Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

SUB 233

Printable Version (.docx)

Waded Cruzado Daniel Adams Kenning Arlitsch Michael Babcock Sreekala Bajwa Taylor Blossom
Matt Caires Leon Costello Chris Dobbs Ariel Donahue Dan Edelman Tracy Ellig
Chris Fastnow Miley Gonzalez Jeanette Grey-Gilbert Brett Gunnink Alison Harmon Maggie Hayes
Robert Hawks Bob Hietala James Joyce Chris Kearns Greg Kegel Ron Larsen
Ilse-Mari Lee Terry Leist Erika Matsuda Bob Mokwa Chris Murray Kim Obbink
Ramie Pederson Kellie Peterson Mark Ranalli Renee Reijo Pera Nicol Rae Abbie Richards
Sarah Shannon Jerry Sheehan Royce Smith Emily Stark Dan Stevenson Cody Stone
Susan Wolff          
  • Call to Order
    President Waded Cruzado
    • President Cruzado called the meeting to order at 8:32 AM.
  • Approval of Minutes for January 9th, 2019
    • President Cruzado called for an approval of the minutes. Michael Babcock moved to approve; Terry Leist seconded, and the minutes passed unanimously.
  • University Wide Information/ Announcements
    • Sreekala Bajwa, MSU's new vice president for agriculture, started in January. Tracy Ellig has been busy at the Legislative Session. Hilleman Scholars testified to the Legislature.
  • Public Comment
    • There was no public comment offered.
  • Old Items
    • Proposed Amendments to Facility Use Manual
      Kellie Peterson, Legal Counsel
      • The proposed amendments to facility use manual have been posted for 30 days. Kellie recommended a motion to approve; President Cruzado called the amendments for a vote; they were approved unanimously.
    • Web Accessibility Policy
      Kellie Peterson, Legal Counsel
      • The goal of this policy is to make all web pages handicapped accessible. Kellie shared one amendment from the library regarding CMS. President Cruzado offered a motion to approve this policy with the one amendment. Chris Fastnow seconded; policy passed unanimously.
    • Mission & Core Themes
      Tami Eitle, Associate Provost
      • The mission & core themes have been posted for 30 days; President Cruzado called for a vote; mission & core themes were approved unanimously.
  • Informational Items
    • Montana's 2020 Census Complete Count Committee
      Lt. Governor Mike Cooney
      • Lt. Governor Mike Cooney addressed the group about the Montana census in 2020. In addition, he introduced the Bozeman Complete Count Committee, which is a Committee involved with getting an accurate census. Helpful information about the Committee:
        • Established in April 2018
        • Creating Work Plan
        • Growing Committee and subcommittees
        • Choosing a mascot and slogan
        • Identifying community ambassadors
      • The census will be collected via phone, computer, and in person. It is of the utmost importance to have an accurate count in 2020, as this will determine a possible Congressional seat, as well as many other services for our State. If people want to get involved, contact Mary Craigle,, at the Department of Commerce or go to the census website at
    • Know Your MSU: Leadership Institute
      Dani Daley, Student, Leadership Institute
      Maddi Tandberg, Student, Leadership Institute
      • Dani Daley and Maddi introduced themselves by sharing how many credits they are taking at MSU; 17 and 22 respectively.
      • What part of your role at MSU gives you energy? President Cruzado answered that it's the students that give her energy each day.
      • In addition, the Leadership Institute ("LI") offers leadership developments programming. (for example: Scott Kelly lecture coming to campus in April).
      • The Institute also holds special events like "Women Leader and Learning", which highlighted three women leaders in our community: President Waded Cruzado, Mayor Cyndy Andrus, and City Manager Andrea Surratt.
      • They also hold leadership retreats for all students, encouraging diversity and perspective.
      • "Because of a love for the institution, you are able to do things you never thought you'd be able to do." - President Waded Cruzado
      • The mission of LI is: To inspire MSU students to become leaders who serve as catalysts for positive change.
  • Updates
    • The council provided around-the-table updates.
  • Public Comment
    • There was no public comment offered.

NOTE: The next University Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 6th, 2019, from 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM.