Congratulations to our 2024 Montana 4-H Contest Winners  2024 Congress Contest Placings

download state contest video or state contest Power Point presentation

State contests are designed to provide educational and state level competitive events to Montana 4-H'ers age 14 years and older (13 year olds attending Montana 4-H Congress are able to participate in contests , but are not eligible for award trips). Most state contests take place and are recognized at Montana 4-H Congress each year.

Contest Policies and other important award details

If you wish to participate in a state contest, contact your MSU Extension office for county specific deadlines for qualifying event and county specific participation rules. Contest will take place during Montana 4-H Congress event and interview times will take place on Wednesday July 10, 2024

Montana 4-H Congress Contests

The following contest will take place on Wednesday July 10, 2024 in conjunction with the Montana 4-H Congress event. Please review the contest guidelines for individual contest information. 

Career Communications
Demonstrations and/or Illustrated Talk
Fashion Revue
Gavel Games (Parliamentary Procedure)
Horse Judging
Horse Hippology (Horse Skill-a-Thon)
Livestock Judging
Public Speaking
Quilt Contest
Stir‐Up (foods)

Montana 4-H Congress Participants that are 13 years of age are permitted to compete in the state contest at the discretion of the County. However, they may not be eligible for an award trip due to age requirements set by the national/regional event. They do not lose their eligibility and can compete in future years to again earn eligibility for a national award trip.


Competition Resources

If you plan to compete in one of the many communications contests check out the resources available here. There are examples and documents that will help you prepare for participation in these contests.

Communication Contests resources

Livestock Judging resources