Responsibilities of Key Personnel/Departments 

The purpose of Functional Annex A is to illustrate the responsibilities of key personnel and departments for emergency operations at MSU.

Entity  Responsibilities 
University President • Ultimate authority for strategic decisions during an emergency
• Leads the Institutional Response Group
• Provides final authorization for decisions concerning the discontinuation of university functions, cancellation of classes or cessation of operations
Institutional Response Group
• Senior administrative team charged with developing institutional strategy, establishing priorities and overall direction during an emergency
• Advise the president regarding decisions to evacuate campus, cancel classes, close the campus, etc.
• Receives pertinent information from the Crisis Management Team and/or the EOC thru the IRG Liaison Group
• Address legal and political implications associated with an emergency situation
• Ensure that financial resources needed are available to carry out emergency functions
Emergency Management
Committee (EMC)
 (The EMC, as a functional body, does not have an emergency response role and does not convene
during an actual emergency)
• Serve as an integral part of the administrative structure for emergency management
• Recommend adoption of emergency plans and procedures to the president
• Assure that the university maintains, in accordance with resources allocated, an effective emergency
management system and a comprehensive Emergency operations Plan
• Review and advise emergency management processes, policies and procedure
• Evaluate performance of exercises and actual emergency responses
Crisis Management Team
 • A CMT will be established and charged by the president when needed to handle an incident or crisis that represents a significant institutional risk, but that usually does not require activating the EOC
• Operates under the strategic guidance of the president or IRG and the supervision of the CMT
Coordinator assigned by the president
• Augments the IRG (with other key individuals, e.g., necessary subject matter experts) and assembles relevant information about the crisis
• The CMT Coordinator keeps the president informed as the crisis evolves
• When the EOC is not activated, the CMT coordinates resources required to address the crisis and
implement the recovery process
Emergency Operations Center
(EOC) Management Team
 • Coordinates the emergency response actions necessary to control the emergency or disaster
• Activates and maintains the MSU EOC as necessary, and staffs the EOC for the duration of the
• Gathers intelligence regarding the situation before, during, and after the emergency to assist in determining response and recovery actions
• Directs the deployment of MSU resources and adjusts the emergency response based on information received from on-scene responders
• Provides information to or representation at the Gallatin County EOC as needed
• Provides or identifies subject matter expert(s) pertaining to the nature of the emergency
• Seeks out the support, guidance, and advice of the IRG in planning for and responding to emergencies
Emergency Management
• Acts as Planning Section Chief in the EOC in an emergency
• Maintains and revises the EOP
• Organizes and conducts training and exercises according to MSU’s multi-year training and exercise program
• Leads and documents post-incident performance reviews
 Office of the Provost
(Academic Affairs)
 • The Provost participates as a member of the IRG
• Engages faculty in emergency preparedness endeavors such as developing pertinent plans, training, drills and exercises
• Communicates with faculty during an emergency
• Coordinates with Faculty Senate on emergency preparedness communication and outreach
• Works with the Emergency Management Coordinator to determine academic continuity efforts needed in an emergency
 VP Research  • The VP participates as a member of the IRG
• Engages research faculty in emergency preparedness endeavors such as developing pertinent plans, training, drills and exercises
• Communicates with research faculty during an emergency
• Works with the Emergency Management Coordinator to determine research continuity efforts needed in an emergency
• Coordinates with Safety & Risk Management for response and recovery issues involving research and laboratory materials impacted by an emergency
 Administration & Finance
Division –
Financial Services
 • The VP participates as a member of the IRG
• Provides financial resources in the EOC to procure, secure, distribute and account for resources and supplies necessary to respond to or recover from the emergency
• Maintains vendor relationships and secures new vendors to assist in response and recovery as
• Maintains finance, accounting, and purchasing processes for the university and provides enhanced or specific services in this regard as related to the emergency
• Documents financial costs of emergency response and recovery operations
• Works with Safety & Risk Management, FEMA, etc., on reimbursement processes as applicable
VP Student Success –
Dean of Students
• The VP participates as a member of the IRG
• Coordinates with the EOC Public Information Officer on communicating with students and their families regarding emergency information and situation updates
• Coordinates with Student Health and Counseling & Psychological Services to maintain health and
counseling services for students in the event of an emergency, and enhance these services if needed
• Facilitates resources and care for students with access and functional needs during and after an
• Considers implementing an accountability system for locating students in an emergency
• Implements the procedures for student death support and notifications if necessary
Counseling & Psychological
• Provides information and recommendations during emergencies related to behavioral health or those that may cause behavioral health impacts
• Provides counseling services and resources for MSU students in an emergency
• Provides for counseling services needs in shelters on campus
• Coordinates with external partners if additional counseling staff is needed
• Facilitates information and education for the university community regarding behavioral health
aspects of an emergency, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) needs for students after an emergency or disaster and critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) needs for emergency responders
Student Health Service • Provides information and recommendations during public health emergencies, with the Student Health director serving as the university’s lead public health official
