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 NSE Logo Budget/Resource Worksheet                                                                                                        

Consider the length of your exchange (part of the academic year or all of the academic year), the number of times you are likely to travel to and from your home to your host campus, and the cultural and travel/sight-seeing opportunities you would like to take advantage of while on exchange.  Also note:


  • Tuition and fees frequently increase from 5-15 percent per year.
  • Room and meals frequently increase in excess of 5 percent each year.
  • Financial aid while on exchange may vary from that which you currently receive.


Estimated Costs:
Per Term
Academic Year


Plan A: Host Tuition/Fees


Plan B: Home Tuition/Fees

Host Room and Meals*

Transportation on the Host Campus*        

Personal Expenses* 


     Travel to/from Host

Total Estimated Costs

*Figures are available from Campus Budgets at, Students, Resources

  • Calculate Plan B tuition based on the calendar of your home campus. 
  • Calulate all other fees, including Plan A tuition, on the calendar of your host campus.
  • For an Academic Year exchange, all estimated costs (except travel and miscellaneous) at semester schools are paid 2 times a year. For quarter schools, payments are made 3 times a year.

In addition to costs estimated above, other additional expenses may include fees that are a condition of your enrollment (e.g., general service, laboratory, art and photography supplies, field experience, student teaching, internship, technology fees, computer fees, etc.) and other fees (e.g., application, orientation, field trips, NSE program fees, health services, parking, special events, student activities, athletics, etc.).  See NSE Campus Profiles and campus on-line fee schedules for additional information.


Worksheet 2
Per Term
Personal Savings 
Family Support
Pell Grant
Work Study (not applicable on Plan B)
Direct Loan
Parent Plus Loan
State Financial Aid
Work during exchange
Total Estimated Resources per Term


U.S. Federal Financial Aid

  • For Plan A: applied for, and disbursed from, the host campus unless otherwise directed by your home NSE Coordinator.
  • For Plan B: applied for, and disbursed from, the home campus.
  • If exchanging to Canada, aid is applied for, and disbursed from, the host campus.


Other Aid (i.e., state aid, scholarships, tuition waivers)

Not all aid is applicable to exchange programs and some may be dependent upon Plan A or Plan B. Check with your financial aid officer and/or scholarship source.