The College of Letters and Science invites faculty in biomedical-related disciplines to sponsor an advanced Ph.D. graduate student for the 2024-2025 Kopriva Graduate Student Fellowship. The student must have passed their comprehensive exams. 

The College of Letters and Science at MSU established the Kopriva Graduate Student Fellowship program in 1991 through a generous gift from Philip Kopriva, a 1957 graduate of MSU in Biological Sciences and Chemistry. Each year the Kopriva fund makes a fellowship award of up to $5,000 to an outstanding graduate student. The award is intended to enhance the student’s thesis research program but cannot be used for salary support.

Examples of acceptable support items include:

  • Travel to meetings or for instruction
  • Books
  • Equipment necessary for the student’s individual project
  • Special research services


The student must deliver a Kopriva Science Seminar talk in the subsequent academic year. The student must give their Kopriva Science Seminar presentation before graduation. 


The deadline for application is Friday, May 3, 2024, with the award to start July 1, 2024.


Please send the following materials via email to

  1. Student’s CV and graduate transcripts 
  2. A brief one-paragraph statement of the student’s Ph.D. research project proposal
  3. Budget for the use of the Kopriva funds
  4. Letter of reference from the student’s thesis advisor, summarizing the basis for nomination and evidence of the student’s “promise of excellence.”