Whether you've been to Catapalooza previously or not, there are always many questions that surround an event of this magnitude. In this section we hope to address some of your questions up front. If you still have questions, please feel free to call 406-994-2837 or email catapalooza@montana.edu.

What is Catapalooza?

Catapalooza is an event held on Montana State University's Malone Centennial Mall. This event is coordinated by the Office of Student Engagement and will be held on Friday, August 23, 2024. The goal of the event is to expose our new and returning students to the array of campus and community resources, clubs, organizations and businesses. This is an annual event which continues to grow in size and scope just as MSU and the Bozeman area community are mutually evolving. Although an exact count is difficult to estimate, we have hosted up to 350 vendors who were visited by thousands of, students, their families, our faculty, staff and local community members each year. 

How much does it cost to have a booth at Catapalooza?

Catapalooza is free of charge for MSU Offices and Registered Student Organizations. For off campus groups, the registration fee is $40.  

Who can register for Catapalooza?

We inviteall community and campus organizations, businesses and student organizations toregister for and attend CatapaloozaIt is our expectation that organizations hosting booths will be prepared to provide information on opportunities, goods, or services available to all MSU students. 

When can I register?

Vendor registration will begin on Wednesday, May 18th 2024 and the registration will close when we reach 350 booths. Catapalooza registration usually fills up in the middle of July. Plan ahead and register early! Please note that booth placement is random and does not depend on when you register for Catapalooza. Catapalooza 2024 will take place on Friday, August 23 from 9am-3:30 pm. 

How do I register?

The registration is online via the Catapalooza website. Registration opens Wednesday, May 18, 2024and will close when we have 350 booths register for Catapalooza. Click HERE for the registration page 

Can I hand out coupons or promotional materials without registering for a booth at Catapalooza?

No, only approved vendors may participate in Catapalooza. Any other for profit entity is not authorized to conduct advertising or promotion of their business on campus under university policy. 

How many people attend Catapalooza?

At least 4,000 people attend Catapalooza. This includes, students, family members, faculty, staff, and community members. 

people attending Catapalooza

How large is my space for Catapalooza?

The standard space given to a registered club, business, or organization measures approximately 11 feet in width. Exhibitors are allowed to use a reasonable area behind them for other set up or temporary storage of personal items. Tables provided to MSU-based groups. Please be respectful of other exhibitor's areas and use only your designated space.

How are booth locations decided?

Booth placement is completely random and does not correlate with early registration. Although Catapalooza staff does try to accommodate special requests, there are no guarantees. We try to avoid grouping too many similar booths together because we want people to walk around and talk to all of the Catapalooza vendors.

Do I have to have someone at my table at all times?

Many students and family members have questions about all the new opportunities available at MSU and in the Bozeman area community. As a result, we ask that you plan to staff your booth at all times. If for any reason it is impossible to have someone at your booth at all times for both days, we would request that you let the Catapalooza staff know so that you are not removed from your spot. Secondly, please do not leave flyers at your booth unattended. Not only does this tactic not get a very positive response but it also may litter the campus should we have breezy weather.

Can my display access power?

There is NOT a centralized source of power on the MSU Centennial Mall.  Please make other arrangements, such as extra batteries for your lap top computer. For more information, email catapalooza@montana.edu or call Laurynn Olson at 994-2837.

Can I give away food?

Only if your organization indicated that you are giving away food, candy, or beverages on your Catapalooza registration! Per University Policy Food Trucks are not allowed at Catapalooza. We understand that food is very helpful in attracting students and their families to your booth! In the interest of public health and safety, we work very closely to monitor the distribution of food. The MSU Sanitarian requires that anyone who gives away food must fill out the appropriate paperwork. Food distribution even includes prepackaged goods such as candy, bottled water, canned soda, popsicles, etc. Again, food cannot be sold. If you are giving out food or beverages, please visit our vendor guideline page for more information and the appropriate application. You must make the Catapalooza staff aware of your intent to distribute food or drinks at the event in your initial registration. Should you change your plans to no longer serve food please email the staff at catapalooza@montana.eduREMINDER: Any beverage given away must be a Pepsi product as our MSU campus has an active, exclusive contract with the company. For a list of acceptable beverages, please click this link.

Can I request a specific location for my booth?

