CURRICULUM VITAE (Click to view full C.V.)

January 2020

Jean C. Pfau, Ph.D.                                                                         

Department of Microbiology and Immunology                                

Montana State University     

2155 Analysis Drive, Room 143                                            Phone: 406-994-4778

Health Sciences Building                                                         Fax:     406-994-4926                         

PO Box 173610                                                                      email:

Bozeman MT 59718                                                    



University of Montana, Missoula MT.

Ph.D. Microbiology/Biochemistry, May 1998. Dissertation: "Lipopolysaccharide-induced signal transduction in macrophages: Mechanisms of cellular responsiveness." Advisor: G. Card, PhD.

University of Montana, Missoula MT

            B.A. Zoology, Summa Cum Laude, 1978. Zoology Department.

            Montana Secondary Education Certificate, 1978. School of Education, Biological Sciences.

Rocky Mountain College, Billings MT.

            B.A French, 1977.



Faculty. 2017- current. Gallatin College and WIMU Regional Program in Veterinary Medicine, Montana

State University, Bozeman, MT

Professor, Adjunct. 2015–current. Dept. of Thoracic Surgery, Icahn School of Medicine, New York, NY

Research Scientist. 2016 – current. Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, MSU, Bozeman MT.

Laboratory Manager. 2019. Teaching Laboratories, Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, Montana

State University, Bozeman, MT

Professor. 2015-2016. Dept of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID

Associate Professor. 2010-2015. Department of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University, Pocatello.

Director, Flow Cytometry Core Facility, 2008 – 2015, Idaho State University;

            2002 – 2008, Center for Environmental Health Sciences, University of Montana.

Assistant Professor. 2008 – 2010. Department of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University

Assistant Professor. 2006 – 2008. Dept of Biomed & Pharm Sciences, Univ. of Montana, Missoula MT.

Instructor, 1998 – 2007. Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana, Missoula

Research Assistant Professor. July 2002 – 2006. Dept of Biomed & Pharm Sci, University of Montana.

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. July 2000 – June 2002.

            Center for Environmental Health Sciences, University of Montana.   Director: Andrij Holian

Research Scientist/ Lab Supervisor. April 1999 – May 2000.

The International Heart Institute of Montana, Tissue Engineering Lab, Missoula MT.

Cardiovascular wound healing, fibrosis and calcification. Director: David Cheung, Ph.D.

Post-Doctoral Research Associate. May 1998 - May 1999.

            Stella Duncan Memorial Research Institute, Missoula MT. PI: George Card, Ph.D.

Research Assistant. June 1993 - May 1998.

University of Montana, Division of Biological Sciences, Missoula MT. PI: George Card, Ph.D


2001–2002      NIEHS/NIH. P.I. NRSA #F32 ES 11249-01 “Mechanism of Silica-Induced Autoimmune Responses”.        

2002-2008       NCRR/NIH. Core Facility Director. P20 RR017670 COBRE. (Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence)   “Fluorescence Cytometry Core”

2005-2008       NIEHS/NIH. P.I. R21 ES012956-01 “Effect of autoantibodies on lung fibroblast phenotype”.

2007-2008       NSF ADVANCE/UM Partnership for Comprehensive Equity. Visiting Scholar/Mentor Award.                                              develop collaboration with Herzenberg Lab, Stanford Univ.

2007-2008       NCRR/NIH. Subproject P.I. P20 RR017670 COBRE (Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence) “Cellular mechanisms of asbestos-induced autoimmunity.”

2008-2010       WWAMI Institute for Translational Health Sciences. PI.  “Role of Peritoneal B1a B-Cells in Asbestos-Induced Autoimmunity”

2008-2009       ISU Faculty Research Committee Grant.   PI. $5000, “Identification of antigen targets for anti-fibroblast antibodies”

2010-2012       NIEHS/NIH. P.I. R15 (AREA grant) ES018986-01, “Role of System xc- in Asbestos-Induced Autoimmune Responses”.

2009-2015       Centers for Disease Control/ATSDR, Sub-Project P.I. on R01 TS000099-01

“Libby Epidemiology Research Program”, Raja Flores, PI (Icahn School of Medicine, NY). Sub-Project: Autoimmune Outcomes. 

