Below is a collection of recorded workshops from the last few years available for faculty to watch on demand.

Would you like credit for watching a recorded workshop? Download and complete Request Center Credit Form  and submit to the Center for Faculty Excellence at 

To view most videos, you will need to sign in with your NetID and password.

Teaching & Learning

Generative AI Workshop

Designing More Effective & Engaging Presentations

  • Recorded Fall 2022 - Watch the video now
  • Facilitator: Dr. Myleen Leary, College of Business
  • Note this is a Zoom Recording.  The passcode is 2js!%.2B

Charting a Course with Learning Outcomes

Formative Assessment 

Active Learning Basics

Day One - New Semester, New Challenges: Navigating the Unexpected in Your Classroom Trainings

Day Two - New Semester, New Challenges: Navigating the Unexpected in Your Classroom Trainings

What Your Students Want You to Know About Open Educational Resources

Delivering Feedback More Effectively and Efficiently with Audio Feedback and Tailored Grading Rubrics

Active Learning: Rethinking Your Teaching to Promote Deeper Learning 

Weaving Racial Justice into Your Course Part 2

  • Recorded September 23, 2020 - Watch the video now
  • Panelists: Sara Rushing, Ryan Matzinger, Kayte Kaminski, Matthew Herman and Barbara Komlos
  • Hosted by: the Center for Faculty Excellence and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Weaving Racial Justice into Your Course Part 1

  • Recorded September 9, 2020 - Watch the video now
  • Panelists: Sara Rushing, Ryan Matzinger, Kayte Kaminski, Matthew Herman and Barbara Komlos
  • Hosted by: the Center for Faculty Excellence and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Teacher, Know Thyself Workshop Series with Jerome Feldman

  • March 2, 2020 Session 1 Do You Practice What You Preach? – Exploring Your Personal Teaching Philosophy and How it Aligns Your Classroom Practice.  Watch the video now
  • March 12, 2020 Session 2 Where Shall the Twain Meet? – Examining How Well Your Personal Teaching Approach Aligns with Your Students’ Approaches to Learning. Watch the video now (1 hour 50 min)
  • April 2, 2020 Session 3 Creating A Community of Inquiry: Teaching and Learning Designs for Deeper Understanding and Greater Inclusion. Watch the video now (2 hours)
  • Learn more about this series

Active Learning: Re-Thinking Your Teaching to Promote Deeper Learning

Best Teaching Practices for Accelerated Courses

  • Presenter: Dr. Mike Siddoway, Associate Dean of the Faculty & Professor of Mathematics, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CoNovember 27, 2017
  • Watch the video now

Implementing Bobcat 4x4 in Your Summer Course

Formative Classroom Assessment Techniques

See What I Mean: Visual Thinking in Teaching and Learning

Contemplative Pedagogy

The Psychology of Movement in Large Classes

Give Students A Visual Learning Map


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Graduate Student Teaching Training

Session 1: Active learning

  • Recorded on Wednesday August 30th, 1:00 to 2:30pm
  • Ken Silvestri, Instructional Designer
  • View recorded session

Session 2:"How to build an inclusive learning environment.” Facilitated by Craig Ogilvie and Sarah Pennington. 

Session 3: “Connecting with your students, establishing boundaries." Facilitated by Matt Caires, Durward Sobek

  • Recorded on Monday, Sept 18th, 10:00-11:30am
  • View recorded session  (More to come)

Session 4:"Providing feedback, both formal in grading and informal feedback,” e.g., affirming good work, being alert for students who might be struggling or not attending class and reaching out to these students. Facilitated by Carrie Myers. 

  • Recorded on Thursday, September 28th, 10:00-11:30am
  • View recorded session  (More to come)

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Online Teaching

Using WebEx for Live, Synchronous Online Classes

Conducting Exams and Quizzing Remotely

3 Day Online and Blended Teaching Immersion Trainings - July 14, 15, 16

Day Three- Online and Blended Teaching Immersion Trainings

Day Two - Online and Blended Teaching Immersion Trainings

Day One - Online and Blended Teaching Immersion Trainings

Day Three - Online and Blended Teaching Immersion Trainings

Day Two - Online and Blended Teaching Immersion Trainings

  • Recorded on June 17, 2020
  • Accessibility and Universal Design
  • Watch the video now (~1 hr 25 mins)
  • Additional Brightspace Tools for Online and Blended Teaching and Learning
  • Watch the video now (~1 hr 45 mins)
  • Maximizing Online Discussions for Asynchronous Online Learning
  • Watch the video now (~1 hr 45 mins)

