Meeting Minutes: April 3, 2019

Printable minutes


Waded Cruzado, Daniel Adams, Dean Adams, Kenning Arlitsch, Michael Babcock, Sreekala Bajwa, Taylor Blossom, Matt Caires, Leon Costello, Chris Dobbs, Ariel Donohue, Dan Edelman, Tracy Ellig, Chris Fastnow, Miley Gonzalez, Jeannette Grey-Gilbert, Brett Gunnink, Alison Harmon, Maggie Hayes, Robert Hawks, Bob Hietala, James Joyce, Chris Kearns, Greg Kegel, Ron Larsen, Ilse-Mari Lee, Terry Leist, Erika Matsuda, Bob Mokwa, Chris Murray, Kim Obbink, Ramie Pederson, Kellie Peterson, Mark Ranalli, Renee Reijo Pera, Nicol Rae, Abbie Richards, Sarah Shannon, Jerry Sheehan, Emily Stark, Dan Stevenson, Cody Stone, Susan Wolff


I. Call to Order

President Waded Cruzado

President Cruzado called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM.


II. Approval of Minutes for March 6, 2019

Michael Babcock moved to approve the minutes; Chris Kearns seconded and the minutes were approved unanimously.


III. University Wide Information/Announcements

President Cruzado thanked everyone for their help in the record-breaking Ground blessing ceremony last Friday, March 29th, for the American Indian Hall.

The Senate will debate the infrastructure bill today, which includes funding for Romney.

Last night, Juane Quick-to-See Smith, held a lecture for the President’s Fine Arts Series.

Tomorrow, Scott Kelly, famous astronaut, will speak at the Brick Breeden Fieldhouse.


IV. Public Comment

Hans Dierenfeldt from Mortar Board came forward to share information about their national honor society.  He spoke of the opportunity to appoint honorary members.  The leadership of Mortar Board then came up to the front of the room and “tapped” President Cruzado into honorary membership.


IV. New Items

A. Amendments to the Film and Photography Policy                                                                                                                          Kellie Peterson, Legal Counsel

 Kellie Peterson introduced the amendments.  She shared that policies around audio recording have not been included as of yet, thus they will now be included under the Film and Photography Policy.  These amendments clarify where audio recording can take place on campus.


VI. Informational Items

A. New Benefits Enrollment                                                                                                                                                          Jeannette Grey-Gilbert, Chief Human Resources Officer                                                                                                       Sydney Wagner, Benefits Supervisor

 There are a few changes that went into effect on March 1, 2009.  They include:

  • New platform for new employees and re-enrollment.
  • Banner (MyInfo) no longer used.
  • Minor plan changes for next year (re: retiree plans).

 These changes mean that the re-enrollment platform will look different.  Enrollees will need to set up a new account and no more paper enrollment for new employees.

 The critical information needed for annual re-enrollment:

  • No change to benefit elections = do nothing
  • Changes to benefit elections = must log into system between April 22nd – May 15, 2019.
  • Enroll in an FSA account – must log into system.

 For questions, please reach out to Sydney Wagner, benefits supervisor at 406-994-3651.


 B. Know Your MSU: MSU Caring for Our Own (Co-op) Program

Brian King, Associate Director of CO-OP

Stephanie Kerns, CO-OP Academic Advisor

Casey Jones, CO-OP Academic Nurse Mentor, Bozeman Campus

Nicole Barber, Nursing Student

Maria Vega, Nursing Student

The presentation began with a video about the CO-OP program.  Brian King introduced the team above and shared that their presentation will be “backwards” – showing their successes first.    

Nicole Barber, a nursing student, shared a testimony about the program.

Maria Vega, a nursing student, shared a testimony about the program.

Casey Jones, as a new faculty member, shared information about family activities in the CO-OP program.  The purpose of these activities is to holistically support all student socially, psychologically, as well as academically with familiar activities.

The CO-OP program is showing incredible results.  50% of American Indian (AI) nursing students graduate within 4-6 years.

Annual budget is $607,200 – entirely grant funded.  They plan for seven generations ahead for funding.

Dr. Kay Chafey started this program, and the presenters thanked her for her efforts.

Chris Fastnow shared what a wonderful program this is for the advancement of the strategic plan of the University.

President Cruzado shared that this program is a perfect example of what colleges can do to give back to communities, while changing the lives of students.

Casey Jones shared accolades to Dean Sarah Shannon and thanked her for her support of the program.


VII. Updates

President Cruzado shared that we have excused on affiliated campuses today from attending due to Council on Councils, which begins at 10:15 AM.  In addition, Leon Costello is not joining us today given the Men’s basketball head coach search.

Provost Mokwa shared that there is one more lecture remaining in the Provost’s Distinguished Lecture Series.  He encouraged attendance.  Tuesday, April 9th at 7:00 PM at Museum of the Rockies.

Renee Reijo Pera shared information about a mini-medical school in May, which is being coordinated with Kim Obbink.

Chris Kearns informed the group that the candidates for the Director of Disabilities are on campus this week.

Matt Caires shared the developments and refunds that are taking place for the fitness center.  In addition, he shared that the ribbon cutting for the turf field is on April 12th.

Abbie Richards introduced Eric Austin, as the new Faculty Senate Chair-Elect. 

Kenning Arlitsch told the group about their annual “Trout Lecture” that was held last night at the Rialto.

Taylor Blossom, ASMSU President, talked about the student leadership elections which are taking place next week.

Sarah Shannon re-emphasized her gratitude for the CO-OP program.  In addition, she announced the appointment of a new Associate Dean of Academics.

Alison Harmon talked about the 2nd Annual Compassion Program next week at the Emerson. 

Ramie Pederson announced Staff Senate elections next month.

Kim Obbink announced that the Dean of Gallatin College candidates will be on campus next week. 

For Museum of the Rockies, Chris Dobbs shared that it is school group season.  Mindbender exhibit is currently taking pace and will come down at the end of this month. 

Ariel Donohue thanked the group for attending the Diversity Showcase last week.  MSU had 17 different presenters and there was a great showing.  One exciting announcement from the Showcase is that MSU has been asked to participate in “I Change”. 

Steve Hystad talked about Professional Council’s Spring Social on April 23rd and encouraged attendance. 

Chris Fastnow reminded the group about strategic plan alignment and the help sessions that are available for those plans.

Dean Adams updated the group that Dean Royce Smith is halfway through his treatments.  The President’s Fine Arts Series’ next event is taking place on April 17th.  President Cruzado thanked the COAA for coming together for Dean Royce Smith. 

Jerry Sheehan gave three announcements on behalf of University Information Technology (UIT).  They will be creating the “Montana Reality Lap” for graduate students.  Second, the Information Exchange is going to share faculty and staff innovation at their April 18th meeting.  Lastly, Jerry shared information about the new header that MSU has enacted to remind people if an email is coming from outside of MSU.  This is a best practice.  Please send comments at

Dan Stevenson is hoping for a successful vote in the Senate for Romney – and 1000 new classroom seats.  He also shared that the rebuilding of the gyms will be an opportunity for MSU.  President Cruzado thanked Dan for his team’s work on the roofs of the gym.  They have been incredible.  She then shared her gratitude with all of the various teams who helped during this difficult time.

On April 11th, Dean Nic Rae shared that there is a celebration for the re-naming Ivan Doig Center from 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM in the Leigh Lounge.  This will also be an opportunity to tank Carol Doig. 


VII. Public Comment

There was no additional public comment. 

NOTE:  The next University Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 1, 2019, from 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM.