It's Fair Time!  2023 Teton County 4-H Fair, "Critters and Crafts"

Be sure to note the Fair schedule and market livestock member roster duties. New this year, we will have a family campfire Friday evening from 7 to 9 pm. Fair schedule on page 4. Livestock member roster duty list available in this newsletter.

Agent Notes

Jenn reports on the recent livestock quality assurance workshops and Shelby shares the latest updates about our 4-H Camp and Congress. See below.

New Information about Carcass Award Program

Read about it below.

Congratulations, Bryce Bedord!

Our best wishes go with Bryce as he represents Montana at the 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships at the end of June. Get the scoop on in this newsletter.

The Next 30

June 1

  • Teton County 4-H Council meeting, Thursday, 6:30 pm, Courthouse, Choteau

June 5

  • Teton County 4-H Livestock Committee meeting, Monday, 6:30 pm, Courthouse, Choteau

June 9-10

  • Camp Counselor Retreat, Friday - Saturday, Choteau Trinity Lutheran Church

June 15

  • Deadline to register for State 4-H Congress held in Bozeman, Tuesday-Friday, July 11-14

June 16

  • 2023 Teton County 4-H Fair Horse Show, Friday, 4:00 pm, 406 Arena, Vaughn

June 20-25

  • 2023 Teton County 4-H Fair, "Critters and Crafts", Tuesday-Sunday

Agent Notes

Field Notes From Jenn

Ag Agent's Corner:Yay Team!

I'd like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to the 4-H parents who put on helpful and fun livestock quality assurance (LQA) workshops and the 4-H members who attended in great numbers.Over two-thirds of the livestock animal project members attended a workshop for their species (and a few of the lamb members even attended both lamb workshops.)

The parents/volunteers who taught the workshops are as follows:Lamb - Susan and RT Snyder, BrentRoeder;Beef - Chelsee Yeager and Ashle Morris; Swine - Ryan and Kelly DeBruycker; Kaare and Heidi Pearson.Kudos to all of you!

The members who attended live workshops not only satisfied their LQA requirement but also earned credit towards the 7 activities in their market animal project books.Jamie is keeping track of the correct number of activities credits and will bring corresponding stickers to the Pavilion interview judging day.Recall that workshop attendance counted for 1 activity for members in Year 1 of any level / 2 activities for members in Year 2 / and 3 activities for members in Year 3.(For members who need LQA this year and could not attend a live workshop, we sent out an email on May 31st with an online LQA option:a workbook and links to an online exam with Colorado State University.)

Desk Notes From Shelby

It is hard to believe how fast time is going by!Every day as one of your 4-H youth development coordinators has been a new and varied experience.I have truly enjoyed meeting the Teton County 4-H community and look forward to meeting more 4-H folks at Fair, Camp, and Congress.If we have not met in person yet, please feel free to introduce yourself.Camp is rapidly approaching, the dates are July 25, 26 and 27, 2023. If you have not yet registered the fee is now $60 until June 10, 2023. June 11 until June 17, 2023 fee is $70.00.After that date, the fee will increase to $90.00 until the end of June.Our theme this year is everything fantasy and fairytales.Join us for some Medieval Madness during camp.We will be transported to another land far, far away where fairytales come to life- maybe even a sasquatch or two.Our 4-H Youth counselors have been working hard to plan exciting and engaging workshops that will challenge your body, cultivate your creativity, and engage your senses.

I am planning on bringing a group of Teton County 4-H’ers to Congress this summer.I am very excited to attend my first 4-H congress in Bozeman. For those wishing to attend Pre-Congress the dates are Sunday, July 9 through Tuesday, July 11. Congress dates are July 11, Tuesday, through July 14, Friday.We are taking a group from Teton County to meet other 4-H’ers from around the state!I will be mailing out postcards to all eligible 4-H members in the county with more information about registration.Please register by June 15, 2023 or contact me before that date to learn more about how to register.

Carcass Award Program

It is hard to believe how fast time is going by!Every day as one of your 4-H youth development coordinators has been a new and varied experience.I have truly enjoyed meeting the Teton County 4-H community and look forward to meeting more 4-H folks at Fair, Camp, and Congress.If we have not met in person yet, please feel free to introduce yourself.Camp is rapidly approaching, the dates are July 25, 26 and 27, 2023. If you have not yet registered the fee is now $60 until June 10, 2023. June 11 until June 17, 2023 fee is $70.00.After that date, the fee will increase to $90.00 until the end of June.Our theme this year is everything fantasy and fairytales.Join us for some Medieval Madness during camp.We will be transported to another land far, far away where fairytales come to life- maybe even a sasquatch or two.Our 4-H Youth counselors have been working hard to plan exciting and engaging workshops that will challenge your body, cultivate your creativity, and engage your senses.

Congratulations, Bryce!

