Teton County Ambassador Guidelines
Revised October 6, 2019

A 4-H Ambassador is an official representative of the Montana State 4-H Program.  A 4-H Ambassador is a self-motivated, enthusiastic leader who promotes 4-H using skill, knowledge and leadership abilities acquired in 4-H with 4-H members, area residents, community leaders, elected
officials, and non 4-H youth. A 4-H Ambassador serves to strengthen the 4-H program through public relations.

Being an Ambassador is an honor and a privilege. Being chosen as an Ambassador entails the acceptance of responsibility and commitment to the Teton County 4-H Ambassador program and the Montana State 4-H Ambassador Program.

In Teton County, we believe in the power of youth, especially when working in teams for leadership purposes. Any number of youth may apply and be selected as part of the ambassador team. 4-H members who apply for, and are accepted as ambassadors, may also apply for the
position of team captain. Ambassador team captain responsibilities are outlined below. There may be up to two team captains selected.

The application process in Teton County follows:

  1. November 30
    1. Ambassador applications accepted
      1. Clover letter
      2. Resume
      3. Job Application
      4. Examples and fillable job application
    2. Ambassador team captian applications accepted
  2. Ambassador interview conducted
    1. 4-H members will complete a professional interview with three adults
    2. Ambassador team captain applicants will answer extra questions regarding leadership, organization, schedule and vision for the 4-H program
  3. Ambassador team identified
  4. Ambassador team and captain serve for the following year


Ambassador Qualifications:

  1. Must be 14 years of age by October 1 of the current year.
  2. Must be enrolled in 4-H for at least 1 year prior to applying and must be enrolled in 4-H for the current year.
  3. Must have held a 4-H club office, camp counselor or similar leadership role.
  4.  Must submit an application and complete an interview.
  5. Must be enthusiastic about 4-H as demonstrated by participation, leadership, example, and other similar experiences.
  6. Must have the time available to fulfill the role of an Ambassador. Ambassadors must be willing to make the Ambassador program a priority.
  7. Must be responsible.
  8. Must be willing to attend Ambassador meetings and training sessions offered by the State and County. These will include, but are not limited to, Fall Training and Congress, provided schedules allow.
  9. Must be willing to assist with 4-H events in the county as schedule permits. Must be willing to submit to the application process that includes the completion.


  • Enroll in Learning to Lead I or II and complete Leadership Plan of Action, available at Montana4h.org
  • Complete one service project, whether as team or individual
  • Represent 4-H in a public relations role
  • Promote 4-H with potential members, parents and the general public
  • Help conduct 4-H events
  • Organize 4-H promotional activities
  • Develop personal leadership skills and self-confidence
  • Serve as the 4-H representative to other organizations
  • Recruit new members
  • Encourage financial support for 4-H
  • Work directly with county, district and state 4-H leaders
  • Teach a 4-H project skill/lesson in the county during the 4-H year
  • May be discharged at any time if their behavior is unbecoming of Ambassador ideals as determined by a grievance committee.

Ambassador Team Captain(s)

The Team captain(s) will be selected yearly or as needed. Up to two captains may be selected.
The Team captain should attend as many 4-H Council meetings as possible.
The Team captain may work with the Extension office or Ambassador coach to create a yearly plan for the ambassador team.

Selection of Ambassadors and team captains will be done by a committee. Suggested committee members are:
1. A County Agent
2. A 4-H Council Member [past or present]
3. A former Ambassador
4. An Educator
5. A Business person

Ambassador Coach

Applications for Ambassador Coach will be accepted October 1- November 15. The application should be a letter detailing interest and qualification in being an Ambassador Coach. Applicants may be asked to participate in an informal interview with Extension Agents. If no applicants apply, the Extension Agents will request a parent/guardian of a
team member to serve as a coach.


  • Enthusiastic, dedicated volunteer with leadership experience
  • Knows the needs of teens today
  • Can communicate with the youth
  • Has leadership abilities
  • Has time to make the program work effectively
  • Has the knowledge and capability to work with the public
  • Is able and willing to attend area Ambassador meetings and training
  • Must be at least 21 years of age
  •  Must have skills in advising, coaching, and teaching teens


  • Meet with the Extension office and Ambassadors to identify county needs
  • Develop team and leadership skills among the ambassador group
  • Assist in identifying opportunities for Ambassadors to speak on behalf of 4-H
  • Assist the Ambassadors in developing and writing a Plan of Action for their activities, which includes a timeline
  • Assist the Ambassador in establishing and attaining goals that are realistic and tailored to individual abilities and talents
  • Assist Ambassadors in attending training to help make them successful in their role
  • Keep Extension faculty and staff informed on the Ambassador program
  • Work with the Extension office and 4-H Council in keeping the
    Ambassador program a high quality, functioning leadership program for youth.
  • Assist Ambassadors in completing reports due at the State Office.
    Application Process
  • An enrolled, certified 4-H volunteer may apply to be the Ambassador Coach by addressing the qualification listed above in a letter of application submitted to the MSU Extension Teton County Teton County Office by November 30.