Day One - Online and Blended Teaching Immersion Trainings

Maximizing Online Discussions

Alternative Assessments

Accessibility and Universal Design in Online Teaching

Utilizing WebEx to Engage Online

Three Pillars of Remote Distance Teaching and Learning

  • Recorded on Thursday, March 19
  • Note: These sessions have the same content presented but may vary in the  Q & As at the end of the session. 
  • Session 1 - Watch the video now (~2 hours)
  • Session 2 - Watch the video now (~2 hours)

Embedding Library Resources in Brightspace/D2L

  • Recorded on Wednesday, March 18  Watch the video now (45 min)
  • Facilitated by Meghan Salsbury, Instructional Technology Librarian, MSU Library

Recording Lectures using TechSmith Relay to Help Make the Transition Online

  • Recorded on Tuesday, March 17, 2020
  • Note: The PC Version of TechSmith Relay may look a little different than the version in these videos. Both sessions have the same content presented but may vary in the  Q & As at the end of the session.
  • Session 1 - Watch the Recording (1 hour)
  • Session 2 - Watch the Recording (1 hour)

Transitioning to Online Teaching: Learn What It Takes from a Panel of Successful Online Instructors

Designing Online Courses that Heighten Student Motivation and Learning

  • March 7, 2019
  • Guest:  Dr. Margery Ginsberg. For over twenty years, Dr. Ginsberg has provided direct service to K-12 schools, colleges and universities for inclusive and intrinsically motivating instruction.
  • Watch the video now

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Course Evaluations

Faculty Training: Using results and tools in Campus Labs

Dean/Chair Training: Navigating CampusLabs and implicit bias in evaluations

Faculty Training: Navigating CampusLabs and implicit bias in evaluations

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Early Career Success Workshops

Researcher Visibility

  • Tuesday, November 15, 2021
  • Facilitated by Doralyn Rossmann, Head of Digital Library Initiatives and Leila Sterman, Scholarly Communication Librarian, Library
  • Watch the video now

Academic Misconduct / Classroom Management

Academic Advising: Tips for New Faculty and Those New to Advising

  • Coming soon

Researcher Visibility

  • Thursday, September 5, 2019
  • Facilitated by Doralyn Rossmann, Head of Digital Library Initiatives and Leila Sterman, Scholarly Communication Librarian, Library
  • Watch the video now

Intro to Grants and Finding Funding


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Educational Technology & Classrooms

Utilizing WebEx to Engage Online

Using Turn-It-In

  • September 27, 2017
  • Facilitators:  Ryan Miller, TurnItIn Customer Success Consultant, and Michelle Miley, Director of the MSU Writing Center and Assistant Professor, English
  • Watch the video now

Teaching in Round Theater-style Classrooms

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Grant Writing

Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program Lunch & Learn

  • Recorded Monday, April 22, 2024
  • Hosted by Nicole Motzer, Office of Research Development
  • Watch the video now (~ 1 hr)

Broadening your Research Impact: Ideas and Strategies for Grant Proposals

Intro to Grants and Finding Funding


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Inclusive Practices

This series of presentations was created so that faculty and staff could share their inclusive practices with a broad audience. Some of the participants received grants from their college to pursue their ideas and others were nominated by their college to share their work. We wanted to have a broad range of applications and colleges to share many different ideas and contexts for inclusive practices.

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Social Media Visibility and Research Practice

Navigating the Publishing Process

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Annual Reviews, Retention, Tenure & Promotion

Best Practices in Assembling RTP Dossiers

Activity Insight and Your Annual Review 

Activity Insight and Your Annual Review


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What Your Students Want You to Know About Being an Athlete

What Your Students Want You to Know About Being a Veteran

What Your Students Want You to Know About Being a Grad Student

Go Somewhere: How Faculty-led Travel Builds Better Teachers and Students


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Center for Faculty Excellence

Montana State University
P.O. Box 172560
Bozeman, MT 59717-2560

Michael Babcock

Assistant Director:
Nika Stoop 

Instructional Designers:
Ken Silvestri

Nina Mondré Schweppe 

Program Coordinator:
Emily Smith 

Phone: 406-994-4555
Location: 324 Library