Fall 2020 Pure Gold Recipients

Jody Bartz exhibits tremendous care for her students, colleagues and community on a daily basis. Jody regularly lends her time and expertise both within and outside of her department. This past year, she generously contributed to the Department of Education by visiting with students at the practicum and student teaching levels to discuss strengths-based language and help inform the development of our department's Reflective Educator Project.
Jody's willingness to collaborate and exceptional communication skills help enhance our students' experiences across campus. As one of her students shared, "Jody is the biggest advocate for her students, she has been the person I have gone to countless times and she has given all of her efforts to help me in whatever way possible. Dr. Jody Bartz is an incredible role model." Furthermore, she successfully launched the inaugural Inclusive Community Camp this summer bringing together MSU students (undergraduate & graduate) with elementary-aged students with disabilities. Through a week of art and movement activities, Jody applied her passion and innovative skills to address a demonstrated need in the community. According to one of Jody's colleagues, "Working with Jody has been the highlight of long career at MSU. She is energetic, extremely knowledgeable, has brilliant ideas and a flexible mind. She is truly a master at what she does and every moment of working with her was a true privilege."
Altogether, Jody has inspired me and countless others to find our passion and reframe challenges as potential opportunities for positive change. Jody's investment in others and tireless commitment to fostering a better tomorrow makes her a shining example of Pure Gold at it's very best!
Nominated by Joe Hicks; Award received November 18, 2020.

Dr. Marc Guillian is an amazing instructor and supervisor. He is the director of the
Masters of Professional Accountancy program and a professor for Accounting 201. He
is also the supervisor for the graduate teaching assistants for the Accounting department.
When a few professors left in the Accounting department, he stepped up and took over
a course in the Masters program, which he normally wouldn't teach. Now, he is also
teaching two of the core courses. He is the reason why I want to get my PhD and become
an instructor later in Accounting.
Marc is a phenomenal example of what, not only an accounting professor should be,
but what a professor should be. He is always available when help is required, cares about the students and wants everyone to learn and understand.
Nominated by Carlin White; Award received November 12, 2020.
This past year, Kirk Lubick has been an unsung hero for faculty and researchers across campus and our land-grant mission to serve the citizens of Montana. Kirk was instrumental last spring in helping researchers transition during COVID-19 and reviewed countless Level 2 plans with professionalism and class. He worked diligently with Facilities to ensure consistency and cooperation during what has been arguably one of the most challenging times of research operations and compliance in MSU's history.
In addition to this rapid and responsible response in spring Kirk has been "all hands on deck" this summer with the establishment of the COVID testing partnerships through both Bozeman Health and the Department of Public Health and Human Services. Many people acknowledge the hard work of our remarkable faculty like Michelle Flenniken, Seth Walk, Deborah Keil and others in that effort. I am extremely confident each one of them would say beyond a doubt that Kirk Lubick and his team were instrumental in the COVID testing efforts and without him it might not have been possible.
In addition, Kirk is simply one of the most genuine, humble, and consistent employees I've ever known. This summer, President Cruzado had the cabinet read a book that emphasized three key characteristics for ideal team players -- hungry, humble, and smart. Kirk excels in each and every one of those categories and for those reasons he is simply Pure Gold!
Nominated by Jason Carter; Award received November 4, 2020.

I am a new faculty member with the College of Nursing and was scheduled for a photo session with Adrian on October 12. I came from Ennis and had my beloved dog with me. She was just diagnosed with a fatal illness and was failing rapidly. I could not leave her for the hours needed to drive to Bozeman and back. Adrian expressed such heartfelt concern and permitted the dog to stay in his Nopper studio when I explained her presence. He took my photos (the most gorgeous photos of me ever!) before I started to cry. As I was readying to leave, he invited my dog to sit with me for a few photos. They are absolutely wonderful. He sent me the kindest email along with these photos.
Little did Adrian know at the time, but my dog passed away that week... in my arms while sitting on the banks of the Madison River. Adrian left me with our final photos, filling my heart during this time of sorrow. I cannot let such a kind gesture go unnoticed, especially during these harsh times.
What a fine, fine, employee MSU has there.
Nominated by Margaret Bortko; Award received October 28, 2020