2012-2016       NIEHS/NIH. P.I. R15 (AREA grant) ES021884-01, “Identification of Functional Targets for Asbestos-Induced Autoantibodies”

2014-2015       Clinical and Translational Research – Infrastructure Network – Pilot Program, “Correlating Autoantibody Profiles in Asbestos-Exposed Populations with Lung Disease Phenotypes”  

2015-2018       NIH/EPA 1P50ES026102        Lewis/Gonzales (PI), University of New Mexico Center for Native Environmental Health Equity Research. Sub-Project: Autoimmune Outcomes of Heavy-Metal Contaminated Drinking Water, at Montana State University (Keil, Sub-Project PI) - Role: Research Scientist

2015-2016       Montana Agricultural Experimental Station Research Innovation Grant -Increasing Exposure to Natural Occurring Asbestos in Western States: Fiber-Specific Pulmonary and Autoimmune Health Effects, Role: Co-PI (PI: D. Keil)

2016-2018       NIEHS/SRPR13 Conference Grant: ES027341-01 Keil/Pfau (Co-PI), Novel Findings in Asbestos Health Effects

2017-2018       University of Pennsylvania, Asbestos Superfund Program   PI: Melpo Christofidou-Solomidou,  In vivo and in vitro effects of flaxseed extract on LA-induced inflammation,  Role: Sub-Project Co-Investigator

2017-2018       Institute for Translational Health Sciences (UW): ITHS Academic/Community Partnership Innovation Award, PI: Pfau. Identification of Therapeutic Targets for Lamellar Pleural Thickening

2018-2019       National Health & Medical Research Council/Cancer Council, Australia. PI: Alison Reid, Curtin University, Western Australia. Asbestos exposure, autoimmunity and asbestos-related disease: filling in the knowledge gaps.  Role: Sub-Award PI.

2019-2024       DHHS/Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry  1 NU61TS000295-01-00

Affordable Care Act Program for Early Detection of Certain Medical Conditions Related to Environmental Health Hazards, Center for Asbestos Related Diseases, Libby MT.  PI: Brad Black, MD.       Role: Consultant                               


PUBLICATIONS – Peer Reviewed.     (Student authors are underlined)

  1. Pfau, J.C., T. McNew, L. Swan, B. Black. Autoimmune Markers for Progression of Libby Amphibole Lamellar Pleural Thickening. In Press: Inhalation Toxicology, November 2019.
  1. Christofidou-Solomidou, M., R.A. Pietrofesa, K. Park, S.M. Albelda, D.E. Keil, J.C.Pfau. 2019. Synthetic Secoisolariciresinol Diglucoside (LGM2605) inhibits Libby Amphibole Asbestos-induced acute inflammation in mice. Toxicology & Applied Pharm 375:81-93.
  1. Pfau, J.C., C. Barbour, B. Black, K. Serve, M.J. Fritzler. 2018. Analysis of Autoantibody Profiles in Two Asbestiform Fiber Exposure Cohorts. Jrnl of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A.81(19):1015-1027.
  1. Diegel, R., B. Black, J.C. Pfau, T. McNew, C.W. Noonan, R. Flores. 2018. Case Series: Rheumatological Manifestations of Exposure to Libby Asbestiform Amphiboles. Jrnl of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 81(15):734-747.
  1. Reid, A., P. Franklin, N. de Klerk, J. Creaney, F. Brims, B. Musk, J. Pfau. 2018. Autoimmune antibodies and asbestos exposure: Evidence from Wittenoom, Western Australia. Amer Jrnl of Industrial Medicine 61(7):615-620. DOI: 10.1002/ajim.22863.
  1. Pfau, J.C. 2018. Immunotoxicity of Asbestos. Current Opinion in Toxicology, 7(1-6).
  1. Miller, A., J. Szeinuk, C.W. Noonan, C. Henschke, J.C. Pfau, B. Black, D. Yankelevitz, T. McNew, Linker, R. Flores. 2018. Libby Amphibole Disease: Clinical, Pulmonary Function and Radiographic Abnormalities in Former Vermiculite Mine Workers. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 60(2):167-173.
  1. Kaushik, G., Y. Xia, J.C. Pfau, C. Cretekos, K. Aho, M.A. Thomas. 2017. Dysregulation of Autism-Associated Synaptic Proteins by Psychoactive Pharmaceuticals at Environmental Concentrations. Neuroscience Letters 661:143-148.
  1. Pfau, J.C., B. Buck, R. Metcalf, Z. Kaupish, C. Stair, M. Rodriguez, B. Buck, R. Metcalf, D.E. Keil. Comparative Health Effects in Mice of Libby Amphibole and an Environmental Fibrous Amphibole from Arizona. Tox and Applied Pharm (TAAP) 334:24-34

     47. Bernatsky, S.M., J.C. Pfau, M.J. Fritzler. 2017. Environmental Exposures and Biomarkers Predictive of RheumatoidArthritis on the Pathway to Precision Medicine. Jrnl Laboratory Precision Med. 2(5):1-4.