• Provides health services and resources for MSU students
• Provides for health services needs in shelters on campus
• Coordinates operations and programs specific to public health such as mass vaccination clinics and alternate medical treatment sites, in response to public health emergencies
• Facilitates information and education for the university community regarding health aspects of an
Safety & Risk Management –
Environmental Health & Safety
• Coordinates with the VP Research for response and recovery issues involving research and laboratory materials impacted by an emergency
• Coordinates response to hazardous materials incidents as necessary
• Coordinates federal requirements for OSHA and workers compensation during and after the emergency
Facilities Services • Conducts and documents damage assessment information including assessing physical structures, utilities, and other infrastructure on campus, and other MSU properties
• Coordinates the repair and/or restoration of university buildings, infrastructure, and property including emergency repairs
• Maintains and repairs utilities on campus (including electric, water, waste water, natural gas, and
steam) and coordinates with external utility providers to determine outage information
• Conducts debris assessments, clearance, removal, and disposal operations as necessary
• Maintains efforts to keep campus roads passable and functional
• Provides for the operation of installed and portable generators, including refueling and maintenance
• Coordinates resources, including heavy equipment and extra personnel, for response and recovery
operations as needed
• Provides resources for the EOC (e.g., Logistics, Operations, Safety Officer, etc)
University Food Services • Provides ongoing food service for residents, employees, and others who remain on campus during an emergency and/or food service in support of an emergency operation as needed
Human Resources • Coordinates with the Staff Senate on emergency preparedness communication and outreach
• Facilitates information resources for employees during and after the emergency
• Accounts for employees following an emergency
• Coordinates with the EOC Public Information Officer on communications with employees regarding emergency information and situation updates
• Continues essential business functions for employees, such as payroll and benefits
• Provides information about counseling and other behavioral health services to employees, including the Employee Assistance Program
• Implements leave policies and procedures associated with the emergency such as a university closing
Information Technology • Coordinates the continuation of IT services and support throughout the emergency
• Provides information regarding the operational status of IT networks and systems
• Supports emergency operations by providing IT and telecom functions for emergency response and
• Provides expertise on IT issues caused by or resulting from the emergency
• Provide support to the EOC for IT and telecom needs through the duration of EOC operations
Legal Counsel • MSU Legal Counsel participates as a member of the IRG
• Provides legal advice to the IRG throughout the emergency or disaster
• Interprets and ensures compliance with applicable laws
University Communications • The Executive Director participates as a member of the IRG
• Provides staff resources to fill the Public Information Officer position in the EOC
• Disseminates appropriate information to the university and external communities before, during, and after an emergency
• Coordinates with other responding departments to develop, disseminate, and monitor public
information messages for the university
• Facilitates information to and requests from media outlets as needed; establishes and maintains a Joint Information Center (JIC) if needed
• Reaches out to and communicates with local, state, federal, and other government entities about the emergency
• Provides for rumor control, including use of a hotline and/or establishing a call center to answer
University Police • Provides for the safety and security of the university, including lives and property
• Coordinates with, supports, and gathers information from the ICP(s)
• Provides situation updates to the MSU EOC and recommends appropriate response and recovery
• Assists in the damage assessment of university facilities and infrastructure, including the identification of potential hazards
• Controls access to areas impacted by the emergency
• Monitors compliance with the ICS throughout the emergency
Residence Life • Assists on-campus residents with housing and shelter and associated support services during and after an emergency as needed
• Communicates with off-campus students regarding mass care and post-disaster needs and services
• Provides guidance on available housing and shelter resources
• Coordinates with Food Services to maintain appropriate food service for students.
• Provides information to students regarding operation of food service facilities, and facilitates delivery of food to residence halls as necessary
• Facilitates resources and cares for students with access and functional needs during and after an emergency
International Programs • Develops procedures for international students to communicate safety concerns, location, and short term plans during an emergency
• Distributes procedures for communication during an emergency to all international students and students traveling abroad
Colleges, Departments, Offices • Maintain the college/department/office emergency plan, including updated contact lists
• Gather specific emergency supplies needed for the college/department/office
• Train college/department/office employees in emergency procedures
• Implement college/department/office emergency plans in an emergency as appropriate
Employees • Subscribe to the MSU ALERT Notification system prior to an emergency and confirm current data
• Comply with all emergency directives, orders and procedures
• Assist in directing students or fellow employees to respond to emergencies appropriately
• Know role and responsibilities if identified as an essential employee or emergency personnel
• Remain knowledgeable in emergency plans respective to their areas or departments
Students  • Subscribe to the MSU ALERT Notification system prior to an emergency and confirm current data each semester
• Comply with all emergency directives, orders and procedures
• Attend training on emergency preparedness and response operations
• Remain knowledgeable of MSU emergency procedures
• Create a personal plan for emergencies, with assistance from appropriate MSU departments and resources