Catherine joined University Health Partners as a physician assistant in 1998 and is a certified travel medicine health specialist. She is an incredibly valued staff member. Her expertise and experience throughout her career is such a gift to our campus and to all those that are fortunate to benefit from her experience. Catherine continuously goes above and beyond to help all of our faculty and staff. She holds travel medicine classes that allow our community members to travel abroad, she accommodates a large number in short periods of time, often giving a lot of her personal time to make sure each and every person traveling has the information necessary to have a positive, healthy and worthwhile experience.
Most recently, Catherine has been a MAJOR contributer to the University's COVID-19 response. She was recently appointed as a member of a new national task force created by the American College Health Association designed to provide accurate information and best practices for colleges and universities regarding the novel coronavirus. All the while, leaving her door open to answering individual questions and concerns about travel and general health during this time. She truly is an exceptional human being and her concern for the well-being of others is always front and center.
We are lucky to have her as part of our team, our university and our greater community of Bozeman. She inspires us all to stay positive, thoughtful and calm during uncertain times. She truly is PURE GOLD!
Nominated by Marci Torres; Award received October 21, 2020

Sally Sanchez goes above and beyond as an instructor with patience and enthusiasm in her classes. She is the best instructor I have had the pleasure of learning from and she makes her Spanish classes interesting and fun while also creating an effective learning environment. She is well-respected by all of her students and is extremely knowledgeable in both Spanish and English, which has allowed her to cultivate a quality curriculum in her classes.
I am taking my second class with Sally this semester(Spring 2020) and my heart is saddened knowing her other students and I lack the opportunity to have face-to-face instruction with her. I have always looked forward to practicing Spanish with her in class and she truly manifested my passion for foreign language and its importance. Sally actually taught my high school Spanish teacher. She told me once I absolutely had to take classes from her because Sally Sanchez is the reason she became a Spanish educator.
Because of Sally, I love Spanish and hope to become fluent someday--it is clear she truly cares about her teaching and has touched the lives of many students at MSU. If the purpose of the Pure Gold program is to recognize individuals for their commitment to our university, Sally shows this ten-fold. I will never forget the time I have been given to spend with her in class.
Nominated by Jacob Martin: Award received on October 14, 2020

For the last 13 years, Ann has served as the Professional Development Coordinator for the Montana Early Childhood Project. Her primary duties are to perform a lead role in statewide leadership and coordination of the Montana Early Care and Education Career Development program, representing the ECP at local, state, regional and national meetings/conferences; to support collaborative partnerships that promote professional development; and to conceptualize and design innovative approaches to advancing early childhood career development in Montana as part of the national initiative to improve the early childhood workforce. Ann created the Professional Development Specialist Forum and has facilitated that group since its inception. Ann has also lead the development of the Professional Development Framework to review and approve trainers throughout Montana in the field of Early Childhood Education.
Ann is extremely helpful to all Early Childhood practitioners particularly in the area of professional development. Ann has been a leader in moving the field forward and truly loves helping others reach their full potential. When individuals reach out to the Early Childhood Project with training questions and needs, Ann always provides exceptional customer service with a true love of assisting others. Ann has always placed a high value on developing positive relationships with the individuals that provide childcare throughout the state of Montana and when an individual reaches out they almost always know Ann and feel comfortable asking her for assistance. Ann continues to set the bar for being personable, professional, reliable and knowledgeable in the field of professional development for the field of Early Childhood Education. Thank you for all you do Ann.
Nominated by Dan Stluka: Award received on October 7, 2020

