Tuesday, May 17, 2022

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Upcoming Announcements NCFDD Online Faculty Development


Dear Faculty and Friends,

This will be the last CFE email for this academic year. While we will re-engage with our emails in August, please know we are here to help you all summer.

We wish you a relaxing and productive summer.



The CFE Team

Course Evaluation Reports Release on May 21st

To access your course evaluation reports, please go to your account and make sure the Selected Term is set to Spring 2022.

Here are a template and short articles that provide some strategies and tips for contextualizing and interpreting course evaluations.

Ask a Trusted Colleague to Help
Course evaluations can provide insight into your students’ experiences in your class separate from their learning, and guide your teaching for future classes. If reading your course evaluations is a stressful activity for you, consider asking a trusted colleague to read your evaluations and put them in perspective for you using the Peer Feedback Template  assembled by Dr. Shihua Brazill, CFE instructional designer. You may want to provide the same service for your colleague.

How to make the best of bad course evaluations
This short article provides good advice on how to interpret common criticisms from students and put them into a bigger context.

Course evaluations as a tool for growth
This short article offers ideas for using reflection to identify common themes and areas to improve in without having to reread and revisit prior course evaluations.

My worst student ratings ever
One faculty’s experience with lower ratings after making a change that did not initially go well and what they learned from this experience.

If you have trouble accessing the articles or would like to review and discuss your course evaluations with a CFE instructional designer, please email cfe@montana.edu to set up an appointment.



Undergraduate Research Mentoring for Faculty

Monday, May 23 || 1:00 – 3:00 pm || Romney 236


Facilitated by Jennifer Brown, Associate Professor, Chemical & Biological Engineering and Nika Stoop, Program Lead – Research/Scholarship, Center for Faculty Excellence

**Last offered in May 2021 - Half of this training is similar to 2021 and half is new material.**

Looking for some ideas on how to best mentor undergraduate students in research? This two-hour session will go over principles for undergraduate mentoring: aligning expectations and assessing understanding. We will suggest some tools and practices to help you and your students navigate the mentor relationship.

If you have graduate students who will be mentoring this summer, please let them know about the following session:

Undergraduate Research Mentoring for Graduate Student Mentors

Tuesday, May 24 || 1:00 – 3:00 pm || Romney 236


Facilitated by Jennifer Brown, Associate Professor, Chemical & Biological Engineering and Dana Skorupa, Assistant Research Professor, Center for Biofilm Engineering/ Thermal Biology Institute

**Last offered in May 2021 - Half of this training is similar to 2021 and half is new material.**

Looking for some ideas on how to best mentor undergraduate students in research? This two-hour session will go over principles for undergraduate mentoring: aligning expectations and assessing understanding. We will suggest some tools and practices to help you and your students navigate the mentor relationship.


Visit the CFE website for the most up-to-date listing and links for registration. For a full archive of past workshops, visit the Recorded Workshop library


Join the Pilot for Student-to-student Peer Feedback Tool

We have an opportunity for 12 faculty to pilot two different peer grading platforms this fall. These tools increase student team-based learning and enable students to give each other feedback on assignments.

If you are interested in learning more or participating in these pilots, please contact Dean Adams (deanadams@montana.edu).

MSU Selected to Participate in the Program to Enhance Organizational Research Impacts Capacity (ORIC)

MSU was selected to participate in the NSF-funded Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society’s (ARIS) Program to Enhance Organizational Research Impacts Capacity (ORIC). ARIS works with scientists and engagement practitioners to build capacity, advance scholarship, grow partnerships and provide resources to help them engage with and demonstrate the impact of research in their communities and society. Learn more

Upcoming NSF Division of Biological Infrastructure Webinar on CAREER Program

Please join us Tuesday, May 17th, 3pm-4pm ET for NSF-DBI’s Virtual Office Hour. Program Officers will introduce the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program and discuss recent updates to the solicitation. They will also provide tips on how to write a great CAREER proposal. It is an opportunity to raise questions and communicate directly with program officers in your field. To participate, please register using the link below:


There will be a 30-minute presentation, followed by an open Q&A session with Program Officers.

Workshop: Record your Classroom Lectures with Panopto

Tuesday, May 17 || 3:00 -  4:00 pm || Barnard Hall  108

Join us for an in-person workshop and learn how to use Panopto, our new institutionally-supported lecture capture service, to record your classroom lectures! In this workshop you will learn how to: 

  • Record a classroom lecture using the Panopto desktop app.
  • Add your lecture to a D2L/Brightspace course.

For more information about Panopto, please visit the Panopto page on the Academic Technology & Outreach website. 

2022-2023 Integrating Writing Across MSU Teaching Grants

The MSU Writing Center, with funding from a private donor, welcomes proposals for the Integrating Writing Across MSU Teaching Grants Program, 2022-2023. Grants of $2000 will be awarded to up to five faculty to work with the Writing Center over Summer 2022 to integrate writing and Writing Center support into their 2022-2023 courses.

The deadline for proposal submission is May 20, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.

Questions regarding the Integrating Writing Across MSU Grants and application procedures should be directed to the Director of the Writing Center, Michelle Miley (michelle.miley@montana.edu). 


NCFDD ONline Faculty Development

This online resource is available to the MSU community free of charge. Learn more about how to register.

May 24, 2022 at 2:00 PM ET (12:00 pm MT)

Guest Expert Webinar: How to Edit Scholarly Volumes: Lessons from the Presumed Incompetent Project
In this webinar, you'll get an in-depth explanation of the process for editing a scholarly volume including information on how to invite co-editors, how to select contributors for your volume and the best practices for managing an effective project.  

Facilitated by: Carmen Gonzalez, JD, Morris I. Leibman Professor of Law Loyola University Chicago School of Law

You will need to log into your NCFDD account and then click the link below to access the event.

View all of the upcoming events


MSU Center for Faculty Excellence
114/116 Montana Hall Montana Hall | Bozeman, MT 59717
http://www.montana.edu/facultyexcellence/ | cfe@montana.edu  | 406-994-4555