Awards and Honors
I have been fortunate to be recognized professionally for my research, teaching, and public outreach. Much credit goes to my colleagues with whom I have worked at Montana State University and NOAA.
Distinguished Professor, 2020
Distinguished Professor in the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering at Montana State University.
Provost's Award for Graduate Student Research & Mentoring, 2020
G. G. Stokes Award in Optical Polarization (SPIE), 2019
For contributions to the understanding of the distribution of optical polarization in the natural environment through the development of instruments, measurement methods, and analysis techniques.
Award of Excellence, University Economic Development Association, 2015
For helping to create, build, and sustain the photonics industry in Bozeman, Montana.
Meritorious Technology Award, MSU, 2015
For outstanding contributions to research and technology transfer to build the local economy.
Wiley Award for Meritorious Research and Creativity, MSU, 2014
Cox Family Award for Creative Scholarship & Teaching, MSU 2012
Fellow, SPIE (International Society for Optics & Photonics), 2008
Outstanding ECE Researcher, 2006
Annual award from the College of Engineering at Montana State University.
Fellow, Optical Society of America, 2004
I was elected a Fellow of OSA "for leadership in optical remote sensing of the environment and promotion of broad appreciation of natural optics."
Professor Vilho Vaisala Award, 2000
[World Meteorological Organization - WMO]
This international award recognizes outstanding work in the area of meteorological sensors and their application, especially to problems of global significance. I was awarded the Vaisala award in 2000 along with Dr. Ed Westwater and other colleagues for our development and deployment of a suite of atmospheric remote sensors in Papua New Guinea in the early 1990s, which laid the foundation for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurements (ARM) sites in the Tropical Western Pacific.
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), 1999 
I received this award at The White House in February 1999. The PECASE is the highest honor that can be awarded by the United States to scientists and engineers early in their career. The award recognizes outstanding accomplishment and promise for continued excellence as national leaders in scientific research.
Outstanding Scientific Paper Award
The NOAA Research Laboratories chose a paper from my Ph.D. research work for this award [J. A. Shaw and J. H. Churnside, "Scanning-laser glint measurements of sea-surface slope statistics," Applied Optics 36(18), 4202-4213 (1997)]. (327 kb)
Outstanding Student Engineer of the Year
[University of Alaska]
In 1986 I was chosen for this award that recognizes an individual as the outstanding
student in the College of Engineering at the University of Alaska.
Fellowships and Scholarships
- Optical Sciences Center Scholarship, University of Arizona 1993-1994
- NOAA Fellowship for training at the Optical Sciences Center, 1992-1993
- Enhanced Teaching Assistantship for recruiting promising graduate students, University of Utah, 1987-1988
- ARCO scholarship, College of Engineering, University of Alaska, 1986-1987