MSU Students Taking MSU Class Exams
Student Scheduling Process
1) Obtain permission from your instructor to test at the test center.
2) Visit and click "Examinees Schedule Online"
3) Sign-in with your NetID (top right)
4) Follow the drop down menu options to find your exam. Choose group = MSU Class Exams.
- Accommodated exams: Students with disability accommodations who are testing on the same day as their class
- Alternate time/place exams: Students (including students with disability accommodations) who are approved to test on a different day than their class
- Online class exams: Students (including students with disability accommodations) enrolled in MSU Online classes that require in-person, proctored exams.
5) Add the exam to your "cart"
6) On the next screen, click Complete Registration. You will immediately receive an appointment confirmation email.
Schedule all of your exam appointments as soon as possible and at least two days ahead of the exam (and no later than noon on the Friday before Final Exam Week for all final week exams).
If an exam you need has not been opened for scheduling by your instructor, we can
help coordinate:
Call (406)994-6984
Drop by 19 Renne Library
Submit an Exam Request to have us reach out to your teacher with directions (NOTE: this request does NOT schedule an exam appointment)
New to Testing Accommodations? Here's how it works!
As you settle into your classes and discover which ones have exams, it’s a great time to set a plan for using your accommodations.
1) Show your instructor(s) yourAccommodations Notification and discuss how best to use accommodations in their class.
- You may email your Accommodations Notification or meet with your instructors during office hours.
- Most instructors are familiar with disability accommodations and will have a plan for providing them in your classes. What can feel like an intimidating conversation for some students, will likely be a routine one for your teachers – no need to be nervous!
- You do not need to disclose your disability or your diagnosis. Faculty only need the information on your accommodations letter.
2) If you and your instructor determine that testing at University Testing Services is the best way to receive your accommodations, schedule your appointments online.
- Visit Testing Services webpage and click “Examinees Schedule Online”
- Sign in with your NetID (top right)
- Follow the dropdowns to find your exam and pick your appointment time.
- Exam Group = “MSU Class Exams" then “Accommodated Exams”
- On the day of your exam, come to the test center instead of the classroom.
3) If you haven’t already visited the test center, we’d love to meet you and show you our facility! We’re located in the basement of Renne Library (the main campus library) and are open Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM – stop by anytime.
We recommend that you schedule exam appointments at the test center as soon as possible but you must schedule a minimum of two days ahead of your exam and no later than noon the Friday before Final Exam Week for all finals.
Not seeing exams you need available to schedule? Let us know:
- Drop by 19 Renne Library
- Email
- Call us at (406)994-6984
- Submit an Exam Request