It is hard to believe how fast time is going by!Every day as one of your 4-H youth development coordinators has been a new and varied experience.I have truly enjoyed meeting the Teton County 4-H community and look forward to meeting more 4-H folks at Fair, Camp, and Congress.If we have not met in person yet, please feel free to introduce yourself.Camp is rapidly approaching, the dates are July 25, 26 and 27, 2023. If you have not yet registered the fee is now $60 until June 10, 2023. June 11 until June 17, 2023 fee is $70.00.After that date, the fee will increase to $90.00 until the end of June.Our theme this year is everything fantasy and fairytales.Join us for some Medieval Madness during camp.We will be transported to another land far, far away where fairytales come to life- maybe even a sasquatch or two.Our 4-H Youth counselors have been working hard to plan exciting and engaging workshops that will challenge your body, cultivate your creativity, and engage your senses.

Volunteer Training

THANK YOU to the volunteers who have completed the Clover Academy Online Leader Training! There are still people who need to complete their training. The training consists of four 15-minute online modules. You can watch them all at once or separately.All returning volunteers have until September 30, 2023 to complete the training and cannot enroll for the 2023-2024 4-H year until the orientation is completed.All new volunteers must complete the orientation before becoming active in ZSuite. Tips: Be sure to press the 'Mark Complete' button after every module. It may take the system a moment to refresh and let you proceed. Often just hitting the refresh button is enough, but sometimes it will require you to log out and log back in before it will refresh.

Record Books Due August 15, 2023

Record books are due to your club leader by August 15 so they can be checked for completion. Your local club leader may set individual club deadlines. Guidelines for what is considered a complete record book, forms and other information are on our webpage.

You can complete your record book in ZSuite or on paper. A complete record book must be submitted in order for 4-H members to exhibit, show or sell at next year's fair.

Montana State 4-H Congress 2023

The 4-H Network: Connecting Across Montana

  • Registration Deadline is June 15​
  • Event MSU Bozeman Tuesday July 11- Friday July 14​
  • Pre-Congress and Officer Selection Sunday July 9 - Tuesday 11​
  • State Contests Wednesday July 12

Montana 4-H Congress provides youth from across the state an opportunity to come together on the Montana State University campus in Bozeman for four days and participate in an event like no other. Congress offers both youth and adults a venue in which to learn, be challenged, and most of all, have a great time with their peers. Montana 4-H'ers have been attending an event like Congress for decades. Congress has become an important tradition and is the signature event for the Montana 4-H Program.

National 4-H Western Heritage Conference and Individual Shoot

July 30-August 2: National 4-H Western Heritage Conference andInvitational Shoot in Price, Utah

The 4-H Western Heritage Project is a combination of 4-H Shooting Sports and a living history of the frontier west from 1860 to 1900. This eventcombines a comprehensive study of the Old West with the fastest growing shooting sports discipline in the world – western action shooting.

The purpose of this project is to provide an avenue for 4-H members andadult leaders to experience the lifestyles and cultures of the Old West fromthe period of around 1860- 1900 through a living history approach to learningwhile instilling the concepts of gun safety and personal responsibility.Members dress in Old West clothing, shoot replica firearms of the frontierperiod, and expand their knowledge of U.S. history.

Visit the Western Heritage Project’s website for more information.


2023 Camp Fee Schedule      4-H Camp July 25-27
Registration Date
4-H Member
Non-4-H Member


May 25, 2023

May 26-June 10
June 11-17
June 18-30

There will be an optional camp t-shirt available to comapers for an additional $14.
4-H Camp Counselors:  $25 registration fee and t-shirt provided.
Adult Volunteers:  No fee and t-shirt provided.

Host International 4-H Youth

Host an International 4-H Delegate this Summer or Academic Year!We are seeking host families with a youth within 3-4 years of age and same gender as the youth delegate.

Short-term summer hosting opportunities (~3.5 week):

·Norwegians in MT June 25-July 19:Currently we have two more Norwegian youth to match with a host family – one 16-year-old male and one 18-year-old male.

·Japanese in MT approximately July 23-August 18 (final dates may change slightly depending upon flight details): We have ~10 more male and female youth, ranging from 14-17 years of age, and 1 adult chaperone to match with host families.

2023 Summer Host Family Application:

Academic Year Program (AYP) hosting opportunities (~9.5 month):

·Japanese approximately mid-August, 2023 to mid-June, 2024: We have 1-2 more youth to match with a host family.

Questions? Contact Christine Sommers Austin at the State 4-H Center: or 406.994.3504

2023-24 AYP Host Family Application:

Contact/Resources (Clip and Keep)

MSU Extension Teton County

Fair Dates

The Teton County Fair is scheduled for the last full weekend in June that includes a Sunday.

2023    June 19-25
2024    June 24-30
2025    June 24-29
2026    June 22-28

Camp Dates

2023   July 24-29



MSU Extension Teton County
P.O. Box 130
Choteau, MT 59422


Shelby Jones-Dozier
Jenn Swanson


JoAnn McDowell & Jamie Smith

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director, Extension Service, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717