April 2021 - Archive Edition

 Grad School Help Desk Newsletter Header

APRIL 2021

To keep up with updates and messages from the Graduate School, visit our Announcements page.

The Grad School Help Desk Newsletter is here to help you with dates, funding opportunities, upcoming workshops, and graduate events. Let us know if there is anything you’d like to see or anything we missed.


The Graduate School


Apr 2 University Day holiday (no classes)

Apr 21 Last day for master’s and doctoral comp exam or thesis/dissertation defense if planning to graduate in Fall 2020.

Apr 26 Last day for approval of ETD by the Formatting Advisor

Apr 30 Spring Semester ends. Last day to withdraw Graduation Application and file for One-credit extension.


Announcement: Online Graduation Application

The Graduate School is happy to announce that we are moving to an online graduation application in MyInfo. Summer 2021 is our first fully online graduation cycle. Detailed instructions are forthcoming from degreesandcertificates@montana.edu.

Announcement: Graduate Wellness Champion openings

A $500 fellowship is available for graduate student Wellness Champions who will advocate and organize well-being events in their departments. This fellowship is to support the student for organizational work during the academic year. If you are interested, visit the Wellbeing page for the position description and to apply.

Announcement: FGH applications are open

Applications for Family & Graduate Housing are open for students considering this option. If you are a graduate student, or a student with a family (spouse, partner, and/or dependents) and are interested, view more information at montana.edu/fgh

Announcement: Toastmasters club invitation

The Mountains & Minds Toastmasters Club at MSU is open to new members, offering resources for speaking, presentation, and other professional skills. Graduate students who have joined Toastmasters have benefited when presenting at conferences, defenses, and more. Refine your communication skills one-on-one and in front of an audience; students can also earn the Communication Development Certificate at MSU. For more information, visit the Toastmasters page or contact Bryce Hughes at Bryce.hughes@montana.edu with questions.

Announcement: Graduate Assistantships

The Department of Education wants to highlight available graduate assistantship opportunities.

Data Wrangling in R

Wednesday, Mar 31 from 3:10-5pm
Where: Online

In this workshop, you will learn how to manipulate data in R using the dplyr and tidyr packages. Register atmontana.edu/datascience/training. The Online R Workshops are co-organized by the Library, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Statistical Consulting & Research Services.

Grad Leadership Academy Applications due

Applications due: Apr 9

As part of the GradCat 360 professional development framework, the Grad Leadership Academy, formerly the Inner Mountain Leadership Program, is now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 year, due April 9.

This program consists of individual workshops and meetings with cohort members. Participants will explore leadership and inclusivity through theoretical perspectives as well as direct application. Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a $500 scholarship award.

ETD Workshop

Thursday, Apr 8 from 12-1pm
Where: WebEx

Are you writing a thesis or dissertation? Whether you are just getting started, or are in your last semester, join a discussion with the MSU Library, the Graduate School, and the Writing Center to learn about the ETD writing and submission process, and how your research is archived at the Library and other library data services. Join us on our ETD Virtual Workshop.

Global Recovery: Leadership amidst Israel’s COVID-19 Crisis Response

Tuesday, Apr 6 at 10am
Where: Virtual

World-renowned experts in foreign affairs and Israeli COVID-19 Vaccine Response, Deputy Consul General Matan Zamir and Nadav Davidovitch, M.D. MPA, PhD will present on the lessons and leadership involved within Israel’s vaccine success, as well as the importance of global collaboration during the “Global Recovery” event.

Mary Robinson: Leadership & Climate Justice

Thursday, Apr 8 at 11am
Where: WebEx

The Montana State University Leadership Institute presents ”Leadership and Climate Justice”, a virtual event featuring former President of Ireland and leading climate justice advocate, Mary Robinson. This virtual event will take place at 11:00 am on April 8 through a Webex platform. Tickets are free to students and under a  “pay-what-you-can” model for the public. 

MSU Writing Center services for Graduate Writers

Where: Online

The MSU Writing Center is here to support graduate students!

Online Writing Studios

The MSU Writing Center will again offer online writing groups for graduate students who want to learn more about writing and improve their own writing at the same time. The goal of a writing studio is to create a supportive writing community of fellow graduate students who give feedback on written work, regardless of how complete the draft is. Writing studios are collaborative, non-evaluative spaces. Studios will be facilitated by a Writing Center tutor using Microsoft Teams and will consist of an asynchronous component where group members post, read and comment on each other’s work, followed by a synchronous, one-hour video meeting.   

To sign up for a graduate writing studio, please fill out this google form: https://forms.gle/miF3YnncW96e9ipdA

Focus Fridays

Focus Friday is an opportunity for graduate students to participate in an online writing community and to connect with other graduate students working on major writing projects. 

Every Friday this semester (excluding university-sanctioned holidays), check-in with each other and then write between the hours of 9 am and noon. You decide how much time you will dedicate to writing and set an achievable goal for yourself. During the check-ins, you can ask the group for feedback or simply share your successes and frustrations. Join every Friday or as your schedule allows:  Follow this link to join the Focus Friday Team. Focus Fridays are open to all graduate students, all disciplines, and all stages and comfort levels with writing.

For more information and or to register for a writing group, visit the Writing Center’s page for Graduate Writers.


Seed Grant Program


The Montana State University Outreach and Engagement Council (OEC) invites proposals for FY22 Outreach and Engagement Seed Grant funds. Engagement is a critical component of the MSU Strategic Plan, Choosing Promise. The program goal is to promote engagement activities that involve faculty, students and staff in partnership with local and regional constituents to address the needs of citizens in Montana and beyond. The grants are intended to encourage external and multidisciplinary partnerships and to leverage additional funds for engagement activities when possible.

Montana State Conservation Innovation Grants


NRCS is announcing the availability of CIG funding to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies. Applications are accepted from eligible entities for projects carried out in the state of Montana. A total of up to $225,000 is available for the Montana CIG competition in FY 2021. All non-federal entities (NFE) and individuals are invited to apply, with the sole exception of federal agencies. Projects may be between one and three years in duration. The maximum award amount for a single award in FY 2021 is $75,000.

For more funding opportunities, visit MSU’s Research Funding Opportunities or the Graduate School’s Funding & Fellowships webpage.

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