  1. Gilmer, J., T. Harding, L. Woods, B. Black, R. Flores, J.C.Pfau. 2016. Mesothelial Cell Autoantibodies Upregulate Transcription Factors Associated with Fibrosis. Inhalation Toxicology 29(1):10-17.
  1. Szeinuk, J., C. Noonan, C. Henschke, J. Pfau, B. Black, D. Yankelevitz, A. Miller, M. Liang, Y. Liu, Yip, L. Linker, T. McNew, R. Flores. 2016. Pulmonary Abnormalities as a Result of Exposure to Libby Amphibole During Childhood and Adolescence – The Pre-Adult Latency Study (PALS). Am Jrnl Indust Med 60(1):20-34. DOI 10.1002/ajim.22674.
  1. Hanson, R., C. Evilia, J. Gilmer, L. Woods, B. Black, R. Flores, J.C.Pfau. 2016. Libby Amphibole-Induced Mesothelial Cell Autoantibodies Bind to Surface Plasminogen and Alter Collagen Matrix Remodeling. Physiological Reports 4(15):1-12. E12881
  1. Gilmer, J., K. Serve, M. Anthony, C. Davis, R. Hanson, J.C. Pfau. 2016. Libby Amphibole-Induced Mesothelial Cell Autoantibodies Promote Collagen Deposition in Mice. Amer J Physiol: Lung Cell Mol Biol. 310(11):L1071-7. PMCID: PMC4935468
  1. Kingston, M., J.C. Pfau, J. Gilmer, R. Brey. 2015. Selective Inhibitory Effects Of 50nm Gold Nanoparticles On Mouse Macrophage And Spleen Cells. Jrnl Immunotoxicology, ePub 2015:1-11.
  1. Carlin, D.J., T. Larson, J.C. Pfau, S.H. Gavett, A. Shukla, A. Miller, R. Hines. 2015. Current Research and Opportunities to Address Environmental Asbestos Exposures. Environ Health Perspect 123(8):194-7.
  1. Pfau, J.C., K.M.Serve, C.W. Noonan. 2014. Asbestos Exposure and Autoimmunity. Autoimmune Diseases, 2014:1-11. PMCID: 24876951
  1. Noonan CW, Conway K, Landguth EL, McNew T, Linker L, Pfau J, Black B, Szeinuk J, Flores R. Multiple pathway asbestos exposure assessment for a Superfund community. Journal Of Exposure Science And Environmental Epidemiology. 2014:1-8.
  1. Zebedeo, C.N., C. Davis, C. Peña, K.W. Ng, J.C. Pfau. 2014. Erionite induces production of autoantibodies and IL-17 in C57BL/6 mice. Tox & Applied Pharmacol, 275:257-264. PMCID: 24518925.
  1. Serve, KM., B. Black, J. Szeinuk, J.C. Pfau. 2013. Asbestos-Associated Mesothelial Cell Autoantibodies Promote Collagen Deposition In Vitro.Inhal. Tox. 25:774-784. PMC5002354
  1. Ferro, A, C.N. Zebedeo, C. Davis, K.W. Ng, J.C. Pfau. 2013. Amphibole, but not Chrysotile, asbestos induces antinuclear autoantibodies and IL-17 in C57BL/6 mice. J Immunotox 11(3):283-90.
  1. Pfau, J.C., K. Hurley, C. Peterson, L. Coker, C. Fowers,R.Marcum. 2013. Activation and Trafficking of B1a B cells in Response to Amphibole Asbestos. J. Immunotox. 11:90-98.
  1. Tadinada SM, Lai MB, Idikuda VK, Mukka K, Singh MRM, Pfau J, Bhushan A, Leung SW & Lai JCK (2013) Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Induced Apoptosis and Necrosis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma HepG2 Cells. In Technical Proceedings of the 2013 NSTI Nanotechnology           Conference, Vol. 3, Chapter 5. Environmental Health & Safety, pp.          433-436.
  1. McKarns SC, Kerkvliet NI, Dean JH, Bonn MB, Cohen MD, Franko J, Laiosa MD, Lawrence BP, Luebke RW, Luster MI, Miller PG, Palmer RK, Pfau JC, Raman P, Regal JF, Rodgers KE, Schondelmeyer RS, Zhang X, Burns-Naas LA. 2012. Immunotoxicology: Fifty Years of Global           Scientific Progress. J Immunotoxicol. 9(4):339-40.

