Graduate Council Meeting - Minutes
November 18, 2002


Graduate Council Members:


Ken Bowers, College of Letters & Science; Janice Bowman, College of Agriculture; Doug Cairns, College of Engineering; Marc Giullian, College of Business; Richard Helzer, College of Arts & Architecture; Bruce McLeod, Graduate Dean; Gretchen McNeely, College of Nursing; Jill Hayes, Graduate Students; Craig Stewart, College of Education, Health & Human Development


      Present:    Chair Bruce McLeod, Janice Bowman, Mark Giullian, Ken Bowers, Craig Stewart, Richard Helzer, Edward Adams (for Doug Cairns), Ellen Kreighbaum (H&HD), Mark Nelson (H&HD), Jill Thorngren (H&HD), Rebecca Ward (College of Graduate Studies), Donna Negaard (College of Graduate Studies)


Graduate Council Agenda Items:


Item 1:  Discussion of the Master’s of Public Administration – collaborative proposal with MSU Billings


McLeod discussed the Memorandum of Agreement for a collaborative Master’s of Public Administration program between MSU Bozeman and MSU Billings.  The document was e-mailed to the Graduate Council members on November 14, 2002.


Some questions and concerns were discussed


·         MSU-Bozeman will teach two classes in Billings each semester

·         Classes will be taught on a rotating basis

·         Is there a long term commitment from the faculty in Bozeman?  

·         The Memorandum of Agreement has a sunset clause to make sure current students are able to complete the degree if the collaborative degree breaks down

·         Policies and Procedures will be voted on by an oversight committee of faculty from each university

·         Billings will pay for costs associated with Bozeman faculty teaching classes


Motion:  Helzer moved to forward the Memorandum of Agreement for the Master’s of Public Administration Collaborative Proposal with MSU Billings to the Board of Regents.  Giullian seconded.             

Vote:  Unanimously passed


Item 2:  Approval of October minutes


Motion:  Bowman moved to approve the October Graduate Council minutes.  Helzer seconded.


Vote:  Unanimously passed


Item 3:  Continuing discussion of the Master of Science in Health and Human Development, Youth Development option


Bowman asked how they would determine the prerequisites for students coming from a broad background and if the graduate level courses would have prerequisite content.  Nelson responded that they were asking for a document that they could give to the admissions committee.  Nelson indicated that every student would have to go through this admission process.  It was suggested that students who fell into a determined set of academic backgrounds would be admitted and other students would have to go through the admissions committee.


There were concerns regarding the number of classes MSU would be teaching.  According to the Health and Human Development proposal, MSU would be teaching up to four classes and other institutions would only be teaching one or two.  Questions regarding enough professors, space and replacement instructors were asked as well.  Thorngren stated her office was on South 3rd and had extra room for temporary faculty.  Extra office space on campus would have to be checked into.


Another Concern was the program leader.  Kreighbaum indicated their Administrative Associate would be following this program.  A program leader would not be decided until after the program was up and running.  There were questions regarding the work load being too much for the Administrative Associate and only $600 in the budget to hire extra help. 


Summary points:


·         How do you make sure each applicant (with a diversity of academic backgrounds) is acceptable for a graduate level program?

·         Would the graduate courses have prerequisite content?

·         Would work experience be evaluated during the admission process?

·         Is there enough MSU faculty to teach the four courses?

·         Is there enough office space for adjuncts who may replace faculty involved in teaching Youth Development classes?

·         Who will be responsible as program leader for the program at MSU-Bozeman?

·         Is there enough administrative support for this program?

·         How will the tuition be transferred to the program if it is offered through Extended Studies?

·         Can the program succeed if the number of candidates falls short of the projections?

·         Is there proficiency testing throughout the program to make sure candidates are succeeding throughout their program as well as at the end?


Action:  McLeod will summarize the concerns of the Graduate Council and send them to Kreighbaum.



Item 4:  Continuing discussion of comprehensive examinations


Action:  Tabled for a future meeting



Item 5:  Defining “Professional” programs at MSU


ActionTabled for a future meeting



The next Graduate Council meeting is scheduled for 12:00 p.m., December 9th in the President's Conference Room (MT Hall 103).


Graduate Council Meeting - Minutes November 18, 2002