An individual’s social identity indicates who they are in terms of the groups to which they belong. Social identity groups are usually defined by some physical, social, and mental characteristics of individuals. Examples of social identities are race/ethnicity, gender, social class/socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, (dis)abilities, and religion/religious beliefs. 

Race is a socially constructed concept that refers to groups of people who are categorized by physical characteristics (e.g., skin color/complexion, facial features). Individuals may racially identify with a single race or as bi- or multiracial. It is important to note racial groups are not monoliths and that the significance and meaning of race varies across individuals within each racial group.

Ethnicity, a related socially-constructed concept often used interchangeably with race, refers to a group individuals who share characteristics such as ancestry/heritage, country of origin, language, religion, forms of dress, and food.

--From Northwestern University's Searle Center for Advanced Teaching & Learning

MSU Resources

Office of Student Engagement:Student Groups on CatsConnect include

  • African Student Association (ASA)
  • American Indian Council (AIC)
  • Asian Student Interracial Association (A.S.I.A)
  • Bangladeshi Students Association 
  • Black Student Union (BSU)
  • Chinese Culture Club 
  • Fuerza Latinx 
  • Indian Student Organization 
  • Latin Cultural Exchange Club 
  • Nepali Student Society in Montana 
  • Persian Students Association
  • Spanish Club at Montana State University
  • Sri Lankan Student Association 

Other MSU Departments & Programs:

If you know of existing resources that are not included in this list, email with information.