There are eight committees to help advance the Service Excellence Initiative. They are:



Laura Humberger – – x 4361

Tia Brown –  – x 4333


Leader: Anne Cantrell – – x 4902

Communicates through a multitude of avenues to Faculty and Staff the impact they have in creating satisfied, happy, loyal students and stakeholders.  Shares success stories and best practices from throughout the University.


Jennifer Dunn, assistant director, MSU Admissions

Audrey Capp, director of communications, Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship

Nicole Morgan, manager, Montana Made

Sandy Sward, director, Office of Sponsored Programs

Lt. Col. David Weide, department chair, Aerospace AFROTC

Connie Lange, executive assistant, University Communications

Ellen King-Rodgers, general manager, KGLT


Leader: Kregg Aytes – – x 4423

Develops and Implements mechanisms to ensure day-to-day use of our Service Standards and our Service Philosophy. 


Everything Speaks

Leader: Dan Stevenson – – x 2001

Raises the awareness of the impact of the physical environment on the perception of our service.  Uses a perspective of looking through the lens of the user of the process to identify more fluid and effective avenues to achieve the same, or better, outcome.



Leader: Ian Godwin – – x 2677

Measures the current and past satisfaction data allowing for identification of opportunities to improve our processes and systems to meet and exceed objectives, both in local departments as well as globally across campus.  Works with Communications to display this information in an easy to interpret and visually diverse way to disseminate the data.


Onboarding and Training

Leader: Cathy Hasenpflug – – x 4284


Leads the effort to build Service Excellence into every training opportunity for new and current Faculty, Staff and Employees.  All training is tied back to our Service Philosophy or one of the Service Standards showing continuity of excellence in everything we do, providing better processes service to everyone.

Subcommittee and Workshop Facilitators: 

Deb Barkley, faculty & labor relations manager, Human Resources

Tony Campeau, associate registrar, Registrar's Office

Christina Fournier, financial manager, University Business Services

Kerry Hanson, senior director of alumni association & relations, Alumni Foundation

Melissa Schaak, service excellence administrator, Service Excellence

Laura Humberger, associate VP, Administration and Finance

Kay LaFrance, assistant to the dean, College of Nursing

Jocelyn Larson, assistant personal fitness director, Recreational Sports and Fitness

Erin McCormick, assistant director, Office of Student Success

Duane Morris, event services director, Auxiliary Services

Rachael Ortego, student services director, Architecture

JoDee Palin, director of communications and PR, Arts & Architecture

Amanda Round, admissions coordinator, Graduate School

Kim Anderson, assistant to the dean, Arts & Architecture




Leader: Becky McMillan – – x 6093

Creates recognition opportunities for individuals and groups that demonstrate our Service Standards and Service Philosophy.


Michelle Cook-Bell, ticket manager, Auxiliary Services

EJ Hook, environmental services manager - Facilities Services

Kathy Osen, director of administration & finance, Dean of Engineering

Sarah Miller, assistant to dean, Dean of Letters and Science

Philip Lutton, computer software engineer, RLUFS



Leader: Sharon Stoneberger –– x 7303

Develops and maintains processes to locate and hire service-oriented personnel.  Interview questions are tied back to the service standard and philosophy, and descriptions of the position are listed and described to communicate our service based culture.


Service Opportunity System

Leader: Matt Caires – – x 2826

Leader: Justin van Almelo – x 7464

Captures service opportunity improvements through a developed system to identify, resolve, and communicate these opportunities. 


Galen Brokaw, department head, Modern Languages & Literature

Ronda Russell, director, Admissions

Teresa Greenwood, academic advisor, Liberal Studies

Glen Steinhoff, groundskeeper, Facilities Services