      32. Germolec, D., D.H. Kono, J.C. Pfau, K.M. Pollard. 2012. Animal Models Used to Examine the Role of the Environment in the Development of Autoimmune Disease. J. Autoimmunity 39(4):285-93.

31.Overocker, J. and J.C. Pfau. 2012. Cytokine Production Modified by System Xc- After PM10 and Asbestos Exposure. Journal of Young Investigators 23(6):34-39.

  1. Pfau, J.C., T. Seib, J. Overocker, J. Roe,A. Ferro. 2012. Functional expression of System xc- is upregulated by asbestos but not crystalline silica in murine macrophages. Inhalation Toxicology, 24(8):476-85.
  1. Marchand, L.S., S. St-Hilaire, E.A. Putnam, K. M. Serve, J.C. Pfau. 2012. Anti-Mesothelial Cell and Anti-Nuclear Autoantibodies Associated with Pleural Abnormalities in an Asbestos Exposed Population: Libby MT. Toxicology Letters, 208:168-173.
  1. Rasmussen, D.L.and J.C. Pfau. 2012.Asbestos activates CH12.LX B lymphocytes via macrophage signaling. J Immunotox. 9(2):129-40.
  1. Pfau, J.C.,S. Holland, S. Li, J. Sentissi. 2011. Alteration of fibroblast phenotype by asbestos-induced autoantibodies. J Immunotox, 8(2):159-69.
  1. Bunderson-Schelvan, M., J. Pfau, R. Crouch, A. Holian. 2011. Non-Pulmonary Outcomes of Asbestos Exposure. Jrnl Tox Env Health: Critical Reviews, Part B, 14(1):122-52.
  1. Bearden, S.E., R.S. Beard Jr, and J.C. Pfau. 2010. Extracellular Transsulfuration Generates Hydrogen Sulfide from Homocysteine and Protects Endothelium From Redox Stress. Am Jrnl Phys - Heart and Circulatory Physiology 299(5):H1568-76.
  1. Cooper, G., K. Gilbert, E. Greidinger, J. James, J. Pfau, B. Richardson, N. Rose, B. Tsao. 2008. Recent Advances and Opportunities in Research on Lupus: Environmental Influences and Mechanisms of Disease. Environ Health Perspect. 116(6):695-702.
  1. Webber, J.S., D.J. Blake, T. Ward, J.C. Pfau. 2008. Separation and characterization of Respirable Amphibole Fibers from Libby, Montana, USA. Inhalation Toxicology 7(8):733-740.
  1. Blake, D.J., S.A. Wetzel, J.C. Pfau. 2008. Autoantibodies from mice exposed to Libby amphibole asbestos bind SSA/Ro52-enriched apoptotic blebs of murine macrophages. Toxicology 246(2 3):172-179.
  1. Pfau, J.C., M.A. Pershouse, E.A. Putnam. 2008. Directions and Needs in Asbestos Research: New Insights. Conference Summary. Jrnl Immunotoxicology 5(2):123-127.
  1. Pfau, J.C., J.J. Sentissi, D.J. Blake, S. Li, L. Calderon-Garciduenas, J.M. Brown. 2008. Asbestos- induced autoimmunity in C57Bl/6 mice. Jrnl Immunotoxicol 5(2):129-137.
  1. Blake, D.J., C. Bolin, F. Cardozo-Pelaez, J.C. Pfau. 2007. NADPH Oxidase contributes to the production of ROS in murine macrophages in response to Libby asbestos exposure. Tox Sci; 99(1):277-288.
  1. Pfau, J.C., M.A. Pershouse, E.A. Putnam. 2006. Conference Summary: Directions and Needs in Asbestos Research: New Insights. Inhalation Toxicology 18(12):919-923.
  1. Noonan, C.W., J.C. Pfau, T.C. Larson, M.R. Spence. 2006. Nested case-control study of autoimmune disease in an asbestos exposed population. Environ Health Perspectives 114(8):1243-1247.
