You must speak with a club Organizational Leader before registering for a 4-H club in ZSuite.

4-H clubs are groups of youth and volunteers who meet on a regular basis, usually monthly. Meetings give youth opportunities to share project work, plan community service activities and practice running meetings. 

Each member must select a club to join. Families are encouraged to explore different clubs and are not required to stay with a club if meeting times, goals, or membership requirements do not meet expectations. However, a primary club should be selected for the year no later than November 1st of the current year or within two months of enrollment (whichever comes first).

Clubs are a great way to get to know peers, learn about other projects, participate in service learning projects, work as a team to make decisions, understand how to run a business meeting, and hold an office. Clubs are youth driven with the support of adult leaders and parents. 

What to consider when selecting a club:

  • What day and time does the club meet?
  • Are you able to make the majority of meetings and be an active and contributing member?
  • Are you able to meet all the club membership requirements of that club? ex: attendance, record books, demonstrations
  • Is it a small club or a large club?
  • Are there members the same age as my children?
  • Are there members/leaders that have similar project interests that can help my child(ren) navigate their projects?
  • Is the club accepting new members?
  • When visiting the club, were the members engaged in the decision making and leadership of the club or was it more driven by the adults in the room?
  • How can parents help this club flourish? (ex: help lead a project, bring snacks, plan recreation, provide meeting space, etc)

Cascade County 4-H Club Details

Current club meeting details updated October 1, 2024.

You must speak with a club Organizational Leader before registering for a 4-H club in ZSuite.
Please remember to call the Organizational Leader prior to attending a meeting.


  • Club Organizational Leaders, Alena Standley, Todd Standley, Bill Ogg
  • Best Contact: Email both Alena at and Bill at
  • Club located in the Cascade area

Big Sky Explorers

  • Club Organizational Leader, Brittney Asmussen
  • Best Contact: Email Brittney at
  • Meet the second Tuesday of each month, 3:45 p.m. - 5:15pm at leader/members home
  • Emphasis on record book completion, parent involvement, community service, and MT State Fair, please email leaders for club membership requirements members

Chesnut Valley

  • Club Organizational Leaders, Misty Ayers and Nichole Pieper
  • Best Contact,
  • Meet the second Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. at the Cascade Library

Circle S

  • Club Organizational Leader, Shantel Herman
  • Best Contact,
  • Meet the second Sunday of each month, 4:00 p.m. at the Simms High School
  • Members must attend a minimum of five meetings and one community service event. Write down three project goals on record books; Horse & Livestock Project focused, but all project interest is welcome

Creative Clovers

  • Club Organizational Leader, Ashley Adkins
  • Best Contact, 
  • Meet the first Monday of each month, 6:00 p.m. at the Extension office
  • Communication Project emphasis, but all project interest is welcome

Eden Livestock

  • Club Organizational Leader, Jill Mackey
  • Best Contact, or 406-736-5573
  • Meet the thrid Sunday of each month 5:00 p.m. at Eden Hall, Great Falls
  • Must take at least one Livestock Project/Animal Husbandry based Project, currently recruiting memberships outside the 15-mile residential area

Galloping Guns

  • Club Organizational Leaders, Katrin Emrich, Laura Steichen, and Heather Schriver 
  • Best Contact, 406-771-9002 (Laura Steichen) 
  • Meet the second Tuesday of each month 
  • Membership concentrated in the Bootlegger area

Giffen Coulee

  • Club Organizational Leader, Melanie Paul
  • Best Contact, Melanie at
  • Meet the second Sunday of each month, 3:00 p.m. at the Sand Coulee Fire Hall
  • Members must attend 2/3 of business meetings, complete and turn in a record book to continue in your respective project

Great Divide (At Capacity)

  • Club Organizational Leader, Keri Leggett
  • Best Contact Keri at or 406-590-0986
  • Meet the second Sunday of each month, 2:30 p.m., location to be determined
  • All members are required to present a demonstration or public speaking activity at the club or county level; Member must trun in a copmpleted record book to hold an office the following year; An enrolled member will lose active membership if they have three or more unexcused absences

Montana Sunsets

  • Club Organizational Leader, Fran Gossack
  • Best Contact, Fran at 
  • Meet the first Monday of each month, 3:30pm at the Extension office.

Running Free (At Capacity)

  • Club Organizational Leader, Janet Smith
  • Best Contact,
  • Meet the first Sunday of each month, 4:00 p.m. at Peace Hospice, Great Falls

Sunny Spirits

  • Club Organizational Leaders, Sarah Holtzmann & Sandi Welsh
  • Best Contact: Email both Sarah at and Sandi at
  • Meet the third Tuesday of the month at the Holy Spirit Catholic Church at 5:00 p.m.
  • Membership is open to anyone, however, most of the club are families from the school

Tiger Butte

  • Club Organizational Leader, Lisa Jassen
  • Best Contact, or 406-738-4343
  • Meet the second Sunday of each month with exceptions, 5:00 p.m. at rotational member homes, Belt
  • Members should attend a minimum of four regular business meetings, participate in one county event/contest and two community service event/activities per year; members presenting a speech or demonstration at the club level amy receive up to $50 towards 4-H camp registation or other 4-H event registation

Trouble Shooters 

  • Club Organizational Leaders, Samaria Kirby
  • Best Contact,
  • Meet the second Thursday of each month, 6:30 p.m. at the First Church of the Nazarene, Great Falls
  • Members may be enrolled in any 4-H project but one youth member from each family bust be enrolled in a shooting sports project within one year of enrollement.

Ulm Pishkun (At Capacity)

  • Club Organizational Leader, Sandy Harshaw-Irvin
  • Best Contact,
  • Meet the first Sunday of each month, 2:00 p.m. at the Ulm Church, Ulm
  • Horse, Rabbit, Goat, and Poultry Project Leaders available; Limited to 50 members; Members must live close to Ulm

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The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dr. Cody Stone, Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717.