Volunteer/Adult Roles
Volunteers, parents, and other adults are a valued and essential part of the 4-H program and have a profound impact on the life trajectory of 4-H members. Adult 4-H volunteers are approved by MSU Extension after completing the necessary volunteer application steps. Adults serve in a variety of roles in 4-H:
Download printable PDF of Adult Roles Factsheet
Guide the overall organization of the club, help it function smoothly and maintain communications among the member families, the club and the county. Be the primary club contact person with the MSU Extension county staff. Time commitment is 10 to 15 hours monthly (depends on club size and activities) through the 4-H year, October to September.
These volunteers DO need to complete the certification process for Montana 4-H Volunteer Leaders.
Project or Program Volunteer Leaders
Work with members enrolled in a specific project or project area, assisting them to plan and carry out experiences that will help them reach their learning goals. Support the positive growth and development of each youth involved. Develop important life skills and create opportunities for you to learn, lead and serve. Time commitment may be two to four hours for planning, working directly with youth, and follow up for each project meeting. More time can be spent, if desired, by volunteers and members in the project group. Project leadership can be a short-term opportunity. A variety of options are available, such as working once a month, once a week, for a short terms periods or for the 4-H year (October to September).
These volunteers DO need to complete the certification process for Montana 4-H Volunteer Leaders.
Activity or Event Volunteer Leaders
Provide leadership within a specific, short-term project or activity. These activity volunteers work with 4-H members to make preparations for the activity, obtain relevant literature and distribute it to adult and youth participants, and coordinate the activity or community event while supporting the positive growth and development of each youth involved. Time commitment will vary with the nature of the activity. Activities take place throughout the year. Most activities will require several meetings to plan, implement and evaluate the activity.
These volunteers DO need to complete the certification process for Montana 4-H Volunteer Leaders.
Other Adult Volunteers
Judge contests or fair, serve as guest speakers at club meetings and events, volunteer professional services.
These volunteers DO NOT need to complete the certification process for Montana 4-H Volunteer Leaders.
Parent or Supportive Adult
To assist and support their child and other children in the 4-H club or group.
Parents and adults helping in the Montana 4-H Program are encouraged to be respectful of youth and adult leaders. Although the club's youth members should make the club's decisions, adult leaders should serve as advisors, project leaders, resource providers, and youth coaches. Parents are encouraged to attend meetings and participate in club activities and events. Adults should also support their child’s efforts by providing resources and supplies for projects, encouraging youth leadership, and, if necessary, facilitating the planning process.