Tuesday, April 5, 2022

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Upcoming Announcements NCFDD Online Faculty Development



Book Discussion Group of Reach Everyone & Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education: Ask the Author Anything with Dr. Tom Tobin 

Thursday, April 7 || 3:00 pm – 4:00pm || SUB Ballroom C 


Dr. Thomas Tobin is a founding member of the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Mentoring at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as well as an internationally recognized scholar, author, and speaker on technology-mediated education. We invite anyone who wants to come to the session and learn more about Universal Design for Learning, even if you have not read the book. The electronic version of the book is available through the MSU library. If you have any questions, please contact CFE Instructional Designer Dr. Shihua Brazill at shihuabrazill@montana.edu

Best Practices in Assembling a Retention, Tenure & Promotion Dossier

Target Audience: RTP candidates

Friday, April 15 || 9:00 – 11:00 am || ROMN 211 or Webex
REGISTER HERE. Please indicate in the comments that you would like to join via Webex and you will be sent a link after you register.

Presented by Vice Provost Durward Sobek

Vice Provost Sobek will host an informational session for Retention, Tenure & Promotion (RTP) candidates with members of the University RTP Committee. In an interactive format, you will learn MSU’s RTP process, important standards and definitions, and tips on preparing a dossier that best demonstrates your teaching, scholarship and service contributions.  Attendance is highly recommended for faculty going up for retention, tenure or promotion this fall.

Celebration of Faculty Achievement

CFE Celebration of Faculty AchievementDate: Tuesday, May 3, 2022        

Time: 3:00 – 5:00 PM                

Location: Inspiration Hall

Join us for our end-of-year gathering as we recognize the achievements of our faculty members!

REGISTER HERE. Please RSVP by April 26, 2022.


Visit the CFE website for the most up-to-date listing and links for registration. For a full archive of past workshops, visit the Recorded Workshop library


Jabs Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI): Negotiating Your Job Offer workshop

TODAY Tuesday, April 5 || 5:00 pm || Jake Jabs Hall , 111

Jabs eventThe Jabs Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) group presents "Negotiating Your Job Offer," a workshop featuring Dr. Amber Raile, associate professor of management, to continue the Jabs Year of Celebration series.

About the workshop: Did you know that most people don’t negotiate job offers? One of the most common reasons people give for not negotiating is feeling unprepared. Your starting salary plays a pivotal role in your lifetime earnings trajectory. You need to know how to negotiate! Join us to learn how you can negotiate and practice tips to improve your next salary negotiation.

ORD Lunch & Learn with MSU Creative Services: Visualizing Your Research

Wednesday, April 6 || 12:00pm - 1:00pm || Traphagen Hall , #225 and WebEx

Please join the Office of Research Development as it continues its Lunch & Learn seminar series with a design team from MSU Creative Services led by Creative Director Ron Lambert. Lunch & Learns present opportunities for attendees to enhance their research capacities and add value to their work in ways that can ultimately increase funding competitiveness and impact… all while eating their lunch!

Writing Center Workshop: Assessing Writing From Multilingual Writers

Thursday, April 7 || 1:00pm - 2:00pm || Wilson Hall , 1-114

Writing functions as an important assessment tool. However, surface features of writing and cultural assumptions of a text can often overly influence how a student’s work is evaluated. This workshop will discuss how faculty and TAs can prioritize assessing a student’s knowledge of course content, not penalizing them for the types of errors that accompany the language acquisition process. 

MSU Outreach & Engagement Council accepting proposals for Seed Grant Program through April 11

Engagement is a critical component of the MSU Strategic Plan, Choosing Promise. The program goal is to promote engagement activities that involve faculty, students and staff in partnership with local and regional constituents to address the needs of citizens in Montana and beyond.

Join the Gender Equity Alliance at MSU!

Colorful imageThe Gender Equity Alliance, formerly known as the President’s Commission on the Status of University Women, cultivates gender equity at Montana State University by addressing barriers, developing relationships with partners, and creating shared accountability for sustainable change. Positioned within the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Gender Equity Alliance is launching an effort to recruit members that represents diverse voices with intersecting identities across the gender spectrum.


NCFDD ONline Faculty Development

This online resource is available to the MSU community free of charge. Learn more about how to register.

SKILL #4: Mastering Academic Time Management

Thu, Apr 14 || 12:00pm - 1:30pm MDT

New faculty members commonly describe:

  • Working long hours but making little progress on their research and writing
  • A sense of loneliness that stems from limited mentoring and community
    Feeling unsupported in their desire for work-family balance and without the skills to achieve it
  • Wondering whether the academic path is the right career choice

This webinar is specifically designed to address these issues and provide participants with concrete skills to successfully transition from graduate student to professor.


MSU Center for Faculty Excellence
114/116 Montana Hall Montana Hall | Bozeman, MT 59717
http://www.montana.edu/facultyexcellence/ | cfe@montana.edu  | 406-994-4555