  1. Burns,-Naas, L.A., R.J. Dearman, D.R. Germolic, N.E. Kaminski, I. Kimber, G.S. Ladics, R.W. Luebke, J.C. Pfau, and S.B. Pruett. 2006. Invited Review: ‘Omics” Technologies and the Immune System. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 16:101-119.
  1. Brown, J.M., C.M. Schwanke, M.A. Pershouse, J.C. Pfau, A. Holian. 2005. Effects of rottlerin on silica-exacerbated systemic autoimmune disease in New Zealand Mixed mice. Am J Physiol: Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 289(6):L990-8.
  1. Pfau, J.C., J.J. Sentissi, G. Weller, and E.A. Putnam. 2005. Assessment of Autoimmune Responses Associated with Asbestos Exposure in Libby MT. Environ Health Perspectives 113(1):25-30.
  1. Schneider, J.C., G.L. Card, J.C. Pfau, A. Holian. 2005. Air pollution particulate SRM1648 causes oxidant stress in RAW264.7 macrophages leading to production of prostaglandin E2, a potential Th2 mediator. Inhalation Toxicol. Dec 15;17(14):871-877.
  1. Brown, J.M., J.C. Pfau, M.A. Pershouse, A. Holian. 2004. Silica, apoptosis, and autoimmunity. (Review article) J. Immunotoxicology. 1:177-188.
  1. Archer, A.J., J. Cramton, J.C. Pfau, and A. Holian. 2004. Increased Airway Responsiveness after Acute Exposure to Urban Particulate Matter 1648 in a DO11.10 Murine Model. Am J Physiol: Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 286(2):L337-43.
  1. Brown, J.M., J.C. Pfau, and A. Holian. 2004. Immunoglobulin and lymphocyte responses following silica exposure in New Zealand Mixed mice. Inhalation Toxicology 16(3):133-9.
  1. Pfau, J.C., J.C. Schneider, A.J. Archer, J. Reeves, F.J. Leyva, J. Cramton. 2004. Environmental oxygen tension affects phenotype in cultured bone marrow derived macrophages. Am J Physiol: Lung Cell Mol Physiol.286(2):L354-62.
  1. Pfau, J.C., J.M. Brown, and A. Holian. 2004. Silica-exposed mice generate autoantibodies to apoptotic cells. Toxicology 195(2-3):167-76.
  1. Marchion, D.C., J.C. Pfau, P.A. Weber, A.C. Grobe, C.M. Duran, D.T. Cheung. 2003. An in vitro model of pericardial tissue healing. Biomaterials 24(1):89-95.
  1. Brown, J.M, A.J. Archer, J.C. Pfau, and A. Holian. 2003. Silica accelerated systemic autoimmune disease in New Zealand Mixed mice. J Clinical Exp Immunol 131:415-421.
  1. Hamilton, R.F. Jr., J.C. Pfau, G.D. Marshall, and A. Holian. 2001. Silica and PM1648 modify human alveolar macrophage antigen presenting cell activity in vitro.J Env Path Tox Oncol 20(suppl 1):75-84.
  1. Chao, S.K., R.F. Hamilton, J.C. Pfau, and A. Holian. 2001. Cell surface regulation of silica-induced apoptosis by the SR-A scavenger receptor in a murine lung macrophage cell line (MH-S). Tox Appl Pharmacol 174:10-16
  1. Grobe, A.C., D.T. Cheung, H.H. Luo, Y. Shomura, D.C. Marchion, J.C. Pfau, J.H. Oury, C.M.G. Duran. 2000. A Study of the junction between glutaraldehyde-treated allogeneic aorta and the native aorta. J Heart Valve Disease9:570-575.
  1. Pfau, J.C., E.B. Walker, and G.L. Card. 2000. Monoclonal antibodies to CD45 modify LPS-induced arachidonic acid metabolism in macrophages. Biochimica Biophysica Acta,1495:212-222.
  1. Pfau, J.C., E.B. Walker, and G.L. Card. 1998. Comparison of the effect of lipopolysaccharide and ceramide on arachidonic acid metabolism in THP-1 monocytic cells. Cellular Immunology    186:147-153.



