CFE Newsletter
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Course Evaluations Info Session Tuesday, March 29th|| 11: 00 am to 12:00 pm|| SUB 168 and via WebEx REGISTER HERE and add a note if you would like to attend via WebEx so that we can send you the link. (You will need your NetID and password) This info session will cover the course evaluation system and the IDEA Teaching Essentials survey instrument. Thursday, April 7 || 3:00 pm – 4:00pm || SUB Ballroom C Dr. Thomas Tobin is a founding member of the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Mentoring
at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as well as an internationally recognized scholar,
author, and speaker on technology-mediated education.
Registration will be capped at 20 people to keep the discussion manageable. Those
attending will need to have read the book prior to the discussion. Also, please come
with at least one discussion question or insight of your own to pose to the group. The
electronic version of the book is available through the MSU library. Please let us know if you would like a hard copy of the book by contacting CFE Instructional
Designer Dr. Shihua Brazill at
SAVE-THE-DATECELEBRATION of FACULTY ACHIEVEMENT Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2022 Time: 3:00 – 5:00 PM Location: Inspiration Hall Join us for our end-of-year gathering as we recognize the achievements of our faculty members! REGISTER HERE. Please RSVP by April 26, 2022.
Visit the CFE website for the most up-to-date listing and links for registration. For a full archive of past workshops, visit the Recorded Workshop library
ORD Lunch and Learn with Dr. Allen HarmsenThursday, March 10 || 12:00pm - 1:00pm || SUb 235 or via Webex Please join the Office of Research Development as it kicks off its Lunch & Learn seminar series with Retired MSU Professor of Microbiology and Immunology Dr. Allen Harmsen! Dr. Harmsen is one of the most successful NIH awardees in MSU history. Call for Proposals for Instructional Innovation Grants 2022-2023The Center for Faculty Excellence is now welcoming proposals for the Instructional
Innovation Grants Program, 2022 - 2023. Proposals for up to $4,000 may be submitted.
The deadline for proposal submission is MSU Assessment Innovation and Effectiveness GrantsDue March 25, 2022 The Office of Academic Affairs is offering Assessment Innovation and Effectiveness Grants for Academic Year 2022-2023 to programs to enhance their assessment efforts in demonstrable ways. Mentoring Graduate Student Writers Discussion SessionsTuesday, March 22, 29 and April 5 || 12:00 - 1:00 pm || Writing Center Wilson Hall 1-114 The MSU Writing Center invites all interested faculty to join a discussion group based on selected articles that identify practices to help build successful writing mentorship relationships with the intended outcome of increased publication submissions and a less stressful doctoral writing and revising process for all parties. Spring ePortfolio ShowcaseThursday, March 31 || 1:00 - 4:00 pm || Asbjornson Hall Montana State University will host a Spring ePorfolio Showcase on Thursday, March 31, to highlight ePortfolio efforts on campus. An ePortfolio is a collection of work in an electronic format that showcases learning over time. Students can create an ePortfolio to highlight key points of their academic careers; use in a project to demonstrate learning and the learning process; and more. Faculty members can also use ePortfolios to display general education competencies for courses, colleges or departments. For more information or to submit a proposal to participate in the Spring ePortfolio Showcase, visit . The deadline to submit proposals is March 18. XLi Extended Learning InstituteTeaching the Whole Student through Intentional Design April 7 & 8th in-person at Montana Tech or online. MSU Outreach & Engagement Council accepting proposals for Seed Grant Program through April 11Engagement is a critical component of the MSU Strategic Plan, Choosing Promise. The program goal is to promote engagement activities that involve faculty, students and staff in partnership with local and regional constituents to address the needs of citizens in Montana and beyond.
This online resource is available to the MSU community free of charge. Learn more about how to register. |
MSU Center for Faculty Excellence |