Teton County 4-H Ambassador Application

Applicants will complete the provided job application, cover letter and resumé prior to the personal interview.

Cover Letter

Applicants should write a cover letter outlining their experiences that would be pertinent to the position of Teton County 4-H Ambassador.


Each contestant will provide a cover letter and resumé. Participants are encouraged to use examples related to their 4-H experience whenever possible when preparing their resumé.

Job Interview

The interview will be conducted by one to three judges. Questions will
pertain to participants current skill level and the specific job for
which they are applying. As this contest simulates an actual job interview,
spectators will not be permitted in the interview judging room.

Job Descriptions

Please prepare a resumé for a position of your choice. Life experiences and education should be used to show that you are a good candidate for the selected job. Highlight your 4-H experiences whenever possible.


The job interview may be up to 20 minutes in length. Judges will determine when the interview is finished.


Attire and grooming suitable for the specific job interview.


Applicants are encouraged to research resumé and cover letter writing and interviewing skills.

Interview Questions

Evaluators may choose questions from the following list, in addition
to choosing Ambassador-specific questions.

Position Knowledge and Self-Reflection

  1. Tell us about yourself and your qualifications for this job.
  2. What are your greatest strengths? Weaknesses?
  3. Give an example of how one of your strengths was helpful on a team (work, school, etc.).
  4. Give an example where you had to compensate for a weakness (yours or a team’s) and how you did so.
  5. Why did you choose to apply for this position?
  6. Tell us about your skills related to this position.
  7. Describe any training or experience you’ve had that is related to this job.
  8. What do you think will be your biggest challenge with this job?
  9. What do you think will be easiest part of this job for you?
  10. How has your education or training prepared you for this position?
  11. If we were to gather several of your supervisors, teachers and co-workers into a room and ask them what your greatest strengths are, what would they say? If we asked them the areas you needed to improve, what would they say?
  12. What do you believe are the most important characteristics and skills you would contribute?
  13. Tell us what you know about the position and what questions you have about the position.

Organization, Time Management and Goals

  1. What are your short-term and long-term goals?
  2. Tell us about an important goal that you have achieved and the steps it took to achieve the goal.
  3. What is something you have done that makes you feel proud? What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in life?
  4. How do you prioritize tasks?
  5. Tell us what motivates you in your job.
  6. What do you currently do to be effective in time management and organization – balancing multiple project priorities?
  7. Can you describe a time when you had to organize a rather large project/event and how you managed it?

Work Environment and Relationships

  1. Describe a conflict you’ve had in work/school/an organization and how you solved it.
  2. Have you ever had a conflict or difference of opinion with a supervisor or teacher? If so, describe the situation and how you handled it.
  3. What qualities would you hope for in a supervisor?
  4. Describe on ideal day on the job.
  5. Tell us about some of your favorite classes, teachers or hobbies.
  6.  Would you rather work with information or people?
  7. Can you describe a time when you had to work with someone you did not especially care for (client, coworker, class member, volunteer) and how you handled that situation?
  8. How do you feel about taking direction from co-workers or supervisors? (Explain)
  9. How do you prefer to be approached about errors in your work
  10. How would you approach one of us if you found errors in our work?

Example Cover Letter


Clover Green
Forever Green Farm
1234 Purple Ribbon Place
Heartland, MT 54444

Dear [name of person application being submitted to],

My 4-H club leader, Stan Dout, told me that you are looking for summer help with farm, ranch and child care duties. I was excited to hear about your needs, as I have just started to look for summer work and feel that my skills match your needs. I am currently finishing my sophomore
year of high school and have been a 4-H member for eight years. In 4-H, I take both market livestock and breeding livestock projects. I am also involved in our 4-H dog project and have my own dog breeding business. I enjoy animals and have skills with large and small animals.
I have taken the child development project in 4-H as well. I attended Babysitter Boot Camp through MSU Extension two years in a row. 

I have attached my resume and a completed job application, which I found on your farm website. Both items describe my work experience. I worked for Happy Acres Farm last summer. I started out doing simple chores with the livestock and eventually was given more responsibilities such as tracking feed. This winter, my employers asked me back to help with calving and in the spring I helped with branding. They have now hired a full-time, year-round hand. At Happy Acres, I also had child care duties. Most of the time I watched the children, ages three and five, while the parents worked nearby. I planned special activities for the children each day, whether it was a theme day, like Monkey Mania, or a special art, food, reading or singing activity. I especially enjoyed the days when both parents were haying and I was solely responsible for the children. We had several summer picnics and made our own splash park!

Thank you for time reviewing my application. I look forward to the opportunity to meet your family to discuss your needs for summer help and my qualifications.


Clover Green

Example Resume

Clover Green

1234 Purple Ribbon Place 􀁹 Heartland, MT 54444
406-444-4444 􀁹 Clover.Green@montana4-H.com


To assist farm and ranch family with children and daily chores.


