Gallatin College Tuition & Fees
All fees subject to change with Board of Regents approval.
Please note, tuition and fees are per semester.
Credits | Tuition |
Fees (see below) |
Resident Total* (Tuition & Fees) |
1 | 109.15 | 123.88 | 233.03 |
2 | 218.30 | 150.24 | 368.54 |
3 | 327.45 | 176.60 | 504.05 |
4 | 436.60 | 202.96 | 639.56 |
5 | 545.75 | 229.32 | 775.07 |
6 | 654.90 | 255.68 | 910.58 |
7 | 764.05 | 340.04 | 1,104.09 |
8 | 873.20 | 366.40 | 1,239.60 |
9 | 982.35 | 392.76 | 1,375.11 |
10 | 1,091.50 | 419.12 | 1,510.62 |
11 | 1,200.65 | 445.48 | 1,646.13 |
12 & up | 1,309.80 | 471.82 | 1,781.62 |
Credits | Tuition |
Non-Resident Additional Tuition |
Non-Resident Building Fee |
Fees (see below) |
Non-Resident Total* (Tuition & Fees) |
1 | 109.15 | 404.81 | 12.66 | 123.88 | 650.50 |
2 | 218.30 | 809.62 | 25.32 | 150.24 | 1,203.48 |
3 | 327.45 | 1,214.43 | 37.98 | 176.60 | 1,756.46 |
4 | 436.60 | 1,619.24 | 50.64 | 202.96 | 2,309.44 |
5 | 545.75 | 2,024.05 | 63.30 | 229.32 | 2,862.42 |
6 | 654.90 | 2,428.86 | 75.96 | 255.68 | 3,415.40 |
7 | 764.05 | 2,833.67 | 88.62 | 340.04 | 4,026.38 |
8 | 873.20 | 3,238.48 | 101.28 | 366.40 | 4,579.36 |
9 | 982.35 | 3,643.29 | 113.94 | 392.76 | 5,132.34 |
10 | 1,091.50 | 4,048.10 | 126.60 | 419.12 | 5,685.32 |
11 | 1,200.65 | 4,452.91 | 139.26 | 445.48 | 6,238.30 |
12 & up | 1,309.80 | 4,857.72 | 151.92 | 471.82 | 6,791.26 |
Credits | Registration Fee | Building Fee | SFEP Fee | Computer Fee | SU Fee | Equipment Fee | Information Technology Fee | Total |
1 | 30.00 | 22.94 | 7.83 | 3.86 | 4.55 | 4.01 | 50.69 | 123.88 |
2 | 30.00 | 29.05 | 15.66 | 7.72 | 9.10 | 8.02 | 50.69 | 150.24 |
3 | 30.00 | 35.16 | 23.49 | 11.58 | 13.65 | 12.03 | 50.69 | 176.60 |
4 | 30.00 | 41.27 | 31.32 | 15.44 | 18.20 | 16.04 | 50.69 | 202.96 |
5 | 30.00 | 47.38 | 39.15 | 19.30 | 22.75 | 20.05 | 50.69 | 229.32 |
6 | 30.00 | 53.49 | 46.98 | 23.16 | 27.30 | 24.06 | 50.69 | 255.68 |
7 | 30.00 | 59.60 | 112.81 | 27.02 | 31.85 | 28.07 | 50.69 | 340.04 |
8 | 30.00 | 65.71 | 120.64 | 30.88 | 36.40 | 32.08 | 50.69 | 366.40 |
9 | 30.00 | 71.82 | 128.47 | 34.74 | 40.95 | 36.09 | 50.69 | 392.76 |
10 | 30.00 | 77.93 | 136.30 | 38.60 | 45.50 | 40.10 | 50.69 | 419.12 |
11 | 30.00 | 84.04 | 144.13 | 42.46 | 50.05 | 44.11 | 50.69 | 445.48 |
12 & up | 30.00 | 90.15 | 151.94 | 46.32 | 54.60 | 48.12 | 50.69 | 471.82 |
Optional Fees:
ASMSU Fees (allows gym access): 123.65
Health/Dental Fees (allows access to campus clinics): 258.25
Athletic Fee (allows access/discounts to various sporting events): 83.25
*Total does not include any applicable course fees, program fees, distributed learning fees, or health insurance. Distributed Learning Fee of $10 per credit charged on all online courses.