The Diversity and Inclusion Framework Report is a result of numerous structured discussions amongst MSU stakeholders about diversity and inclusion throughout the 2016-2017 academic year. Stakeholder groups were invited to both become involved with the planning process and to encourage their constituents to participate in the institutional efforts. Below are summaries of the discussions that took place and communications around MSU’s diversity planning efforts.

Diversity and Inclusion Framework Report, September 2017

In September 2017, MSU published the results of its work from the previous academic year in the “Diversity and Inclusion Framework Report.” Thank you to the many students, faculty and staff who worked on this effort. We hope you take time to read the report and continue to be involved as we move forward to implement the report’s recommendations.  

Diversity Charrette Summary

MSU Students, Faculty and Staff,

Thank you for participating in the Diversity Charrette on April 12, 2017.  It was an engaging day with over 200 participants providing important observations and input regarding the draft Montana State University diversity statement and vision, and the five goals and associated strategies. Participation by the MSU community at the Diversity Summits, department/college retreats, meetings, one-on-one conversations, and student forums contributed to the development of the draft Diversity Statement, and the Goals and Strategies that were reflected in the Charrette. The feedback fell into one of four categories: Additional information; Agree/Disagree statements; Additional Questions and Detailed edits on the documents.

Thanks to the input gathered during your participation that we are in the final stages of developing the Diversity and Inclusion Framework as a document that will serve as a guide toward making the campus more inclusive and contribute to the overall strategic planning process in the coming year. We hope that you will continue to engage in the different venues to explore and develop ways to implement the goals.

Results from Diversity Summit Phase II


Diversity Summit Phase II occurred on February 2, 2017, with over 300 participants for both the morning and repeat afternoon session. The working session focused on the revised draft of the campus diversity statement, vision, principles and over-arching goals, resulting in each table providing feedback on the draft University Diversity Statement, up to 4 goals, 4 strategies and as well as opportunities and challenges for the diversity and inclusion plan.  Information gathered from the summit were analyzed by the advisory group resulting in the following themes for diversity and inclusion goals: Education; Training; Environment; Safety; Recruitment/Retention; Accountability; Celebration; Community; Visibility; Communication and Resources. A writing team, comprised of members of the Advisory group, drafted 5 goals and associated strategies from the themes, that were then shared with the larger group that will result in the draft Goals and Strategies presented in the Charrette.

Letter from the President

Dear MSU Community,

As promised by Drs. Rusty Barcelo, Kim Bobby and Eric Lopez, we are sharing the responses of the work sessions conducted during the Diversity Summit. This was the beginning of ongoing conversations that will continue throughout the Spring Semester culminating in a Spring Diversity Summit in March. There were over two hundred participants in each of the morning and afternoon sessions. The documents list the points for each question listed below, as reported out by the participants assigned to each table (2 students, 2 faculty, 2 staff and one facilitator), for your review.


Question 1: What do we mean by Diversity at Montana State University (MSU)?

Question 2: What are some guiding principles & values for the MSU Diversity Plan?


[ For a comprehensive list of answers, please contact ]

Thank you for your continual participation and we look forward to upcoming university-wide conversations and the development of the University Diversity and Inclusion Plan, which will be integrated into the University’s new strategic plan.



Waded Cruzado

Waded Cruzado
