Refunds are generated by the Student Accounts Office.  The date your refund is generated depends on the date you Confirmed your Bill and is determined by the Student Accounts Office refund schedule

If you are unsure why you haven't received your refund, please confirm that you have completed the following steps:

  • Have you been officially admitted?
  • Have you completed your FAFSA and submitted it to MSU?
  • Have you registered for enough credits to receive your financial aid?
  • Have you accepted the Student Statement and your Award Letter in My Info? Your aid is subject to cancellation if not accepted within 30 days of your notification.
  • Have you submitted all requested information to Financial Aid Services? You can check for Unsatisfied Requirements in your My Eligibility section of My Info.
  • Have you completed Promissory Notes for each loan you have accepted?
  • Have you completed loan Entrance Counseling on
  • Have you Confirmed your Bill (paid your fees) with the Student Accounts Office?
  • Are you signed up for direct deposit of your refund?  If so, verify the information in My Info.
  • If you are expecting your refund check to be mailed, verify your mailing address in your Personal Information tab of My Info.

The details of your bill are maintained by the Student Accounts Office. The earliest that your aid will disburse to your bill is 10 days before classes start

By Confirming your Bill through the Student Accounts Office you are confirming that you accept the charges for tuition and fees, your financial aid is sufficient to pay your bill, and that you will be attending classes. You can Confirm your Bill in My Info.  Bill Confirmation must happen each semester you attend classes at MSU.