10 Ways to Pass the Time Besides a Home Workout
Posted by Natalee Wheeler on April 1, 2020
By now, the internet has exploded with a plethora of people posting their home HIIT workouts, yoga practice, or other at home workouts. While this can be a great way to get some exercise, increase endorphins, and contribute to a happy mood, there are other things to do with your free time too! Read on for ten ideas to help you boost your mood and reduce stress or anxiety.
1. Mindful Meditation
A great way to reduce stress and anxiety is to practice mindfulness, and you can do this through meditation. There are even free apps that you can get to help you get in a daily routine of meditation or other mindfulness practices. Check out the apps Calm, Headspace, and Insight Timer to kickstart your meditation practice.
2. DIY Crafts and Projects
Do you have some photos than you’ve always wanted to use for a scrapbook? Is there some extra string or cans lying around to be turned into a flower pot? Check out Buzzfeed’s Nifty site for DIY ideas and other ways to make use of your free time at home. https://www.buzzfeed.com/nifty
3. Journaling
Writing down your thoughts, feelings, what happened in your day, or just something that is weighing on your mind can be a huge stress relief.
4. Bake or cook something
Now is a great time to learn how to cook your favorite meal, bake your grandma’s classic cookies, or just to channel your time into nourishing your body with good food. Stay tuned in the weeks to come to watch some of OHA’s staff create recipes for you to try at home!
5. Facetime or video chat with a friend
When the whole world has to isolate or self quarantine, it makes it really hard to stay connected with your friends and family. Thankfully, we have the internet, social media, and modern technology to help us out. Take 10 minutes today to text a friend, call your mom, or FaceTime a loved one.
6. Create a piece of art
Drawing, painting, or creating some type of art work can be both rewarding and stress reducing. Try a Bob Ross painting video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxcnsr1R5Ge_fbTu5ajt8DQ
7. Make a new playlist
Listening to relaxing or soothing music can go a long way in improving your mood. Check out some new music, make a playlist for at home relaxation, or ask friends for song suggestions. You can even make a playlist collaborative on Spotify so it helps you connect with others!
8. Learn something new
Maybe you have some extra free time that you aren’t quite sure what to do with. One idea is to explore new hobbies! Apps like Duolingo can help you learn a new language and YouTube is a great place to find tutorials on learning a new instrument or dancing.
9. Read a book or listen to a podcast
Do you have a list of books that you’ve always wanted to read, but never had the time for? Now is your chance! If you need some good book recommendations, here is a list of must read books: https://www.realsimple.com/work-life/entertainment/must-read-books Ted Talks are a great way to watch or listen to passionate people talk about important topics. Check out episodes here: https://www.ted.com/talks
10. Clean or organize
Cleaning your home or organizing that pile of random things that has been sitting in the back of your closet for months can help your home and mind feel decluttered. Create a small to do list of areas in your home that you want to clean or organize to help focus your energy into making a clear space. Start small and challenge yourself to do one or two tasks each day. Don’t overwhelm yourself by tackling the entire place in a day.