Confidential Data:
All data which, if released in an uncontrolled fashion, could have substantial fiscal
or legal impacts on the University. Examples include:
- social security numbers
- financial account numbers
- driver’s license numbers
- health insurance policy ID numbers
- protected health information (PHI)
- passport visa numbers
- export controlled information under U.S. laws
Restricted Data:
All data for which release or modification without authorization could have an adverse
affect on the operations, assets, or reputation of the University. Examples include:
- employee and student ID numbers (GIDs)
- course evaluations
- financial transactions that do not include confidential data
- contracts
- planning documents
- student education records as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act (FERPA) ( ).
All files are assumed to be restricted unless otherwise classified as public> or confidential.
Public Data:
All data that is not restricted by one of the above classifications and may be released
to the general public in a controlled manner, such as:information designated as "Directory
Information" under University policy pertaining to FERPA. Other examples include:
- course schedules>
- public web pages
- campus maps
- policy documents
- faculty publications
- job opening announcements
- press releases.