Keil, D.E., T. Hoyt, J.C. Pfau. Developmental Immunotoxicity of Low-Dose Mixtures of Arsenic, Uranium and Manganese in Mice. In Preparation for Toxicological Sciences

Hanson, R., J. Gilmer, L. Woods, K. Serve, Pfau, J.C. Mesothelial Collagen Deposition Following Libby Amphibole Exposure Involves Autoantibody-Induced Protein Tyrosine Phosphorylation. In Preparation for Jrnl of Immunotoxicology


                                                BOOK CHAPTERS

Pfau J.C. and C.W. Noonan. 2018. Asbestos Exposure and Autoimmune Disease. IN: Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.11279-5

Pfau, J.C., K. Serve, L. Woods, C.W. Noonan. 2015. Asbestos Exposure and Autoimmune Disease. IN: Current Topics in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine: Biological Effects of Fibrous and Particulate Substances. Springer Publications.

Thakur, S., Pfau, J.C., Germolec, D. 2013. Animal Models to Study Autoimmune Disease. In:  Encyclopedic Reference of Immunotoxicology, 2nd Edition. Edited by Hans-Werner Vohr. Springer Press.

Pfau, J.C. 2012. Rheumatoid Arthritis. In: Immunotoxicity, Immune Dysfunction, and Chronic Disease, Chapter 7. Edited by Robert Luebke and Rod Dietert. Humana Press.

Noonan, C.W. and J.C. Pfau. 2011. Asbestos Exposure and Autoimmune Disease. In: Jerome Nriagu (Editor-in-Chief), Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, volume 1, pp. 193-203, Burlington: Elsevier.

Pfau, J.C., D.J. Blake, M.J. Fritzler. 2009. Autoantibody Profiles of an Asbestos-Exposed Population. In: Autoimmunity: Role, Regulation and Disorders, Chapter 11:245-268. NOVA Science Publishers.

Pfau, J.C., D.J. Blake, M.J. Fritzler. 2009. Autoantibody Profiles of an Asbestos-Exposed Population. In: Asbestos: Risks, Environment, and Impact, Chapter 4:71-94. NOVA Science Publishers.


SELECTED RECENT AND INVITED PRESENTATIONS.   (Student presenters are underlined)


Pfau, J.C., T. McNew, L. Swan, B. Black. Autoimmune Markers for Progression of Libby Amphibole Lamellar Pleural Thickening. Libby Research Partnership Meeting, May 2019.

Pfau, J.C., C. Barbour, B. Black, K. Serve, M.J. Fritzler. Analysis of Autoantibody Profiles in Two Asbestiform Fiber Exposure Cohorts. Libby Research Partnership Meeting, May 2019.

Pfau, J.C. and D.E. Keil. 2018. Autoimmune Outcomes of Asbestos Exposure: Lessons from Libby MT. Praespero Summit on Autoimmune Diseases, Banff, Alberta, Canada. October 10-13, 2018.

Pfau, J.C., T. Hoyt, M. Rodriguez, C. Stair, Z. Zaupish and D.E. Keil. 2018. Lifetime Exposure To LowLevels Of Arsenic, Manganese And Uranium Lead To Alterations In T And B Lymphocytic Populations. 10th Conference on Metal Toxicity and Cancer (MTC), Albuquerque, NM., October 28-31.

Pfau, J.C. and A. Korchevskiy. Asbestos Mysteries and Discoveries: Hunting for the Mode of Action. Symposium presentation. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo, Philadelphia, PA, May 2018.

Pfau, J.C. Lessons from Libby: Non-Cancer Outcomes of Exposure to Amphibole Asbestos. Invited Seminar: University of Pennsylvania, Asbestos Superfund Center, April 2018.

Pfau, J.C., B. Buck, R. Metcalf, D. Keil. What Mice Tell Us About Health Effects of Fibrous Amphiboles in Mice. Boulder City Community Action Group Public Meeting, Nov 30, 2017.

