
  • April 1: Box account access will be disabled at 5 p.m. 
  • April 2-3: DO NOT WORK in the OneDrive BoxMigratedData folder during this period. Finalization of all data syncs from Box to the BoxMigratedData folder in OneDrive will take place during this time. 
  • April 4: Begin working in your OneDrive BoxMigratedData folder Follow the During Migration page to stay informed 
  • Visit for more information: https://www.montana.edu/uit/boxtransition/during_migration.html

Workshops & Events

Mindfulness can help reduce anxiety

We are nearing the final weeks of the semester. As exciting as that is, the last half of the semester can trigger intense anxiety and be overwhelming for some students. University Health Partners (UHP) is encouraging students to learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of anxiety and look for ways to reduce it so they can maintain their motivation and focus, improve academic performance and finish the semester strong. Mindfulness is defined as “intentionally placing one’s attention on the present moment;” this means that focusing on the present moment for a few minutes per day can actually equip you to handle stressful and anxiety-provoking situations more effectively in the future. UHP offers several options for learning more about mindfulness.

Your Thesis/Dissertation: Copyright, Research Data, Writing, Formatting, Resources

Wednesday, April 6, 1-2 p.m.

Via WebEx

Join the Graduate School, the MSU library, and the Writing Center for an Electronic Thesis & Dissertation (ETD) Workshop. We will be discussing the ETD formatting, submission and publication process, as well as how your research will be archived at the Library.

Our agenda:

  • ETD process overview
  • Formatting tips and resources
  • Overview of ScholarWorks
  • Creative Commons and copyright
  • Q & A
  • Writing Center Services

Diversity – Disability and Inclusivity

Thursday, April 7, 9 a.m.-12noon

SUB Ballroom D

In this workshop, participants will consider the concept of disability and its classifications, reflect on their socialization of ability and disability, and explore ableist bias and microaggressions.  More affirmative and inclusive practices as it relates to ability status will be reviewed and participants will have an opportunity to consider ways to implement these in their work at MSU. 

994-Calling! with Peter Buerhaus

Monday, April 25, 4-5 p.m.

SUB #235 and via WebEx

Peter Buerhaus, professor of nursing, will “tell his story,” including some fun background, where he trained, how he came to MSU and a few key highlights on research and scholarship. Refreshments will be served.

Join the Gender Equity Alliance

The Gender Equity Alliance, formerly known as the President’s Commission on the Status of University Women, cultivates gender equity at Montana State University by addressing barriers, developing relationships with partners, and creating shared accountability for sustainable change. Positioned within the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Gender Equity Alliance is launching an effort to recruit members that represents diverse voices with intersecting identities across the gender spectrum.

The Gender Equity Alliance is seeking staff, undergraduate and graduate students, tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty and community members who are interested in working together to champion and promote visibility of gender equity in metrics, assessment, policies, practices and procedures.  

We understand that change takes time, but we are working towards the future where gender does not determine success. 

Join the group by answering just a few questions herebyApril 15, 2022.

Spring ePortfolio Development Workshops

Various dates and times

Locations TBD
Are you interested in professional development, exploring your college, and connecting and networking with fellow students? Join us for Spring semester ePortfolio Workshops to begin building your personal brand, collecting experiences, and preparing yourself for life beyond college! Workshops will focus on reflecting on progress made over the past year, polishing up content in your ePortfolio, and peer workshops to get feedback from other students. 

Pollinator Symposium

Thursday, April 21, 6-9 p.m.

Norm Asbjornson Hall #201

The MSU Pollinator Health Center will host a Pollinator Symposium, featuring short research talks by MSU graduate students, pollinator films, and a Q&A session with local bee experts.

Making the Most of Your Presentation

Saturday, April 2, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

MMEC conference room

Strong presentation skills are a key to success for researchers, engineers, and many other professionals. Yet many speakers are at a loss to tackle the task. Systematic as they usually are in their work, they approach speaking intuitively or haphazardly. In this interactive workshop, Jean-luc Doumont proposes a systematic way to prepare and deliver an oral presentation, including structure, slides, and delivery, as well as stage fright.

MSU Student Research Celebration

Thursday, May 5, 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Graduate & undergraduate students from all academic disciplines will present their research and creative projects to the MSU community. This event is free and open to the public. Please attend to support MSU research and scholarship!

MSU Library OER Grants Info Session

Friday, April 1, 10:15-11 a.m.

Heathcote Classroom (Library Lower Level - Basement)

Considering applying for a MSU Library OER grant? Join us for a brief information session on the Library's open education grants, types of projects we are looking for, the application process, and any other questions you may have about this grant process.

