LaMeres' Courses
(That I've Taught)
EELE 101 - Introduction to Electrical Fundamentals
This course provides a hands-on introduction to a number of different areas in Electrical
and Computer Engineering, the applications of these technologies to solve real-world
problems, and the potential impacts on society in general. It incorporates lectures,
laboratory experiences, and programming exercises that introduce you to the fundamentals
of electrical and computer engineering. Topics include Kirchhoff's and Ohm's Laws,
using meters and oscilloscopes, time-varying signals in electric circuits, resistors,
capacitors, series and parallel circuits, introduction to digital circuits, introduction
to programming, problem solving including computer applications, technical communications,
and team work. The course culminates in a final project to build and program an autonomous
robot to complete a challenge (a line-following race course).
Semesters Taught: F15, F16, F17, F18
EELE 207 - Circuits II
This is a second course in linear circuit theory. It will cover both steady-state
and transient behavior of first order (RC and RL) and second order (RLC) circuits
in the time domain. It will also explore frequency domain analysis of these circuits
using the Laplace transform, and will introduce Fourier series and Fourier transform
techniques for circuit analysis. The non-ideal (real world) operational amplifier
and practical op-amp circuits are explored.
Semesters Taught: S09
EELE 261 - Introduction to Logic Circuits
This course introduces the concepts of classical digital logic design including number
systems, interfacing, Boolean algebra, combinational logic design, and finite state
machines. This course also covers Hardware Description Languages for the structural
design and simulation of digital systems. Modern digital design of combinational
logic and state machines is covered using VHDL and a logic synthesizer. This course
contains a laboratory experience where students design and implement logic circuits
using discreet parts and programmable logic devices.
Semesters Taught: S07, S09, S10, S11, F12, S13, F13, S14, F14, S15, Sum15(online),
F15, S16(online), Sum16(online), Sum17(online), Sum18(online)
EELE 367 - Logic Design
This course introduces students to advanced logic circuit design techniques. This
course is a continuation of EE261/262 and will introduce logic system design using
a hardware description language (VHDL). Design constraints such as timing, design
reuse, and implementation considerations will be presented. This course includes a
weekly lab where students will get hands-on experience implementing digital systems
on an Altera Cyclone II FPGA.
Semesters Taught: S07, S08, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17, S18, Sum18(online)
EELE 371 - Microprocessor Hardware and Software Systems
This course introduces students to the structure of microprocessors and their application
in microcomputers and microcontrollers. The elements of a microprocessor (arithmetic
and logic units, processor control sequencing, and registers) are presented in addition
to programming the microprocessor in assembly language and/or C. The elements of a
microcomputer and microcontroller (memories, input/output, interrupts, timers, A/D's)
are also presented. Emphasis is on the practical application of microcontrollers in
embedded systems as solutions to engineering problems. This course will include a
weekly lab where students will get hands-on experience with programming a Freescale
MC68HC12-based microcomputer.
Semesters Taught: F06, F07, F08, F09, F10, F11
EELE 414 - Introduction to VLSI Design
This course introduces students to the fundamentals concepts of CMOS VLSI circuit
design. This course will cover CMOS device characteristics and timing. CMOS fabrication
will be covered including process steps, metal, active, and poly layers, and design
rules. CAD tools will be introduced for use in design, simulation, and layout of integrated
circuits. Design analysis techniques will be presented for the static and dynamic
evaluation of CMOS circuits. Advanced topics such as Dynamic Logic and SRAM design
will also be presented.
Semesters Taught: F07, F08, F09, F10, F11
EELE 461/561 - Digital System Design
This course introduces students to the physical phenomena that lead to signal degradation
when generating and transmitting digital signals. The broadband response of transmission
lines will be presented in addition to lumped versus distributed analysis. Emphasis
is placed on the physical structures that are used to construct modern digital systems
(on-chip Rx/Tx circuitry, on-chip interconnect, IC packaging, PCB's, connectors, and
cables). The fabrication process for each component of the digital system will be
presented in addition to the tradeoffs between mechanical reliability, cost, and electrical
performance. Modern analysis tools will be used to explore these topics including
SPICE circuit simulators, EM field solvers, and PCB design/layout software. Modern
test equipment will also be presented including Time Domain Reflectrometry (TDR),
Vector Network Analysis (VNA), and Jitter Characterization using Real-Time Digital
Semesters Taught: S08, S10, S12, S16, S18 Link to EELE 461/561