Disruption. Uncertainty. Those terms describe well what we all faced on March 13, 2020 as we entered into the unknown of a national emergency and tried to work while sheltering at home. With that reality came scores of questions about critical work processes and procedures, especially financial accounts related to research, teaching, and personnel.
Calm. Confident. Those terms describe Ana Murphy, MSU senior accounting clerk. Despite the confusion and unpredictability wrought by a global pandemic and having to work from home, Ana was incredibly responsive to all requests and questions. Everyone I"ve spoken with mentioned that she returned calls and emails within a couple of hours. In my case, her responses to my questions were nearly immediate. That was extraordinary considering the circumstances. Her quick responsiveness and assured, positive direction not only helped me and others get through a very disorienting time, but it also resulted in MSU delivering on its mission for the people of Montana.
Ana was the calm in the COVID-19 storm for faculty, students, and staff in Land Resources & Environmental Sciences-and still is. Because of this, she is incredibly deserving of the Pure Gold Award.
Submitted by Bob Peterson
Ana Murphy is integral to not only financial operations in the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences but now to the Shared Services program. Without a doubt, Ana and I from the start, hit off a great relationship and I often stopped by her desk to chat and in the summer get cheerios for my dog Gus! Ana is a great compliment to the inviting and inclusive atmosphere at 334 Leon Johnson Hall.
Well before COVID-19, I often found Ana was the last person in the office working beyond her role's expectations. During the COVID-19 lock down, Ana was extremely helpful to my class specific financial issues, which became quite complex (that is a whole other story). I was beyond relieved to be able to chat with her and obtain resolution to the issue.
I truly enjoy chatting with Ana whether it be work or family. While many of us are hyper-focused on work due to scheduling limitations, kids at home, and so forth, I rest assured that Ana is always willing to help at a moment's notice and look forward to resuming our friendly conversations when we can all return to in-person operations.
Submitted by Nicholas Fox
Nominated by Bob Peterson and Nicholas Fox; Received award on September 30, 2020

Montana is known as the Treasure State and Karen Maroney is our own personal sampling of pure gold. She is asked the same questions over and over about travel - forms, food, hotel, car rental, etc. and she always comes back with the same cheerful, accurate, to the point response. Karen stays calm even when her MSU Pcard report is due and she is asking for a receipt for the 3rd time or searching for a piece of equipment that is on our inventory list, but is apparently MIA.
Karen is an amazing team player, always willing to step up and help with any tasks that need doing and approaches every task in a professional, organized manner. An extra bonus is that she has a great sense of humor!
Karen is a treasure and we greatly appreciate all that she does for the PSPP Department, the Montana State Seed Testing Lab and the Regional Pulse Diagnostic Lab.
Nominated by Bridget Westfall, Theresa Marchwick, Heather Ireland and Irene Decker; Received award on September 23, 2020

Captain Clampitt became the Officer in Charge of the ROTC program in Billings in the Fall semester of 2019. Since arriving in Billings he has contributed to the success of Cadets in the MSUB Army ROTC program. He further has improved the quality of training, preparing the Cadets for both Cadet Summer Training, and for their overall future as Officers in the United States Army. Captain Clampitt gives up his own time to lead by example and initiate community involvement and service with other Cadets. He makes himself available as a resource to his students and pushes them to reach their potential. He has demonstrated strong character by living the Army Values and by demonstrating Professionalism and setting a standard. His efforts have exceeded the expectations of Cadets in Billings and have encouraged them to get involved in the community and take ownership in their actions in and out of Uniform.
Nominated by Robin Cunningham; received award on September 16, 2020.

Day in and day out, Don is here. He is cheerful and always going out of his way to help any member of the MSU community. Whether it's a simple wave, a "how's your day going?" or a conversation about life, Don is always looking to brighten someone's day and lend a hand. When Don is on duty there is seldom a mess to be found. He embodies every aspect of what it means to be a Bobcat.
In the rare moments when he is not hard at work doing an excellent job, Don's one and only priority is to help those around him. People like Don encourage and inspire us to persevere when things get tough and give it your all no matter the task at hand. My friends and I study in the Norm Asbjornson Hall nearly every day and have considered nominating Don for a while. We decided it was our turn to return the favor of trying to brighten a fellow member of the MSU community's day. With that said, I hope you consider Don for Pure Gold! -Hale Davies
He is always working his hardest in the engineering building with a smile on his face. He is the kind of employee this campus needs more of-the kind of person this world needs more of- an all-around great man. -Bradley Hoss
Nominated by Hale Davies and Bradley Hoss; Received Award on September 9, 2020.