Pfau, J.C. Differential Non-Cancer Outcomes of Fibrous Amphiboles in Mice. ASTM Johnson Conference, Burlington VT, July 2017. (Invited Talk)

Pfau, J.C. and D.E. Keil. Asbestos: An Emerging Environmental Health Hazard. Immunology and Infectious Diseases Seminar Series, Montana State University, June 27, 2017.

Pfau, J.C., B. Buck, R. Metcalf, Z. Kaupish, C. Stair, M. Rodriguez, D.E. Keil. Arizona Amphibole Asbestos Induces Autoimmunity and Fibrosis in Mice. ASTM Johnson Conference, Burlington VT, July 2017. (Poster)

Pfau, J.C., Z. Kaupish, C. Stair, M. Rodriguez, D.E. Keil. Arizona Amphibole Asbestos Induces Autoimmunity and Fibrosis in Mice. Montana State University Student Research Celebration, April 21, 2017. (Poster)

Pfau, J.C., S.M. Albelda, M. Christofidou-Solomidou. The Synthetic Lignan Secoisolariciresinol Duglucoside (LGM2605) Mitigates Libby Amphibole Asbestos-Induced Immune Cell Activation in Mice and Murine Macrophages. Center for Excellence in Environmental Toxicology, University of Pennsylvania, Perlman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, June 2017.

Pfau, J.C. A Paradigm Shift in Evaluating Risk of Asbestos Exposure: Non-Cancer Outcomes. Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG) meeting: Assessment, Monitoring and Mitigation of Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) Hazards in the Western U.S. Oakland, CA., December 2016. (Invited Speaker)

 tion Pathway. Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2015. Abstract Published in The Toxicologist: 144:145.



 particles on Mouse Macrophage Gene Expression. The Toxicologist: 144:243.




WIMU Regional Program in Veterinary Medicine, MT State University/Washington State University  VM 513: Veterinary Physiology I: Cellular Physiology (2019)

Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, Montana State University (2019) BIOM 497: Educational Methods

University of Johannesburg, South Africa (2018, November 5-8) Intl Symp on Medical Geology in Africa Introduction to Toxicology, Inhalation Toxicology, Toxicology of Asbestos, Precaution Principle

Gallatin College, Montana State University (2017 – current)

            BIOM250: Microbiology for the Life Sciences: Infectious Diseases

            BIOH112/113:   Human Form and Function 1 and II

            BIOM107: Molecules of Life

Dept. of Land Resources & Environmental Sciences, Montana State University (2017)  LRES/MB527: Toxicology (on-line and in class, co-instructor)

Dept. of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University, Pocatello ID (2008- 2015)

            BIOL3301/3302: Anatomy & Physiology (Every semester, pre-professional programs)

            BIOL2206: Cell Biology (Bi-annual)

            BIOL4481/4482: Independent Problems (Undergraduate research projects) (Every Semester)

            BIOL4491/4492: Senior Seminars (Neuroimmunology; Toxicology) (Annual)

            BIOL44/5563: Human Pathophysiology (Co-Instructor, Immunopathology)

            BIOL4481/6641: Advanced Topics in Immunology (Microbial Immune Evasion) (Bi-Annual)

            BIOL6692: Seminar in Toxicology (Bi-Annual)

Dept. of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Montana, Missoula MT. (2002-2008)

            Co-Instructor for BMED 641: Toxicology (Immunotoxicology)

            Co-Instructor for BMED 643: Cell/Molecular Toxicology (Signal Transduction).

            Co-Instructor for BMED 644: Fundamentals of Immunotoxicology.

Co-Instructor for PHAR 626: Methods in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Flow Cytometry

Co-Instructor for PHAR 630: Pharmacogenetics         (Immunopharmacogenetics)

            Co-Instructor for PHAR 495: Skills Lab: Sterile Products & Compounding Lab

            Co-Instructor for PHAR 362: Physiological Systems Lab (Microbiol, Immunology Sections)

            Co-Instructor for PHAR 341: Anatomy and Physiology, Lymphoid system.

            Instructor: Health Careers Opportunity Program: Medical Microbiology

Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana, Missoula MT.

            2000-2007       Instructor: BIOL 106: Elementary Medical Microbiology

            Fall 1999         Instructor: MICB 410: Immunology

Fall 1998         Instructor: MICB 450 and 451: Microbial Physiology and Lab.



