EDCI 598 Section 801 Module 5 Trends in School Librarianship
Module 5: Trends in School Librarianship
Now that you have a better understanding of what a school librarian does, it’s time to consider how the profession is changing and what the future may hold. In this module, you will examine potential trends in the education and librarianship profession and consider how they may impact your practice as a (future) school librarian.
Module Objectives
- Identify trends in the school library profession and how they will impact your practice.
- (n.d.) Center for the Future of Libraries. American Library Association. https://www.ala.org/tools/future/trends
- Module 6: Indigeneity and Colonialism and Module 7: Exploring Cultural Competency & Cultural Humility from Hughes-Hassell, S., Rawson, C. H., & Hirsh, K. (2019). Project READY: Reimagining equity and access to diverse youth [online curriculum]. https://ready.web.unc.edu/
Choose one or more of the following:
- Rosen, P. (n.d.). What is Accelerated Reader? Understood. https://www.understood.org/en/articles/accelerated-reader-what-you-need-to-know
- Ultimate makerspace resource guide (n.d.). com. https://www.makerspaces.com/makerspace-guide-school-and-library/
- Future Ready Librarians® hub. (n.d.). All4Ed. https://all4ed.org/future-ready-librarians-hub/
- Pennington, C. (2020, May 11). The future of education needs school librarians. Knowledge Quest. https://knowledgequest.aasl.org/the-future-of-education-needs-school-librarians/
- Curry Lance, K. & Kachel, D. E. (2018). Why school librarians matter: What years of research tell us. Kappan. https://kappanonline.org/lance-kachel-school-librarians-matter-years-research/
- Lynch, M. (2016, Jan 19). Libraries of the future: Where trends are taking K-12 public school libraries. The Edvocate. https://www.theedadvocate.org/libraries-of-the-future-where-trends-are-taking-k-12-public-school-libraries/
- School libraries 2021: Impact, obstacles, and the fight for the future. (2021, Nov 1). School Library Journal. https://www.slj.com/story/school-libraries-2021-impact-obstacles-and-the-fight-for-the-future
- Zins, A. (2021, Apr 11). School librarians grapple with how to deal with problematic classics. The News-Gazette. https://www.news-gazette.com/news/local/education/school-librarians-grapple-with-how-to-deal-with-problematic-classics/article_94839ac7-e9e4-5e99-ae49-8a05449d379f.html
- What are habits of mind? (n.d.) The Institute for Habits of Mind. https://www.habitsofmindinstitute.org/learning-the-habits/
- 10 popular educational trends and what you need to know. (2022, Jan 14). org. https://www.waterford.org/education/educational-trends-for-teachers/
- Rudes, J. (2022, Jul). Manga and social-emotional learning. Booklist. https://www.booklistonline.com/Manga-and-Social-Emotional-Learning/pid=9762748
Identify 5-8 important trends in school libraries and write a brief description of each trend and why it’s important. You may identify trends from the module Think and/or locate additional resources to help flesh out your response.
Share the trends your identified and then respond to two of the following discussion prompts in the Module 5 discussion forum:
- What trends do you see in your school community? Which do you see as positive additions and which as negative? Explain.
- What do you think learners need from school? How can librarians help meet those needs?
- What is / will be your priority when creating library lessons / curriculum?
- What examples of alternative cultures are evident in your library? How might you change current practices to challenge and disrupt white supremacy culture in your library?
- Why should library staff and educators care about culture competency and cultural humility?
Continue your Project READY journal.