
Work with members enrolled in a specific project or project area, assisting them to plan and carry out experiences that will help them reach their learning goals. Support the positive growth and development of each youth involved. Develop important life skills and create opportunities for you to learn, lead and serve.

Success Criteria

Members will enroll in the project; set project goals; work to achieve project goals; share what they have learned through a talk, demonstration or exhibit; and complete project planning sheets, which report and evaluate their own progress.


  • Complete certification process for Montana 4-H Volunteer
  • Become familiar with project literature
  • Assist with enrollment by introducing the project to all members
  • Help member establish goals and plan for their project
  • Conduct project meetings
  • Give support to members in planning and carrying out projects
  • Encourage members to complete their project work
  • Involve experienced youth in planning project activities
  • Encourage parents to support project work at home
  • Help member identify additional resource materials to expand their knowledge
  • Assist member with exhibits, demonstrations and other sharing opportunities
  • Provide member recognition for growth in project skills and understandings
  • Help members’ complete activity guides and record books to evaluate their progress on projects
  • Keep members informed of other opportunities related to their project
  • Be aware of risks and use risk management strategies related to project
  • Update your own project skills by attending relevant learning opportunities
  • Assist with other project-related activities on the county and state levels
  • Help identify, select and support new members

Time Required

Two to four hours for planning, working directly with youth, and follow up for each project meeting.

More time can be spent, if desired, by volunteers and members in the project group. Project leadership can be a short-term opportunity. A variety of options are available, such as working once a month, once a week, for a short terms periods or for the 4-H year (October to September).

Resources Available

Montana 4-H Leaders Handbook

Getting Started as a 4-H Project Leader

Printed 4-H materials for members and project leader guides

Training Opportunities

Orientation, training, guidance, and support from MSU Extension county staff. Support and assistance from other leaders, mentors, volunteers and parents. County, District, State and Western Region trainings and workshops

Report To

MSU Extension Agent(s) and office in your county.

For Questions Contact

MSU Extension office in your county