Wednesday, September 4, 2024

8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
SUB Alumni Legacy Lounge
Printable Minutes



Waded Cruzado, Dean Adams, Fran Albrecht, Justin Arndt, Sreekala Bajwa, Matt Caires, Leon Costello, Chris Dobbs, Ariel Donohue, Jonathan Dove, Tracy Ellig, Colter Ellis, Stephanie Erdmann, Chris Fastnow, Stephanie Gray, Jeannette Grey Gilbert, Brian Gillespie, Brett Gunnink, Alison Harmon, Stefani Hicswa, John How, Yves Idzerda, Greg Kegel, Ryan Knutson, Chere LeClair, Ilse-Mari Lee, Terry Leist, Dan Miller, Bob Mokwa, Doralyn Rossmann, Tricia Seifert, Steve Swinford, Kim Obbink, Craig Ogilvie, Kellie Peterson, Sarah Shannon, Cody Stone, Amber Vestal, Brad White, Jacob Zink


  1. Call to Order

  2. Approval of Minutes for August 14, 2024
    • Motion to approve by Terry Leist 
    • Second by John How 
    • Approved by University Council

  3. University Wide Information/Announcements
    1. Great start to the new semester with events and plenty of new events coming
    2. Darrin Boss is our first Provost Lecturer
    3. Isabel Allende at the end of Septemer

  4. Public Comment
    • None

  5. New Items
    1. Fleet Management Policy
      John How, Associate Vice President, University Facilities Management

      This policy is more specific about our policies and approach. University Facilities will maintain a maintenance program for all University vehicles (state owned). Dean/VP approval for purchase and leasing is preferred method. All off-road vehicles are exempt from this policy. Will come back for a vote in October.

    2. Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management Policy addition

      Justin Arndt, Chief Compliance Officer

      • Motion to waive standard process to wait until next month to vote and moves to vote on policy change today by Provost Bob Mokwa
      • Vote on motion to waive standard waiting period – Approved Unanimously
      • Motion to vote on policy change by Dean Adams
      • Second by Cody Stone
      • Vote on policy change– Approved Unanimously


VI. Old Items 

    1. Operating Policy Revisions

Justin Arndt, Chief Compliance Officer

Justin is asking for another month until a vote on approval. He wants to make sure this is a OneMSU campus policy. He wants more time to work with the other campuses and continue to make things clear for all 4 campuses.

Bob Mokwa highlighted section 320 and the statement that says “Policies shall be reviewed every 3 years or less” – his comment was that we have so many policies – is that sentence necessary or should all policy have an established review cycle. Justin will look into it before approval is considered.

VII. Information Items 

VIII. Updates 

    • Darrin Boss is the first Provost Lecturer this year.
    • BOR Meeting in Billings in a few weeks
    • The library is removing fines for overdue items
    • September 15 – Kick-off to Hispanic Heritage Month
    • Giving Day is permanently sunset
    • Kellie gave an update on CCR and the philosophy and what the new office means
    • Homecoming Theme: Bobcat Boots and Big Sky Roots

NOTE:  The next University Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 2, 2024, from 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM in SUB, Alumni Legacy Lounge.