Crime is a reality at Montana State University, and preventing crime is everyone’s responsibility on campus. Unreported crime is a criminal’s greatest ally. If you suspect a criminal act has taken place, MSU highly encourages accurate and prompt reporting. Contact the University Police Department located at the corner of 7th Avenue and Kagy Boulevard, in the Roy E. Huffman Building or dial:

MSU-Bozeman Core Campus

Emergency: 911

Non-Emergency: 406-994-2121

MSU College of Nursing Campuses:

Billings Nursing Campus Emergency: 911

Non-Emergency: 406-657-2222

GreatFalls Nursing Campus Emergency: 911

Non-Emergency: 406-727-7688

Kalispell Nursing Campus Emergency: 911

Non-Emergency: 406-758-7780

Missoula Nursing Campus Emergency: 911 or 406-243-4000

Non-Emergency: 406-243-6131


Suspicion of crime does not require proof. If you suspect a crime has been committed or is being committed, call the University Police Department immediately. Make a difference, call. Only concerned citizens can prevent crime.

If you are a victim or witness of a crime: Report the incident immediately to the University Police. If you can, gather pertinent information, such as sex, race, hair color, length and texture, body size, clothing description, scars and other noticeable characteristics, modes of travel, type of vehicle, color and license information.

Suspicious persons: If you see anyone acting suspiciously, call 911. Do not approach the individual yourself. Report the type of suspicious behavior and the location. Relay pertinent information concerning the involved person including: age, sex, dress, vehicle and direction of travel.

Bomb threats: If you receive a bomb threat, it is important to obtain as much information as possible from the caller. Things to ask are: (1) location of bomb, (2) time of explosion, and (3) type of bomb.

Make mental notes about the caller’s voice, and background noises which you may hear. Call 911 immediately. Do not panic. The University Police will search the area, notify properly trained personnel, and notify emergency services. The University Police, in conjunction with the building supervisor and administration, will determine if evacuation is necessary.

What to Report: When calling the University Police Department to report an incident, please provide the following information:

  • Your name (optional)
  • Location of incident
  • Type of incident
  • Description of suspect, vehicles or other pertinent information
  • Return telephone number (optional)

Members of the MSU community are encouraged to accurately and promptly report crime and emergencies to the University Police Department and the appropriate police agencies, including when the victim of a crime elects to, or is unable to, make such a report.


If you are the victim of a crime and do not want to pursue action within the University system or the criminal justice system, you may still want to consider making a confidential report.

With your permission, the University Police Chief (or designee) can file a report on the details of the incident without revealing your identity. The purpose of a confidential report is to comply with your wish to keep the matter confidential, while taking steps to ensure the future safety of yourself and others. With such information, the University can keep an accurate record of the number of incidents involving students, employees and visitors; determine where there is a pattern of crime with regard to a particular location, method, or assailant; and alert the campus community to potential danger.

Reports filed in this manner are counted and disclosed in the annual crime statistics for the institution. If you wish to make a confidential report, MSU offers the Silent Witness Program to anyone who has witnessed, or knows about, a crime committed on campus. You are welcome to send email to with information you feel may be useful in keeping your campus safe and secure. Silent Witness reporting is also available on the SafeCats app. You should provide the information as described in the previous paragraph.


The University Police Department will respond to reports of crime against persons and all property owned, controlled, leased or operated by Montana State University which includes Fraternity/ Sorority (Greek) residences located within one mile of the campus boundary. On a 24-hour basis, dispatchers can instantly dispatch the University Police, Bozeman Fire, Emergency Medical Services, and, if needed, will request assistance from the Bozeman Police and/or Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office.

All UPD incident reports that involve MSU students are forwarded to the Office of the Dean of Students or the Office of Institutional Equity for review and for potential student conduct adjudication, as appropriate. UPD Investigators will investigate a report when it is deemed appropriate. Additional information obtained via the investigation will also be forwarded to the

Dean of Students. If assistance is required from the Bozeman Police Department or the Bozeman Fire Department, UPD will contact the appropriate unit. If a sexual assault or rape should occur, staff on the scene, including UPD, will offer the victim a wide variety of services.

All reports of criminal activity occurring within the jurisdiction of the University Police Department will be investigated and, if the investigation confirms a violation of the state criminal code, the matter will be referred to the Gallatin County Attorney or Bozeman City Attorney for prosecution. Reports of criminal activity received by the University Police occurring outside of its jurisdiction will be referred to the appropriate city or county law enforcement agency.

MSU will make timely reports to the campus community regarding the occurrence of crime on campus. Log of daily crime reports and incidents are maintained and available for review by the campus community and the public at large. This crime log can be found on-line or accessed at the customer service desk of the University Police Department.


The campus is equipped with eight (8) Emergency Telephones (blue light phones) spread across campus in parking lots and along heavily used foot paths. These phones can be used for both emergency and non-emergency purposes such as reporting a crime in progress or requesting an escort anywhere on campus. Additional information and a map of the locations of these phones can be found by visiting:

SafeCats is a safety app that allows the user to contact police, request a safety escort, or to activate a Friend Walk in a single mobile application. The SafeCats app is available for both Android and Apple cellular phones and is available free of charge.

new safecats app