As much as we would love to be able to accommodate all booth location requests, with 350 booths each year, we are simply unable to manage any special requests. With that in mind, please refrain from making specific booth location requests. Booth placement is random and does not depend on when you register for Catapalooza. Our pool of exhibitors changes up to the last minute. As such, we do not create a map of the mall and individual placements until the night before Catapalooza. If you plan on bringing an approved large display, our Catapalooza coordinators will work to give you an appropriate space that has been pre-approved by MSU Safety and Risk Management. The Catapalooza staff greatly appreciates your patience in this matter. Remember, there are NO undesirable locations at Catapalooza!

Can I get more chairs or tables?

Unfortunately, we have a very limited number of tables and chairs available for on-campus groups. All business and organization representatives from the community must bring their own tables and chairs. Please keep in mind that nothing may be secured by staking into the ground. Exhibitors may tie their displays and tents to heavy objects such as cinder blocks or sand bags.

I'm bringing a tent. How can I secure it?

As mentioned above, we have wiring and a sprinkler system located in the ground. DO NOT stake anything into the ground! You are welcome to tie your tent or canopy to a heavy object such as cinder blocks, sand bags, or bricks. Individuals are in charge of bringing their own grounding materials and we are not responsible if tents are not properly secured over-night and blow away in high winds.

Catapalooza Weather

  • Catapalooza staff will approach all vendors and recommend they shut down their booth and seek inside cover to nearby buildings. 
  • Individuals will be responsible for making their own  personal safety decisions.
  • All vendor/booth materials will be the responsibility of the vendor, NOT Catapalooza or MSU.

broken tent pic

Don't let this happen to your tent!

What kind of music can I play at Catapalooza?

We love the atmosphere that music provides! Selected live acts will be featured on the stage in Romney Oval. We politely request that individuals not bring their own music to play in addition to these prearranged audio sources.

Can my band play at Catapalooza?

We welcome all acts interested in Catapalooza to contact by emailing us at catapalooza@montana.edu! Since Catapalooza is a family event that takes place amidst numerous professional offices, we ask that our performers not use profanity and that they play at a reasonable level. If your act is selected for a spot at Catapalooza, we will provide the sound equipment and stage. Interested groups should contact us in April prior to the August event.

Can we solicit donations at Catapalooza?

While a donation is not an exchange of goods or services, campus policies prevent us from allowing outside solicitations of money from students, parents, and other members of the MSU community. We apologize for this inconvenience. Please click this link for more information on this policy.

Can I sell items at Catapalooza?

We request and will enforce that vendors DO NOT sell goods or services (no exchange of money) at Catapalooza.  Instead, be prepared to distribute informational items, coupons, hand-outs, freebies, company contact information, etc. to promote your company or organization.  You may use this opportunity or refer students to a store, restaurant, or website.  We request that students and their families continue to feel safe and comfortable approaching any booth without the anxiety of being obligated to purchasing an item. Catapalooza is a tremendous opportunity to market your business and invite the students, MSU employees and others in our community to patronize your organization.  This is not an invitation to sell your products on  our campus.

If you collect contact information from potential customers interested in purchasing goods or services, you must contact the potential customer after Catapalooza re-confirming their interest before any transactions take place.  We ask that you DO NOT use any contact information you collect at Catapalooza for purposes other than to contact those individuals about this specific interaction or transaction, and please do not add a potential customer to any mailing lists without their specific consent.

Violation of any portion of this policy will jeopardize a group, company, community organization’s invitation to participate in future Catapalooza events.

What is the MSU Tobacco Use Policy?

The use of tobacco (including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco and all other tobacco products) by students, faculty, staff, guests, visitors, and contractors is prohibited on all properties owned or leased by MSU. For more information on this policy, visit: http://www.montana.edu/health/healthpromo/tobacco.php/#policy 

Can I have a booth that promotes a controlled substance (alcohol, bar, distillery, medical marijuana)?

You may not have a booth that promotes a controlled substance because of the general provisions of the Facilities Use Manual Section 210 and 220 and the MSU Alcohol Marketing Guidelines. Although medical marijuana is legal in the State of Montana, it is still illegal under Federal law. Because the sale and distribution of marijuana is illegal under federal law, we cannot allow advertisement for its sale on university property.

Is there wifi on campus?

Yes, it's titled MSU-Guest. 

Is the ground level? 

Catapalooza is an outside event and your booth location may have uneven ground. 
