Swift Dam


Pondera County is located in the heart of the Golden Triangle, famous for quality wheat and barley production. The county contains 1625 square miles and is very rural with approximately 6400 residents in the communities of Conrad, Valier, Dupuyer, Brady, and Heart Butte. The elevation varies from 3300' on the eastern plains to 8500' at the Continental Divide. Major watersheds include the Marias and Teton River drainages. Lake Frances near  Valier is fed from Swift Reservoir and is a major supplier for irrigation and household water. Also, the Tiber water system has approximately 450 miles of water lines to serve 270 households, utilizing water impounded at Lake Elwell on the Marias River.

There are approximately 950,000 acres in farms in Pondera County, comprised of pasture land, dry land, and irrigated. Crops grown in the county include wheat, barley, pulses, oilseeds, and hay. Beef cattle and sheep are also important agricultural products raised in the county. 
Health facilities and retirement homes also are important economic contributors in Pondera County. The Pondera Medical Center is very modern and serves a multi-county area with an economic impact of over $12 million.
Check out our blog and Facebook page to see what we're up to!

Upcoming Events

Hay U Webinar Series 

March 18, 6:00 pm - Planting and Stand Establishment - Dr. Hayes Goosey, MSU Extension Forage Specialist
March 25, 6:00 pm - Crop Management and Pest Control - Dr. Hayes Goosey
April 1, 6:00 pm - Harvest and Storage - Dr. Hayes Goosey
April 8, 6:00 pm - Hay Quality for Livestock - Dr. Megan Van Emon, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist
April 15, 6:00 pm - Hay Valuation - Dr. George Haynes, MSU Agriculture Economics Professor and Agriculture Policy Specialist
Register for Hay U at https://bit.ly/3qWteB4 or by calling 271-4054. Each webinar will be recorded and posted on our YouTube channel if you are unable to attend.

Communicating for the Farm - more info coming soon!