Four leaf green clover with white "H"'s in each leaf clipart.       

Image of the funding advance request form     Alternatively, download a printable 4-H Funding Advance Request Form.

Guidelines for a funding advance request can be found in the Operating Policies of the respective board from which you are requesting advanced funds. Funding advances may be provided to any member, volunteer, or family in need of funds to pursue and/or complete a 4-H registration, function, or event that exceeds or would otherwise prohibit participation und the standard protocol of reimbursements for such opportunities.

Special Instructions:

  • If funding advance request is for travel, this form must also be turned in with a Travel Authorization Form.
  • Proper documentation must be kept of any and all expenses by proof of itemized receipts and turned in to the Extension Office immediately upon use/disbursement of advanced funds.

Participant Information

Member Name:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent/Guardian Email:
Parent/Guardian Phone:


Member Signature:
Parent/Guardian Signature

By my signature I understand any advances shall be used only for purposes noted here and that align with Montana 4-H and Cascade County 4-H policies. Likewise, I will adhere to the 4-H Code of Conduct and all other rules and regulations set forth. All receipts following the event/travel will be turned into the Extension Office within fourteen (14) days. If for any reason I do not attend the event or turn in receipts with all supporting documentation it will cause a financial obligation to me and may require that I payback all advanced funds.

Officer Signature:
Extension Agent Signature:

Supplemental Information

Please share a statement of financial need.





The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status.