Module 6: Challenges

In this module, you’ll examine some of the challenges facing our youth and the impact they have on the educational environment.

Module Objectives

  • Identify and explore the challenges within the profession.


Choose one or more of the following:



Share & Grow

Respond to two of the following discussion prompts in the Module 6 discussion forum and then respond to at least three of your classmates.

  • Stop Talking explains how [Alaska Native] elders teach ways of living that respect the earth and all its life forms. Should our educational systems do the same? How much we change our teaching to reflect this value?
  • What prompted the founders of Mní Wičhóni Nakíčižiŋ Wóuŋspe to start their own school? In the interview, the founders talk about how learners will earn an English credit with a prayer journey to the Black Hills, a biology credit for a buffalo hunt, and learn history from elders in their community. Are these things you can do in your schools now? Why or why not?
  • As the librarian, what can you do to increase the use of culturally responsive education strategies within your school community?
  • According to Ilarion Merculieff and Libby Roederick, what does it mean to be a real human being? What does that mean to you?
  • What does it mean to Indigenize the curriculum? What is the value of doing this? Do you prefer the term Indigenizing or decolonizing education? Why? What are the implications of these word choices?
  • Does your school provide resources and programs that support positive racial identify and development in youth of color and Indigenous youth? Does the curriculum include stories or resistance, not just stories of victimization?


Continue your Project READY journal.