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College of Education, Health and Human Development

  • Scholarship opportunities are available to students enrolled in the MSU College of Education, Health and Human Development.  Please see the online application for HHD majors (including Food and Nutrition majors).

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation

  • Address : Accreditations, Education Programs and Student Operations
    120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190
    Chicago , IL 60606
    312 877-5400
  • Application : Download from Academy website
    Very specific directions and requirements listed.
  • Eligibility: Junior or Senior (full-time) in dietetics. Must be member of Academy by January of the year you are applying. Scholarships are also available for students that will be completing a dietetic internship or attending graduate school.
  • References : Two references, one must be RD
  • Due Date : February of each year
  • Amount : Range from $500.00 - $5000.00

Educational Foundation of National Restaurant Association

  • Address : Scholarship and Mentoring Initiative
    175 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 1500
    Chicago , IL 60604-2702
  • Application : Call 1-800-765-2122, x. 733 for application or download from EFNRA's website.
  • Eligibility : Designed for those interested in Food Systems Management, 2.75 GPA (include transcript), 750 hours of industry related work experience
  • Reference: Food service employer, supervisor or teacher (company or school letterhead)
  • Due Date : March and July
  • Amount : starting at $2500.00