Cadet Activities

Ranger Challenge
Do you have what it takes to be a part of the Bobcat Battalion's Ranger Challenge team?
Ranger Challenge is an inter-collegiate competition between Army ROTC detachments at different universities. It is a grueling multi-day competition with physically and mentally challenges. Ranger Challenge team consist of a nine-member cadet squad.
The events in the Ranger Challenge Competition include the ACFT (Army Combat Fitness Test), one-rope bridge construction and crossing, the grenade assault course, assembly and disassembly of the M4 Carbine, M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapons), and M240B Machine Gun; land navigation written exam and course, and a 12 Mile road march with combat load. All Bobcat Battalion cadets can volunteer to try out for the Ranger Challenge team.
The weak of body and faint of heart need not apply!

Cannon Crew
The Bobcat Battalion proudly supports MSU Athletics in many ways, but the one everyone hears the most about is the Cannon Crew.
Army ROTC cadets at MSU fire a 75mm howitzer at home football games for kickoffs and whenever the Bobcats score. The rounds are only powder blanks, but the bang can be heard for miles, pumping up the crowd and demoralizing opponents.
Cadets can volunteer to be a part of the Cannon Crew for all Bobcat's home football games.

Color Guard
The Bobcat Battalion has an elite color guard team that presents the national colors at various events upon request.
In the past years the color guard team has provided their services to several events, to include the Special Forces Veterans Dinner, Football Games, Men’s and Women’s Basketball and Volleyball games.
All cadets can be a part of this prestigious group.

Combat Water Survival Training
Yearly, all cadets complete the Combat Water Survival Test (CWST) as part of their training.
The CWST consists of three events. The first event is the 15 meter swim with combat equipment, to include weapon. The next is the 3 meter blindfolded drop with combat equipment. The final event is the submerged combat equipment removal.
The CWST is used to develop swimming ability, physical fitness, and confidence in cadets.

Dining Out
Every spring the Bobcat Battalion holds the Dining Out ceremony. The Dining Out is a formal dinner, social in nature yet steeped in military tradition that serves to bring the unit together.
In addition to the outstanding food and comradery, the Dining Out also features a keynote military speaker, an awards ceremony, and a cadet-made movie highlighting the year's activities.

Brown Jug
Army ROTC and Air Force ROTC are responsible to prepare the next generations of Officers for every branch. But once a year both ROTCs programs compete for the coveted “Brown Jug”. This friendly competition that has passed from generation to generation consist of sport events such as soccer, flag football, ultimate Frisbee, and many more. At the end of this event and after cadets do their best, the Brown Jug is presented to the winner (Usually Army).
Let the best ROTC win!!! Go Army.

Field Training Exercises
The Bobcat Battalion conducts two Field Training Exercises (FTXs) every academic year. The FTXs are two days in length, and reinforce the classroom instruction with hands on application in a field environment. FTXs are a way how MS IIIs (Juniors) prepare themselves for Cadet Summer Training (CST).
Some of the training events that occurs on the FTXs include Basic Rifle Marksmanship, day and night land navigation, platoon and squad unit tactics and battle drills (with paintball), Field Leadership Reaction Course, weapons familiarization (M240 Machine Gun), helicopter operations, and more.