Currently Funded Investigators
Pilot Projects

Sara Buckingham, UAA
Pilot Test of a Cultural Intervention to Enhance Alaska Native Students' Behavioral
Alexander Kitaysky, UAF
Surveillance for Avian Influenza in Subsistence Harvested Seabirds

Inna Rivkin, UAF
Expanding Intergenerational Dialog Exchange and Action to Promote Youth Wellness

Katie Cueva, UAA
Piloting Culturally Responsive, Community Engaged Cancer Education in the Northwest

Stephen Vindigni ANTHC
Alaska Native Study to Stop Stomach Cancer: A Prospective Cohort of Individuals at
High Risk of Gastric Cancer

Project Development Awards

Laverne Demientieff, UAF
Re-Awakening the Spirit: Engaging in Cultural Values and Traditional Practices in
the Modern Alaskan Context

Mark Schure, MSU
Using cultural strengths to develop a trauma-informed program for improving the mental
wellbeing of the ApsAalooke People

Jennifer Shaw, SCF
Feasibility and Acceptability of Community-Based Diagnosis and Treatment for Hepatitis
C Virus (HCV) in an Urban Alaska Native and American Indian (ANAI) Population

Valerie Gifford, UAF
Use of Telebehavioral Health with Alaska Native Rural Residents: Provider Perceptions
of Strengths, Limitations, and Effectiveness

Ruby Fried UAA
Traditional Food Security and Health: Identifying Risk and Resilience Factors in St.Paul,

Andrea Bersamin, UAF
Neqpiaput Inruugut (Our Food is our Medicine): Promoting Holistic Health and Well-Being Among Yup'ik Parents and Children Through the Lens of Substance.

Vanessa Simonds, MSU
Promoting Healthy Relationships among ApsAalooke Youth

Youssef Barbour, ANTHC
Assessment of Risk Factors for Rapid Progression of Liver Fibrosis in Alaska Native
Persons with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Rosalyn Singleton, ANTHC
Evaluating a New Model of Car for Neonatal Opioid Withdrawl Syndrome (NOWS) in Alaska

Diversity Awards

Suzanne Held and Christiane Parish, MSU
Building Healthy Relationships in the ApsAjalooke Community

Kimber Mckay, UM
Caregiver-Child Engagement and Greenspace among American Indian Children
Early Stage Investigator Award:

Jingjing Sun, UM
SELA: Improving Mental Health for Native American Youth Social-Emotional Learning

Neha John- Henderson, MSU
Health Mindset as a Driver of Efficacy of a Diabetes Prevention Program in the Blackfeet