People walking on MSU campus

About CSAC

Adopted in 2021, the MSU Sustainability Framework features long-term targets, objectives, and an implementation strategy. The long-term targets and objectives address MSU’s Strategic Plan Goal 3.3 to develop a Sustainability Plan. The Framework established CSAC as a 7-member advisory committee to work closely with MSU’s entire Sustainability enterprise which includes the MSU Office of Sustainability, and ad hoc task forces. 

The MSU Campus Sustainability Advisory Committee (CSAC) was created in 2021 with the following charge: 

  1. Advise the University President regarding national, regional, institutional and community-based sustainability efforts. 
  2. Ensure implementation of the Campus Sustainability Framework through: 
    1. Supporting strategic planning related to sustainability
    2. Identifying and proposing methods to fund campus sustainability initiatives and improvements 
    3. Coordination across university functions and units 
    4. Convening, recruiting for, and managing ad hoc task forces and/ or working groups
    5. Assess progress on Campus Sustainability Framework targets (STARS ranking; Zero Waste; Carbon Neutrality) on an annual basis 
    6. Evaluate sustainability-related data and progress reports
    7. Prepare an annual, publicly-available evaluation of progress toward targets 

Membership comprises both appointed and ex-officio members. Appointed members are designated by the MSU president and serve up to two consecutive two-year terms.

Committee Members
Academic Dean (designated by Provost) 
Dean Brett Gunnink 
Dec 2021
MSU VP (designated by President) 
VP Ryan Knutson 
Dec 2021
Research Office Representative (designated by VP-REDGE) 
Dr. Lee Spangler
Feb 2022
Faculty Senate Chair (or Chair-Elect, by decision of FS Chair)  
Dr. Colter Ellis
Sept 2023
ASMSU President
Jacob Zink
Sept 2023
University Services 
Megan Sterl 
Dec 2021
Auxiliary Services 
Kara Landolfi 
Dec 2021
Provost’s Office
Vice Provost Tracy Dougher
Sept 2023