Two places for Graduate Writers to get support: Writing Center & NCFDD

National Center for Faculty Diversity & Development (NCFDD)

The NCFDD offers a 14-day Writing Challenge and a Dissertation Success Curriculum for doctoral candidates focused on finishing their dissertations. MSU has an Institutional Membership with the NCFDD. All faculty, staff, postdocs and graduate students have access to a range of resources designed to increase your writing productivity, work-life balance, and overall academic success. By activating your Individual Subaccount, you can take advantage of these resources.

MSU Writing Center services for Graduate Writers

Assessing Writing from Multilingual Writers

Thursday, April 7, 1-2 p.m.

Wilson Hall, 1-114

Writing functions as an important assessment tool. However, surface features of writing and cultural assumptions of a text can often overly influence how a student’s work is evaluated. This workshop will discuss how faculty and TAs can prioritize assessing a student’s knowledge of course content, not penalizing them for the types of errors that accompany the language acquisition process.

Responding to Student Writers: A Workshop for GTAs

Wednesday, April 13, 11 a.m.-12 noon

Wilson Hall, 1-114

Does your work as a GTA require grading and/or responding to student writing? While grading criteria vary, there are guiding principles that can make commenting on student writing easier and more efficient. This workshop will cover underlying theory on what novice writers need from instructor comments and provide suggestions for how to approach that stack of papers.


The MSU Writing Center offers ongoing support to students working on graduate-level writing.

One-on-one appointments are available both in-person and online with graduate or undergraduate peer tutors: Make a tutoring appointment.

Interdisciplinary graduate writing groups are a small group of graduate students who meet regularly to work on improving their own writing and give feedback to others. Learn more and sign up.

Focus Fridays are a weekly “write with us” time for grad students to work alongside each other, in Wilson 1-114 every Friday from 9 a.m.-12 noon, for as much or as little of that time as you'd like. No need to register. Tutors will be available to answer questions.For more information, visit our website or contact the Assistant Director of WAMSU, Erin Strickland, at erin.strickland@montana.edu or (406) 994-5314.

Funding and Fellowships

Identify scholarships and research funding for your graduate education

  • Visit the Grad School fellowships page, scroll to “External Funding Opportunities” and expand “SPIN funding alert service” for instructions.
  • The University of Illinois has an excellent Fellowship Finder featuring awards that are open to grad students from any university. It features several filters to aid your search.

Graduate Leadership Academy

Deadline: May 16, 2022

As part of the GradCat 360 professional development framework, the Graduate Leader-ship Academy is now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 year. Participants will explore leadership and inclusivity through workshops and group projects focused on theoretical and practical perspectives. Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a $500 scholarship award. For more program information and how to apply, visit the Grad Leadership Academy page.

Distinctive Collections Travel & Access Award

Application Period Now Open

Deadline: April 4, 2022

The Distinctive Collections Travel & Access Award is a collaboration between the Ivan Doig Center, Friends of MSU Library, & MSU Library's Archives & Special Collections (ASC). $2,500 will be awarded to facilitate research using collections held by ASC. Deadline to apply is Monday, April 4.

Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program (SCGSR)

Application Period Now Open

Deadline: May 4, 2022

The goal of the Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program is to prepare graduate students for science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) careers critically important to the DOE Office of Science mission, by providing graduate thesis research opportunities at DOE laboratories. The SCGSR program provides supplemental awards to outstanding U.S. graduate students (US citizens or lawful permanent residents) to pursue part of their graduate thesis research at a DOE laboratory/facility in areas that address scientific challenges central to the Office of Science mission. The research opportunity is expected to advance the graduate students’ overall doctoral thesis while providing access to the expertise, resources, and capabilities available at the DOE laboratories/facilities. Deadline to apply is Wednesday, May 4 at 5 p.m. Eastern time.

Pathways to Science

Pathways to Science offers programs and resources for prospective and current STEM graduate students – including funding opportunities and professional development programs and resources. They list lots of great options, like this one for AI/AN students.

For more funding opportunities, visit MSU’s Research Funding Opportunities or the Graduate School’s Funding & Fellowships webpage.

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March 2022 - Mid-Semester Update

February 2022 - Spring Events

November 2021 - End of Fall Semester

October 2021 - Mid-Semester update

September 2021 - First month of Fall semester

August 2021 - Beginning of Fall semester

June 2021 - Upcoming Fall, GA opportunities

April 2021 - End of Spring semester

March 2021 - Career opportunities

February 2021 - Spring Events

January 2021 - Assistantships and scholarships