In Our Office

Senior Diversity and Inclusion Officer

Ariel Donohue
163 American Indian Hall

Program Coordinator

Abby Rodi
163 American Indian Hall


Members of the ODI Team

Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons (DISC)

Barbara do Amaral
Strand Union Building 286

Women's Center

Betsy Danforth
Strand Union Building 372

Diversity Education and Outreach

Mariah Hill
Swingle Health Center 211



Affiliated Groups Across Campus

Academic Diversity Partners

Academic Diversity Partners (ADPs) are faculty members or other academic leaders within each college who act as liaisons between university diversity and inclusion efforts and their college.

ADPs are accountable to both their Dean and the Senior Diversity and Inclusion Officer, providing an opportunity to forge connections amongst programs, align existing diversity efforts with MSU’s strategic diversity goals, and examine potential gaps in offerings. They are responsible for coordinating diversity and inclusion initiatives, tracking progress and participation, communicating priorities and initiatives, and supporting the adoption of inclusive practices within their colleges.

Diversity Council

The MSU Diversity Council provides guidance, consultation, and leadership to support the advancement of institutional efforts to create a diverse, inclusive, and equitable campus environment.

Diversity Council serves to:

  • Consider innovative solutions and strategies to increase diversity and inclusion at Montana State University
  • Identify successful best practices that contribute to organizational change towards increased equity and belonging
  • Provide a clear and coordinated voice for university-wide diversity, equity, and inclusion issues
  • Provide institutional leadership to ensure that the development of short and long-term strategies related to diversity, equity and inclusion is in alignment with the university’s strategic goals
  • Support engagement in diversity initiatives that further the knowledge, skills and competencies of the University community
  • Review information provided by units on diversity-related initiatives to monitor, assess, and track outcomes for evaluation and accountability of MSU’s progress towards its diversity and inclusion goals