  • Blue and Gold High School, Class of 2018 2014-present 3.5 GPA
  • Greenfield Middle School 2010-2014


  • Farm Safety First, MSU Extension 2015, Certificate
  • First Aid, County EMS 2015, Certificate
  • 4-H Leadership Retreat, MSU Extension 2014-2015
  • Hands Only CPR, County EMS 2013-2015
  • Babysitter Boot Camp, MSU Extension 2013 and 2014, Certificate

Work Experience:

  • Blue and Gold School Concessions 2014-present
    Responsible for organizing food stand, making food, serving customers, making change and cleaning concessions booth.
  • Happy Acres Farm 2014-2015
    Responsible for feeding livestock and pets daily; tracking feed; mowing yard; entertaining children while parents worked nearby; answering phone.
  • 4-H Camp Counselor 2014-2015
    Responsible for planning camp activities with team; developing cabin activities; preparing and teaching classes for 50 campers; cleaning campgrounds; assisting with meal serving and cleaning.


Blue Ribbon 4-H Club

  • Treasurer 2014-2016
  • Vice President 2013-2014
  • Recreation Leader 2012-2013

Blue and Gold High School

  • Class President 2016
  • Class Secretary 2014

Activities & Community Service:

4-H, FCCLA, FFA, Church Youth Group, Volleyball, Swim Team, Band, Choir, 4-H Food Drives, Adopt-a-Highway, Random Acts of Kindness


Proficient in Microsoft Office; Google Apps; 4-H livestock project record keeping; prioritizing and managing time to complete multiple tasks; creative and flexible in solving problems; bringing a positive attitude to my daily work.

References available upon request.

Employment Application

Applicant Information
Full Name:
Position Applied for:


Middle School:

High School:


Classes, Certification or Training:

Volunteer Experiences:

Previous Work, Employment and Volunteer Service

Company or Organization:
Job Title:
From:           To:           
Reason for Leaving:
May we contact your supervisor for a reference?   Yes   No

Company or Organization:
Job Title:
From:           To:           
Reason for Leaving:
May we contact your supervisor for a reference?   Yes   No

Disclaimer and Signature

I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview
may result in my release.


Dress for Success

You only have a minute to make a great first impression! Dress appropriately for the job.  Think about how people dress to do the job for which you are applying and dress a level above that.  For instance, do not wear a tie and suit to apply for a lawn care job. Perhaps wear clean, pressed jeans, and a button up shirt, tucked in with a belt.

  • Wear simple earrings, piercings and hair accessories.
  • Keep makeup simple and natural.
  • Watch the cut of your blouse and avoid showing your midriff or cleavage.
  • Be sure hair is brushed and out of face.
  • Teeth brushed.
  • Avoid wearing too much perfume or cologne.  Usually go without.
  • Choose classic and rich colors, if wearing a suit.
  • Clean and pressed outfilt.
  • Make sure colors aren’t flashy or distracting.
  • Clean shaven face.
  • Tuck in shirt.
  • Wear a belt, and try to match it to color of footwear.
  • Polish shoes to avoid scuffs.
  • Make sure socks match shoe color and each other.
  • Skirts should be at the knee or longer.
  • Shoes should be close-toed with conservative heels.
Teton County 4-H Ambassador Application Score Matrix
Performance 1 Point 2 Points 3 Points 4 Points Total Points
Interview Answers More practice needed to answer questions. Questions answered or handled well when unable to provide answers. Skillful answers to questions and related them well to the position. Answers are used to exemplify skills
beyond the questions, resumé and cover letter.
Ability to Fill Position More information and understanding of Ambassador position is needed by applicant. Adequate knowledge of Ambassador
position. Has some experience to offer.

In-depth knowledge of Ambassador
position. Has adequate experience to
Full knowledge of Ambassador
position. Can provide ample
experience and skills as Ambassador.
Organization Answers to questions are unorganized. Answers to questions follow a logical progression. Answers to questions show skill and creativity in organization. Answers to questions show a strong structure that enhances effect of answer.  
Voice Volume, pronunciation or vocal variation
needs improvement.
Voice and language are adequate. Voice and language are skillful and
Volume, tone, timing, inflection, and language enhance the interview.  
Manner and Appearance Appearance, body language or gestures
need improvement.
Appearance and mannerisms are
Appearance and mannerisms are
presented with business-like conduct and style.
Appearance and mannerisms are
presented with a professional demeanor and personal style.
Application Application is missing or messy. Application is clearly filled out. Application is professional in
Application is exceptionally done.  
Cover Letter Cover letter is missing or unclear. Cover letter is clear and organized. Cover letter is well organized and effective. Tailored to position. Cover letter is creative, organized
and contributes to a professional
Resume Resumé is missing or unclear. Resumé is clear and organized. Resumé is well organized and effective.
Tailored to position.
Resumé is creative, organized and contributes to a professional