Tuesday, February 8, 2022

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Upcoming Announcements Teaching TipsGraduate Student Corner NCFDD Online Faculty Development



Inclusive Course Design: Implementing Universal Design for Learning Principles 

Wednesday, February 9 || 1:00 pm – 2:30pm || WebEx 

REGISTER HERE We will send you the WebEx link after you register.

Facilitated by Dr. Shihua Brazill, Instructional Designer, Center for Faculty Excellence

Description: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a research-based framework to create course instruction, materials, and content that engages students and removes barriers to learning. In this workshop, you will practice how to apply UDL principles when designing inclusive learning experiences.

Learn more about this inclusive course design session

Faculty Excellence Grants – Information Session

Wednesday, February 16 || 1:00 – 2:00 pm || Via Webex

REGISTER HERE You will be sent the link prior to the event.

Members of the Faculty Excellence Grant Committee will hold an informal session to talk about the Faculty Excellence Grants that are due March 11, 2022 from the Deans.

Please contact your department head to find out your deadline for submitting to them.

Learn more about the Faculty Excellence Grants session

Wednesday, February 23rd|| 12pm to 1:30pm|| SUB 235 and via WebEx

REGISTER HERE and add a note if you would like to attend via WebEx so that we can send you the link Lunch will be provided.

Using alternative assessment assignments in your teaching can provide students with multiple ways to learn, move students to deeper learning with open-ended tasks, stimulate creativity, and enhance engagement by adding an element of realism to the assignment.

Learn more about this assessment workshop

NSF CAREER Grant Panel Session                                   

Thursday, February 24 || 10:00 – 11:30 am || SUB 233 or Webex

REGISTER HERE  Add a note in the comments if you would like to join via Webex and we will send a link.

Facilitated by Nika Stoop, Program Lead – Scholarship & Research CFE

Co-sponsored by the Office of Research Development 

The NSF CAREER Award is a prestigious grant that integrates education and research. Find out the key elements of the current solicitation and what should be included in these proposals from past reviewers and awardees at MSU.

Learn more about the NSF Career session here


Visit the CFE website for the most up-to-date listing and links for registration. For a full archive of past workshops, visit the Recorded Workshop library


Call for Student Award Nominations for the President's Award for Gender Equity

President's Award for Gender EquityMontana State University is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the President’s Award for Gender Equity.  These (2) awards are designed to honor graduate and undergraduate students who have worked to improve issues related to gender, equity, diversity and inclusion. 

Nominations (including self-nominations) can be made by submitting the student’s name, contact information, and a short (maximum of five sentences) reason for nomination to the Recognitions Chair, Betsy Danforth at danforth@montana.edu. 

Deadline for nominations is 4 p.m. Friday, February 11th 

Individuals nominated will be asked to provide a one-page narrative describing their work in this area and a current resume/vitae.  The award recipient(s) will be recognized at MSU’s Day of Student Recognition in April.

Film Screening: Black Art in the Absence of Light

Thursday, February 24 || 6 - 8:30p.m || Hagar Auditorium  

Black History Month in partnership with MSU Black Student Union 

Inspired by the late David Driskell’s landmark 1976 exhibition, “Two Centuries of Black American Art,” the documentary Black Art: In the Absence of Light offers an illuminating introduction to the work of some of the foremost Black visual artists working today. After the film screening, join in a panel discussion to continue this important and timely conversation of Black equity in the arts.

Implementing Inclusive Practices in the Classroom, Research, and Outreach

Inclusive Practices lead to better outcomes in learning, reasearch and outreach.The Center for Faculty Excellence, Colleges of Education, Health and Human Development and Letters & Science, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion are sponsoring a week-long series highlighting how faculty and staff at MSU are changing the culture through their inclusive practices in advising, teaching, mentoring, podcasting, writing workshops and more…

The series will take place Monday – Friday, February 28 – March 4th from 12:00 – 1:00 pm via Webex.

Learn more about the series here

Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education (CBME) Announces the Spring 2022 webinar series Collaborations in Indian Country

Mondays from 2:00 – 3:00 pm in the CBME conference room in Reid Hall #418or join us virtually here

  • On March 7th, Dr. Ruff will share his pilot project using art to promote student resilience in Wolf Point.
  • Then on April 4th, we will share the documentary the MSU team created in collaboration with Little Shell tribal members highlighting the journey to federal recognition.  

Learn more about the CBME series here


Teaching Tips

In this section, we are posting some short articles with practical teaching tips:

If you have a teaching tip related to teaching in a blended or online format to share in this section, please send a description and any related resources or examples to cfe@montana.edu

 Grad Student Corner

Find graduate student resources here that you can share with your students.  Visit The Graduate School resources for faculty and staff website.

MSU Writing Center Graduate Student Workshop: Science Writing

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 || 11:00am - 12:00pm ||Writing Center,Wilson Hall 

Writing Happens HereLet’s talk science writing!  Join us for a two-part workshop discussing Joshua Schimel’s book Writing Science: How to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded. We will focus on the sections of Schimel’s book about story structure and sentence-level choices and look for ways in which writers in the sciences can activate writing and engage readers. Writers are encouraged to take their work to the Writing Center’s graduate tutors to apply Schimel’s concepts to their own writing.  

Series 1: Monday January 31 from 1-2 pm and Monday February 7 from 1-2 pm. (Please plan to attend both dates.)

Series 2: Tuesday March 1 from 11 am-12 pm and Tuesday March 8 from 11 am -12 pm. (Please plan to attend both dates.)

Learn more about the writing workshop


NCFDD ONline Faculty Development

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity members receive a weekly motivational email (the Monday Motivator) and access to the full NCFDD Core Curriculum, guest expert webinars, intensive multi-week courses facilitated by national experts, a private discussion forum, monthly writing challenges, and the opportunity to connect with a writing accountability partner. Learn more about how to register.

SKILL #2: How to Align Your Time with Your Priorities

Thu, Feb 10, 2022

12:00pm - 1:30pm MST

Lisa Hanasono, PhD


Media Interviews and Relationship Building

Tue, Feb 22, 2022

12:00pm - 1:00pm MST

Scholars Strategy Network,Guest Webinar


MSU Center for Faculty Excellence
114/116 Montana Hall Montana Hall | Bozeman, MT 59717
http://www.montana.edu/facultyexcellence/ | cfe@montana.edu  | 406-994-4555