Outreach and Engagement Council

Minutes:  Tuesday, February 17, 2015

9 – 10:30 A.M

Reid 415

Kim Obbink, Diane Dorgan, Michael Fox, Carmen McSpadden, Kathy Tanner, Suzi Taylor, Carina Beck, Becky Mahurin, Christa Merzdorf, Cody Stone,  Kaitlyn Wernik,  Betsy Webb 


Call to order

Approval of Minutes of January meeting

Becky motioned for approval; Kathy seconded. Minutes were approved.

Information Items

Old Business

APLU IEP update – Becky Mahurin

Will be having focus group with community members 

Submission will include a table with all programs, word limit for any detail on programs

Ilse‐Marie Lee has offered to do final editing 

SCOPE – COGENT project

Carried over to next month

Mini‐grant proposal update

Revised draft distributed to council members

Spoke with Chris Fastnow (Chair of Planning Council)

Reasonable amount of money 

Will allow for funding and tracking

Suggested we might talk to Alumni Foundation about having some sort of partnership 

Council suggestion to submit proposal to President Cruzado and ask for follow‐up meeting with her to discuss

New Business

APLU/Magrath award nominations (attached)

Council decided to put out an open call for nominations. 

World Parks Conference – Michael Fox 

Conference in Sydney Australia 

Was there to promote traveling exhibit on History of Yellowstone National Park

Take aways

Great stories 

Good chance to market to people from around the country 

US has strong knowledge base for developing and managing National Parks

A lot of countries are creating national parks in the same way NPS did hundreds of years ago 

Yellowstone Park exhibit might make good Magrath award nomination

 Next Meeting 

Tuesday,  March 17th 

9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.  Reid 415