Community Engagement and Outreach Core
The Community Engagement and Outreach Core provides guidance in community-based participatory research approaches and regional support to investigators to help develop respectful research partnerships with American Indian and Alaska Native people in Montana and Alaska. For assistance contact the site director nearest you.
Montana Community Research Navigators:

Niki Graham, MPH
Montana Site Director
University of Montana
Missoula, Mt
Tribal Affiliation:
Confederated Salish and Kootenai

Lori Lambert, Ph.D
Montana Community Research Navigator
Montana State University,
Bozeman, Mt
Tribal Affiliation: Enrolled Member of Nulhegan Abenaki and Mi'kmaq
Alaska Community Research Navigators:

Denise Dillard, Ph.D
Alaska Site Director
Anchorage Areas
South central Foundation, Alaska
Tribal Affiliation: Unupiaq Eskimo

Kyle Wark, MA Anthropology, MA Eastern Classics
Alaska Community Research Navigator
Tribal Affiliation: