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Academic Support Resources

Coursework content, balancing study time and time management, motivation issues, basic skill requirements, financial concerns/issues, disability, major/program concerns
Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success
- Office of Student Success
- Office of Financial Education
- Career, Internship & Student Employment Services
- Tutoring services
- Success advisors
177 Strand Union Building
TRiO Student Support Services
- Low income
- First generation
- Students with disabilities
- Application process
314 Reid Hall
NACOE Scholarships
- 250 One-time, donor-funded, scholarships available
- Majority for continuing, Sophomore and above students
- A few available for Freshmen
237 Norm Asbjornson Hall
Office of Disability Services
- Disability access and accommodations (alternative text request, note taking requests, etc.)

137 Romney Hall
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Academic Advisors
- Eliese Besemer
- Kristy Merdinger
220 Roberts Hall
Writing Center
- Review of essays, presentations, scholarship essays, cover letters, etc.
- Initial brainstorming help to final revisions
- By appointment or walk-in
1-114 Wilson 207 Romney MSU Library
(406.994.5315) (406.994.5320) (406.994.4346)
Math and Stat Center (MSC)
- Free drop-in math tutoring
- Instructor and course-specific schedules posted on website
220 Romney Hall

For a comprehensive list of resources available to College of Engineering students please visit 


Non-Academic Support Resources

Mental health issues, homesickness, relationship (roommate, significant other, family), general adjustment, sexual assault, physical/health concerns, etc.), issues that may affect classroom attendance and well-being


Counseling & Psychological Services
- FREE confidential counseling to students
- Works with students with a variety of concerns and issues
- Crisis or distress/emergency also available
211 Swingle Hall
24-hour community crisis help line after hours (406.586.3333)
VOICE Center
- 24-hour free and confidential services for all people impacted by sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking
- Services also available for friends and family of survivors
370 Strand Union Building
(406.994.7662) - Office
(406.994.7069) - 24-Hour Support (call or text)
Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons (DISC)
- Provides support and training to the university community for multicultural awareness, prejudice education and practical resources for diversity issues
185 Strand Union Building
Bounty of the Bridgers Campus Food Pantry
- Initiative to combat food waste and food insecurity on the MSU campus for faculty, staff, and students
- Pop-up and Permanent Food Pantry Services
Permanent Pantry: 1102 S. 6th Ave.
(Hours: Mon. 1-5; Tues. 2-6; Wed. 1-5; Thurs. 2-6)
Pop-up Pantry: 1218 S. 15th St. (Hours: Sat. 1-3)
Office of The Dean of Students
- Academic misconduct (cheating, plagiarism, multiple submission, other academic dishonesty)
- Behavioral misconduct
- Student safety and welfare (support for extenuating circumstances, behavioral intervention)
- Support and consultation for faculty and staff
174 Strand Union Building
University Police
- 24-hour full-service police force
- Safety Escorts across campus
- Jump-starts and vehicle unlocking
- Parking services
- Campus crime alerts and reporting

7th Ave. and Kagy Blvd.


Center for Recovering Students
- A community for students in sobriety, their allies and those looking to gain or maintain recovery for addictive disorders
- Support for students through counseling, mentorship, a sober community of students, and recreational opportunities
1102/1106 S. 6th Ave.