Please take a few minutes to describe your project. By providing as much detail as possible, you are helping us match you with the best resources for your project. Please email the coordinator (Greta Linse) with specific questions about the statistical referral process.

 denotes required fields.

Contact Information
Advisor Information

If you are a graduate or undergraduate student requesting guidance for your research, we expect your advisor to be involved in your requesting statistical support. By submitting a request through our website you confirm that your advisor supports you in seeking out statistical resources.

Project Information
Statistical Background

While statistical referrals are provided with no charge thanks to funding by the VP Research & Economic Development, in recognition of MSU faculty and researchers need for these services, payment for statistical services are arranged directly with the statistical service or collaborator, and is outside of the control of the Coordinator of Statistical Resources and the Department of Mathematical Sciences. If a project is taken on by the statistical consulting seminar (STAT 510), support is provided at no cost. External collaborators or consultants set their own rates and MSU does not receive any benefit from referring to external resources or guarantee the results of any such external collaboration.