Teresa Greenwood has been the sole advisor for Liberal Studies program since 2010. She is absolutely critical to the success of our program. Liberal Studies has no dedicated faculty nor is it a department; it's an interdisciplinary program housed within the College of Letters & Science. As such, it relies on departments across campus to fulfill degree requirements in three options: Quaternity, Environmental Studies, and Global and Multicultural Studies. Because of this, Teresa's curricular knowledge is extraordinary. She not only knows the different courses offered by our partnering departments such as LRES, Music, or Health and Human Development, but she can speak to how those courses will align with a student's interests, what the requirements are, and how best to manage expectations around the course.
Another unique aspect of our program is that most of our students transfer from other colleges and departments. They are very rarely freshmen but rather students who have begun their program of study in a different college or department. As you might imagine, they often arrive at her doorstep with some trepidation, in some cases with a sense of failure, and in many cases a concern that they will now have to add one or two more years to their education. They are lucky to have Teresa as she offers a judgement-free place of compassion, understanding, and knowledge
Indeed, Teresa's curricular knowledge is matched by her skills as an adviser which can be characterized as both nurturing and rigorous. She empowers students to take control of their academic journey while listening to their anxieties, dreams, and hopes. Our students' interests are always front and center which is why she will not hesitate to recommend a different major than our own if it is what best suits them. And she will welcome them back if they change their minds again! All of us in Liberal Studies believe she exemplifies Pure Gold.
Nominated by Bridget Kevane. Received award on September 2, 2020.
Please accept this as our joint recommendation for Jennifer Moser for the Pure Gold Award from all 4 Registrar's Offices in the MSU system: Dena Wagner-Fossen (Great Falls), Cheri Johannes (Billings), Alisha Schroeder (Havre), and Tony Campeau (Bozeman).
Jen is one of the many extraordinary people at MSU who work tirelessly behind the scenes for all four of the MSU campuses... And she does that remotely! While she keeps the team organized for software upgrades, testing and troubleshooting issues in multiple software, she also provides a ton of support to the smaller campuses like GFC MSU & MSU Northern by doing extra testing, being a technical expert and always helping no matter how busy she is. This includes running reports in the evenings, weekends & even once on vacation for me! Talk about above and beyond!
Jen goes above and beyond to serve others because she truly IS the wizard behind the curtain Ive worked with her since at least 2005 and never known her to want credit or take credit where it is due (which surrounds us!!) She is ever-present, always helpful, constantly coaching/teaching/training behind the scenes and is a trouble-shooter extraordinaire. She does it diligently, thoughtfully, and quietly behind the scenes. If you want it done done right done thoroughly done with a smile done with documentation saved and cataloged for the future Jen is the master. An innumerable number of us in the MSU system rely on her expertise and professionalism multiple times daily. If it deals with the student module of banner I choose Jen. Jen is easily a leading expert in the USA working for us.
Simply put, Jen Moser makes positive contributions to the entire MSU Family with every key stroke. Every. Single. Thing. She. Does.
Nominated by Kandi Gresswell; received award on August 26, 2020.

Sam McColley has been the life and soul of the anatomy program at Montana State University-Bozeman for 12 years. His dedication to students is second to none. Sam has inspired 100s of students to pursue their health professional dreams through his outstanding instruction and guidance. Those of us who are fortunate enough to work with him know how wonderful Sam is, but it's time to share this with the MSU community.
The amazing anatomy program that we offer at MSU is second to none, and a cornerstone by which hundreds of pre-medical students have been supported and inspired. This impressive program is due in large part to the perseverance and commitment of Sam McColley, which includes the expansion laboratory resources and the addition of the student resource center in Leon Johnson Hall. However, even before he took on the position of instructor and anatomical curator in 2008, Sam was a dedicated bobcat, starting as a work-study student, then as a GTA and graduate student in Animal and Range Science.
What Sam has done goes so far beyond the day to day activities of running labs and
teaching. His tireless support of students in helping them achieve their goals (dozens
have made it through medical school and are now doctors'and they all remember fondly
the excellent experiences of Sam's classes), as well as outreach to local high schools,
and countless hours working with graduate and undergraduate students in getting absolute
unique experiences in our anatomy labs is remarkable.
Thank you for all you do Sam-you are Pure Gold!
Nominated by Rachel Anderson; received award on August 19, 2020.