Enhancing Research Capacity and Opportunity
Note: Thank you for your interest in ADVANCE Project TRACS, our NSF funded Institutional Transformational Grant which ended August 31, 2017. The pages that follow are historical documents for informational purposes only.

Former Team Leads: Suzanne Held, Leslie Schmidt, and Linda Young
ADVANCE has institutionalized systematic research support for women faculty in STEM/SBS fields through grant pre-proposal assistance, a mentoring network of successful grantees, and facilitating engagement of women in interdisciplinary research that are now incorporated into the MSU Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE).
Research Resources of the Center for Faculty Excellence

Email Nika if you have questions.
With guidance from the Research Capacity Team with the Office of Sponsored Programs and coordinated by Nika Stoop (Research Resources Coordinator), the Center sponsors workshops on all aspects of grant development and management, partners mentors with faculty for grant-writing support, provides mini-grants for faculty to enhance and explore additional research opportunities, and offers other initiatives that support faculty scholarship and success.
Visit the CFE Research website
Interested in enhancing research capacity for women in STEM/SBS at your institution?
Table 1: Change in Grant Expenditures for Tenured/Tenure-Track Women Faculty at Montana State University

Figure 1: One-year Pre- and One-year Post-Bootcamp Analysis of Participants Compared to Comparison Sample