From the Director

Montanans can rely on MSU Extension as a trusted partner. Our dedicated agents,  specialists, and staff are embedded within local communities, collaborating with counties and tribal reservations to find solutions that improve lives and communities. We address locally identified needs through teaching, learning, research, discovery, and engagement. Each year, MSU Extension offers thousands of educational programs to diverse audiences, assisting farmers, families, elected officials, business owners, and others seeking assistance.

Cody Stone in a navy suit jacket with a light blue button up and blue tie on. There is a circular, gold pin attached to his left suit lapel.

Our 2022 statewide needs assessment helped us identify and better understand issues and opportunities across Montana. We are  addressing these needs by providing educational programs and partnerships that help Montanans tackle critical local issues. Key needs identifiedin our assessment include housing, youth career readiness, rural community vitality, agricultural profitability, and mental health.

For over 100 years, MSU Extension has been an unbiased and trusted educational partner for all Montanans. This document highlights our efforts and successes. I invite you to connect with your local Extension Agent to learn more about how we contribute in your community.


Cody Stone

Executive Director, MSU Extension


Improving Lives and Communities

Four images create this banner. Image one showcases a girl in a pink sweatshirt holding the halter of a black steer with a white head. Image two showcases two women, one older and one younger, crouching and looking at a piece of paper. Image three showcases a man with two large weights, lifting them. Image four showcases two men in a green field presenting, one holding a microphone and the other holding a presentation board.

Montana State University Extension’s network of faculty and staff on the MSU-Bozeman campus and in county and reservation offices serve Montanans to fulfill the land-grant mission and in response to our assessment of local needs. MSU Extension partners with others to serve locally identified needs, improving lives with trusted education and information to strengthen the social, economic and environmental well-being of individuals, families and communities. MSU Extension offers education in leadership, agriculture, horticulture, healthy living, estate planning, youth development, and more.


The Schutter Diagnostic Lab (SDL) is a nexus for statewide integrated pest management (IPM) efforts. Expert diagnosticians help safeguard agriculture, landscapes, and public spaces from pests by providing free identification services, IPM advice, and education.

The top half of the figure is split in half with the left half being an image of a tall, skinny green plant in a field and the right half being a statement reading: In 2023 the SDL conducted 2,767 plant, plant disease, insect, mushroom, and abiotic diagnoses in all 56 Montana counties and four additional states. The bottom half of the figure is a pie chart; 60% of the chart represents "Samples submitted through MSU Extension", and 40% of the chart represents "Samples submitted from non-Extension clientele.


Statewide 4-H events host teens aged 13-19 with opportunities for personal growth, increased engagement, and development as capable leaders and responsible citizens. Youth gather at annual events like 4-H Congress with 150-400 participants, where they are supported by certified 4-H adult volunteers and MSU Extension faculty to practice life skills in networking, leadership roles and learning. Evaluations indicate participating youth at 4-H events are enhancing and developing essential skills like social intelligence, communication, teamwork and problem-solving.

Four 4-H leaders sit at a table in green blazers, focused on the topic at hand.


Montana faces the second-highest demand for leaders per capita in the US. In response, Big Sky Big Leadership (BSBL) develops leaders through local facilitation. BSBL has served 400 participants in their programs with more than 13,000 hours of leadership training that positively impacts communities.

A man and a woman sit in a radio studio, at a table, with a large microphone in between them. The radio host sits on the opposit side of the table.

The Resource Education and Agricultural Leadership (REAL) Montana program has trained more than 100 leaders from 33 counties to impact agriculture and natural resource industries.

“ REAL Montana provides the opportunity to build leadership skills that I can use to serve my local community and Montana agriculture through my work.”

– Riley Slivka, Class VI, Lewistown Digital Media Producer at AgriStudios



The Well Educated program distributes test kits with more than 40 partners to help private well owners test water and understand results. One-third of Montanans rely on private household wells, and over 20 percent contain health risk contaminants, yet many well owners are unaware of risks.

The program’s data helps well owners understand local contamination risks like arsenic. By providing accessible, localized guidance on testing and treatment, the program supports rural and underserved communities in mitigating health risks of contaminated well water.

The figure is split in two with the left half reading: "Since 2023 more than 565 participants received personalized water quality reports (for drinking, livestock and irrigation), with 44% of participants with healthrelated issues making changes to address water quality", and the right half showing graphics of a cup of water, a black cow, and plants being watered from a system above.


In response to Montana’s consistent top ranking in suicide mortality rates and to our needs assessment, MSU Extension trained agents as instructors of the Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) suicide prevention program. Since 2023, MSU Extension has provided QPR training to 205 participants across seven counties (Gallatin, Liberty, Pondera, Ravalli, Silver Bow, Toole, and Yellowstone).

Some QPR participants are members of groups at higher risk of suicide (young adults and people in agricultural occupations), and many are teachers, school staff, and EMTs with increased opportunities to respond to people experiencing suicidal ideation.

A yellow map of Montana with 7 counties shaded a darker yellow. A blue text bubble reads: "QPR Training 205 participants 22 trainings 7 counties."


Nutrition educators on the Flathead Reservation partnered with the Montana Partnership to End Childhood Hunger to transform school meals. More than 30 school food service providers learned about connecting with local producers, scratch cooking, budgeting, and incorporating local and indigenous foods, impacting more than 4,000 students over the next two years. Statewide, nutrition education programs provided 1,715 nutrition and physical activity classes reaching 3,966 Montanans in the past year.


Housing is an issue closely tied to rural community vitality, and according to an MSU Extension needs assessment, one that needs to be addressed. MSU Extension agents offer programs and host rural housing webinars to guide discussions and build networks addressing the complexity of housing challenges. MSU Extension addresses housing needs in collaboration with NeighborWorks Montana and other partners to offer a neutral collaboration for stakeholder conversations.

A logo reading: "NeighborWorks Montana" with two home roofs on top of NeighborWorks.