2019                Conference Organizer: Libby Research Partnership Conference, Libby MT, May 2019

2019                Grant Peer Reviewer: Montana INBRE

2018                Molecular Biosciences Building, Project Coordinator for Microbiology & Immunology

2015-2018       NIEHS Asbestos Conference Planning Committee (Chair)

2016                Grant Peer Reviewer: British Lung Foundation Research Grants

2015-2016       Grant Peer Reviewer: Pilot Grant program for NIGMS-funded Center for Environmental

Health Sciences, University of Montana

2015                Grant Peer Reviewer: Dept. of Defense, Peer-Reviewed Medical Research Program



2019    Service Recognition Award, Center for Asbestos Related Diseases, Libby MT

2015    Idaho State University Outstanding Researcher Award

2014    Faculty annual evaluation rating of “Exceptional” by both Department Chair and Dean of the

College of Science & Engineering, and Merit Award – Idaho State University

2014    Best Oral Presentation: Clinical/Translational Research Infrastructure Network (CTR-IN) Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada

2013    College of Science and Engineering Merit Award, Idaho State University

2012    Outstanding Graduate Teacher and Mentor, Dept of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University

2012    College of Science & Engineering Master Teacher Award, Idaho State University

2012    Idaho State University Outstanding Teacher Award

2012    Excellence in Education Award, LDS Student Association

2011    College of Science and Engineering Merit Award, Idaho State University

2011    Idaho State University Outstanding Service Award

2010    Elsevier Top Reviewer for 2010, from the Editors of Toxicology Letters

2010    PI of the Year, Utah Branch, American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS)

2007    Outstanding Young Investigator Award, Immunotoxicology Specialty Section, Society of Toxicology

1997    University of Montana, DBS Pre-Doctoral Honors Fellowship

1997    University of Montana. Bertha Morton Graduate Scholarship (Top 5% at U.M.)

1996    P.E.O. Chapter BO Scholarship Renewal

1996    International Chapter P.E.O., Des Moines IA. International Graduate Scholar Award.

1995    Philanthropic Education Organization (P.E.O.) Scholarship, Chapter BO, Missoula MT

1993    University of Montana, Missoula MT. Super T.A. Award




2019                Community Research & Outreach Reception, Libby MT. May 2019

2018                Community Informational Meetings: Naturally Occurring Asbestos in Laughlin, NV,  Feb 2, 2018.

2017                Libby Community Educational Rally, Libby MT, November 2, 2017.

2017                Value of PEO Scholarships. Invited talk. PEO Chapter meeting, March 2017

2016                Libby Community Rally, and Libby Epidemiology Research Program meeting, Oct. 2016

2015                Libby Montana Community Presentation: Libby Epidemiology Research Program: May 2015

2015                Invited Lectures: Bannock County Sheriff’s Department. “Stress & the Immune System”

2014                Lecture: Mr. Gene Reckin’s High School Biology Class, Libby MT “A Research Story”, Oct 2014.

2014                Libby Research Rally, Libby MT, September 2014

2012-2014       Co-Director: Idaho Science & Engineering Festival (

2014                CommUniversity/Celebrate ISU, March 18, 2014, booth presenter/organizer for College

2013                CommUniversity/Celebrate ISU Planning Committee

2013                Libby Research Rally, Libby MT, October 2013

2013                Young Einstein Day, Westside Elementary School, Idaho Falls, ID, Jan 25, 2013

2012                World AIDS Day, Invited lecture: “Stress, AIDS & the Immune System”, Dec 5, 2012

2012                Libby Research Rally and Research Symposium, Libby MT, Oct 2012

2012                High School Class lectures, “Stress & the Immune System”, Meridian HS, Sept 28, 2012

2012                High School Class lecture on Immunology, Idaho Falls High School, March 5, 2012

2011                University of Montana Ask-An-Alum Mentoring Program

2011                Libby Research Rally, Libby MT. Oct 13, 2011

2010                Idaho Science & Engineering Festival, Planning Committee

2010                Libby Research Rally & Community Advisory Committee meetings, Libby MT, Sep 17

2010                High School Class lecture on Immunology, Idaho Falls High School, March 12, 2010

2009                “Passages” Panel Volunteer, Pocatello Community Charter School

2003 – 2008    American Heart Association HeartWalk Team leader for Biomed Pharm Sci Dept., UM

1994 – 2008    Montana State Science Fair, Missoula MT. Judge, Committee Chair, and Grand Awards.